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TPR Year of a Million Dream Winners

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While in the library at "Good" Tower of Terror a couple of weeks ago we were picked for a prize in the Year of a Million Dreams. I thought it would be cool to see how many TPR members get chosen. If you get a dream post a picture of it here.



"Getting the ears almost made up for missing Soren"


Everyone in the library received "Dream Ears" How magical"

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Dude! Ryan (Bush986) is going to be so pissed off! LOL!


He's been doing everything he can to get some of them ears. I have to hide mine whenever I'm around him!


Congrats man, you've been chosen! I can't wait for someone to post a picture of their free churro!!!


-Don "I'd rather have a free dole whip, thanks" Garrison

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Haha. So true...


I wanna get a pair of those ears for collectors sake. Don that women at DCA was a you know what...


"What you guys doing? Oh you should go ride tower." As she proceeded to walk five feet and give out a pair of ears to another family..




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The dream ears, along with the dream Fastpasses and dream lanyards to name a few other items, are all apart of the Year of a Million Dreams, a 15 month promotion promoting the connection between you, the guest, and cast members. Also during this year, there are special cast members by the name of Dream Squad, known by their blue shirts, white vests, and black messenger bag, who will be out handing dreams never thought possible to lucky guests.member>


There's no rhyme or reason for any of the give always, they just sort of happen. It really is the case that you have to be in the right place at the right time to get something. Not even dream squad know when, where, what they will be giving out until the actual moment. That being said, I'm in the park once a week as a guest and I've never gotten anything. Of course, if I happened on anything big, like the trips or the room in Cinderella's Castle, I'd have to turn it down because I'm cast. If you're looking for the official rules, they’re here. Congratulations on everyone who receives a dream item!

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LMAO, from the official rules: "In addition, in order for a resident of Canada to be declared a winner, he/she must first correctly answer, without assistance of any kind in ascertaining the correct answer, whether mechanical or otherwise, a time-limited mathematical skill-testing question to be administered in person or by mail or telephone, at Sponsor's option."


Only Canada would test your math skills in order to be able to win a prize.

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