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PKI ManJZ vs The Spiders!

PKI Jizzman

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Okay guys, here is how it goes. Today is sunday, and that mean I have to mow the lawn. I go to pull out the lawn mower and I turnaround right into a GIANT spider web and spider in the middle! I go and get a bat and dramatically take it down and SQUASH IT! Then, I am on the lawn mower and I run INTO and THOUGH another giant web with the same type of spider in it! I freak out and jump off, then run to stop the lawn mower from running through the woods, get the WOODEN bat and kill that one. AND I GOT BITTEN! Ahhhh!!!!! Pics will explain the story


Ahh!!! Arachnifobia!!! Enjoy!


Ive been bitten! Reeemmeeemmmberrrr meeeeeeee x.x *dies*


nooo....it cant be.....I AM TOO LATE!!!




Hiya!!! -smack- YEA YOU GOT OWND!




Oh, it is ON!




10 min later.......OMG ANOTHER ONE!




I wacked it and it fell.......its getting away!


my Lil bro decides to use the force


OMFG! Its attacking!!!!!!




I got into my armor suit and got m weapons (rake and metal base ball bat)


Hmm my spider senses are tingling.......there it is!!!!!

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You know what really S*cks?

I`m really afraid of Spiders. Really afraid.(Where talking Phobia here)

My problem is i can`t Kill Any living Creature.

So if a Spider is in my Room, I´ll wait till the Spider leaves.(I`m unable to get near them, let alone touch them.)

Once there was a Spider ON my Bed. I didn`t sleep the hole night.

Stupid Spiders.

So PKI ManJZ if you ever come to Germany.

I`d be Thankfull if you drop by to Kill everything, with more than 7 Legs.

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Be glad you don't live in Australia and have to deal with "Huntsman" spiders:




They are totally harmless (not aggressive, no venom, etc) .. but they're huge and very hairy. My parents had two in their apartment, but they were advised not to kill them. Apparently Huntsmen spiders are partners for life .. so if you kill one, then the other one will hang around forever trying to find the one you killed. But if you leave them alone, eventually they'll move along.


So my parents left them alone, and for a few days the spiders went from room to room .. but then they were gone. My dad misses them!




(Edit to fix typo)

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Be glad you don't live in Australia and have to deal with "Huntsman" spiders:




They are totally harmless (not aggressive, no venom, etc) .. but they're huge and very hairy. My parents had two in their apartment, but they were advised not to kill them. Apparently Huntsmen spiders are partners for life .. so if you kill one, then the other one will hang around forever trying to find the one you killed. But if you leave them alone, eventually they'll move along.


So my parents left them alone, and for a few days the spiders went from room to room .. but then they were gone. My dad misses them!




(Edit to fix typo)


Holy Sh*t whats that Thing?

A Mutant or something?

PKI ManJZ forget about germany, go to Australia and save this Countrie.

And buy a Bazooka before you go, you`ll need it.

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Say hi to my little friend....He was hanging out on the eve of our roof a few years ago when I took the pic and he was right above the walkway. Seconds after taking the pic of him, we hosed him (well, technically her) down and smashed the spider as soon as it landed on the ground. This spider was the size of a 50 cent coin including it's legs in it's position in the picture.


And yes, this ACEr spider's eating a wasp for those who wonder.


Rawr!!! Don't mess with me!!11!

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Could you People please stop posting Pictures of these Creatures.


Would you rather we post pictures of Brown Recluse Spider bites instead?!


I won't post a link because they're just too disgusting.. (And in warning to all those who will run off to do a google image search, make sure you have a strong stomach.)



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Haha, OMG wow, that australian spider is just massive! But yeah, brown recluse spiders live everywhere around here and I'm surprised that I've never been bitten before, just today I saw 3 of them hiding between bricks outside.


I also remember being in Florida and I looked up at the ceiling to this restaurant near the beach and I almost freaked out because there was this HUGE spider sitting in it's massive web and it was orange and black and was bigger than my fist...hah, can't find those around St. Louis. I have a picture. Can anyone tell me what type of spider it is if they know? Thanks.



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Would you rather we post pictures of Brown Recluse Spider bites instead?!

Haha, I have seen several pictures of the a Brown Recluse spider bite, it is disgusting. However, I think it would be a good idea for people too search images for it, so they can be on the look out.


If you want to see pictures of the Brown Recluse and its bite, then click here: http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=Brown+Recluse+Spider&spell=1

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