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Jungle Cruise movie on the way...

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Actually the first thing I thought of when I heard this is isnt the origional jungle cruise based on some other movie already? The African Queen or something, not sure. but yet another ride-to-movie translation. Disney proved it can do it right with Pirates after the terrible Country Bears (although I saw parts and didnt think it was horrible) and the dissapointing (to me anyway) Haunted Mansion flicks.


It would be cool to see this movie go the way of Indiana Jones or something along those lines.

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Jungle Cruise into movie? But the storyline of the ride itself is weak. I don't think it will be great as Pirates. The storyline has to be like at least Haunted Mansion.


I think they shouldn't change Jungle Cruise into movie. Choose another ride! Big Thunder Mountain and Space Mountain will be great!

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They made up an entire story with a new pirate theme for all three Pirate movies (3rd's on the way...) Yes they used some of the scenes from the ride in the movies but the only thing that was really the same was the name and the fact it had to do with Pirates...


While the Jungle Cruise ride doesn't have much of a storyline I'm sure they will have a completely different story that doesn't have much to do with the ride itself.

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I personally think that the idea has a lot of potential and just hope that they dont screw it up!


I mean, it doesn't matter that the ride has no storyline--Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2, or 3 dont really follow the storyline of the ride (even despite the fact that the new AA's are IN the rides now). Hell, the Haunted Mansion followed the storyline more than Pirates did, and that movie bombed in comparison.


I think the Jungle Cruise would make for a solid Adventure-Comedy, if they played their cards right. I mean, think about it--at least for me, 1/2 the fun is riding it to hear the regurgitated, cheesy-jokes.



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I think the Matterhorn should get its own movie. That would be awesome!



That was done quite some time ago.


I wouldn't mind seeing a buddy comedy starring Harold from the Matterhorn Bobsleds on a wacky cross country jaunt to kick the everloving crap out of the brown yeti inside Expedition Everest.


That would be a real popcorn muncher.



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  Luxo said:
...we were joking about which rides would be made into movies next (Including "Revenge of the Small World Dolls!")


I read an article on Jim Hill media once that talked about plans in the 1970's to make an It's a Small World movie. Lucky for us the movie was never produced. Here is the link to the article if you want to read it.

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