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Official LOST Discussion Thread


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Just to let you know if you already didn't, there's only 1 week left.


I wonder what's the story behind that smoke monster? I think that it's one of the experiments of DARMA that broke free. Also it also make's me wonder what DARMA means?

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This episode was freaking AMAZINGLY AMAZING!!! Especially the ending...very good cliffhanger..and Jack was top-notch in this episode....Lockes hidden messege (lift up your head and look north) will most likely either lead him to jack, kate, and sawyer..OR to the Flame station (the next Dharma station we will find)...But, the cliffhanger was definatly AMAZING! KATE, DAMN IT RUN!!!!!!!!!!!

Ofcourse, they give us a little taste of the February episode..so us Lost nerds can watch it 15679864654631464 times during these 3 months!

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Yea it was a good episode last night (306) I am really looking forward to 16 straight weeks of new episodes


Why are alot of people like "eww violence" now?... like it is something new to the series or something? There is nothing wrong with the amount of Violence in the show. If it bothers you that much than you should have stoped watching a long time ago.



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I wasn't that impressed with the "fall" finale. No "oh s**t!" moments or anything to end it. And you'd think that if you were having your "enemy" operating on you, you'd have some sort of collateral, like "if I die, so do your friends" or something like that. Surely someone as diabolical as Ben would have figured that out


I won't be watching this Groundhog Day/Deja Vu show just to see teasers, as I'm sure they'll also be on abc.com or some Lost forums. At least now my Wednesday evening tv schedule has cleared up until February

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After the low expectations I had for the 'Fall Finale' I was actually almost pleasantly surprised when I watched the episode this morning.


So...who's Jacob??? Or did I miss something? You know with the whole Jack wasn't on the list to begin with thing?


I was also glad to see Kate finally get some! Although doing it in a cage with a fish biscuit didn't exactly seem that romantic!

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What was up with Rousseau's daughter/Danny's daughter?


It's Rousseaus daughter..not Picketts..remember, Rousseau crashed on the island and gave birth to Alex while on the island..But, the others took Alex after a few weeks after she was born...

And the whole thing with Jacob..i have no idea! some are saying an other is in the camp now..but that seems far fetched...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Since I have not been following it week by week I think I have a different take. I watched all of Season One on DVD after Season Two started and Season Two last month on DVD. Then caught up on Episodes 1-6 on iTunes. I find the storytelling compelling but can see the points a lot of people are making in the series losing steam. However, I think that is just a function of our instant gratification society.


As more answers turn up the series will get boring if new mysteries don't develop. New characters have to be brought in if original cast members are killed off.


It is good to know that the creators are not going to make it a "Snow Globe" ending like it's all a dream, everyone's life going past their eyes as the plane is about to crash.


I am looking forward to February and my patient nature should allow me to enjoy the rest of the show's run. Many of the theories I had are shot so I'll just have to keep speculating.


I think Ben is going to die but I'm curious what the power struggle will be afterwards between Danny and Juliet. I believe Juliet was dropped on the island later than the other "Others" to make them fertile again.


I don't understand how Rousseau has been never been killed by the Others, you would think that they would not want her ever to have the chance to find the rebeliious Alex to tell her the truth.


I originally thought the Island was the entrance to hell and the black smoke was the gatekeeper to Hades, but now I have no idea.

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I dont know if its the same in the USA but here in Scotland, they have only played four episodes from the third series of lost, after the fifth episode, which is shown on sunday, they are having a thirteen week break before they carry on and show the rest, wtf's up with that, has this happened in USA?

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