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What are your Christmas (or Holiday) Traditions?


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Well, everything for me is scrapped this year! Since moving for Fort Lauderdale, I haven't had any regular events to attend. And this year is no exception. This year, I'm dating an Israeli, so I'm playing Jewish this year, and celebrating Chanukah for the 1st time. This should be fun!

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Dec. 23 we go to my in-laws for dinner since it's Kristi's Birthday. Usually the kids will stay over this night and Kristi and I will do something for her bday.


Dec. 24 we go to my in-laws for Christmas Eve with them. Dinner, open presents, etc.


Dec. 25 we open presents in the morning then my Mom will come up in mid-morning, spend the day with us. Then my in-laws will come over about noon to have dinner with us. We usually have Lasagna since it's easy to make and so yummy.

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Massive Christmas party December 24th which includes lots of chocolate martinis. We also have a Santa come to the house around 8pm for the kids to see him and open a present.


Christmas day is family and friends over for a massive roast beef dinner with all the yummy trimmings. We open presents early in the morning thanks to my son who gets up at the ass crack of dawn. We make yummy pancakes for breakfast and watch the disney parade.


Thats about it.

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Well since im from Mexico, and Catholic, let me explain all the different traditions we have.


22- My birthday (I actually spend my first Christmas Eve at the hospital) normaly I have a big party with all my friends at my house, but I still dont know if Ill have one this year.


24- First Christmas Eve Mass, then Christmas Eve dinner at my house with ALL my family from my Mom´s side, starting with greatgrandpa, my grandma and her sisterts, then aunts and uncles (my moms cousins and her sister and housband,whos my dads twin), my cousins, mom, dad me and my brothers. At 12 oclock we start our Christmas ceremonies with the singing of the "posada" wich remind us the long travel that Mary and Joshep made to get to Betlehem. Then we ligth the Advent Crown´s candels, then we pray and sing to the baby Jesus when we put his figure on the Nativity set. Then we hug and kiss each other while wishing Merry Christmas to all. After all this we give presents and have dinner, then we brake the piñatas and play some games. We usually end the party at 4 o 5 am.


25- Frist we open Santas presents (parents give to us and we give to our parents) then Christmas Mass, then meal at grandmas. At night I have a big "lefft overs" party at one of my best friends house. We all take the leff overs from yummy Christmas dinner ant eat and chat and watch some movies or play board games. We call this party "el nach navideño"

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Christmas for me consists of the following this year:


DEC 23 : Arrive home from Alabama. Pack for the week ahead.


DEC 24 : My girlfriend (El) and I head back to Lansing (where my family lives), my sister works all day, El and my parents are usually off my grandparent's house working on decorations/preparations. I'll spend most of the day working as well, and finally get to bed around 3 in the morning.


DEC 25 : Wake up, eat breakfast, exchange gifts, and El and I go back to bed. The rest of my family heads up to Mackinaw City for my moms' family christmas. 10PM El and I wake up, and head back home to get on a plane and fly to New York. Plane gets in about 5 AM.


DEC 26 : Arrive at El's parent's house, go back to bed for a few hours. Wake up around noon, have christmas with her dad's family (HUGE family, I might add). Of course, go back to bed.


DEC 27 : About 3 AM we wake up, get to the airport, and fly back to Grand Rapids. We sleep a little bit, then have Christmas between the two of us. THEN time to finally wind down and relax.


Yeah, a little busy and a lot of traveling, but I guess that's what you have to do during the holidays.

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I am lucky to have a birthday extremely close to Christmas, even though everybody thinks I get a lot of presents which I don't! All that's on my list is a trip to Hersheypark, money, gift cards, and a video camera.


On Dec. 24 I go to my family's Christmas party where I get some more gifts. Later (around 11:30PM) I go to church.


The next morning I open gifts and later I have dinner with my grandmother and then I get forced to play a few games of UNO (I was forced to play this for nearly 5 years straight!).

-Chris "UNOed out" Cronrath-

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