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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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If anyone cares, I guess the haunt info for this fall is now online https://www.valleyfair.com/haunt


I'm kinda surprised the park didn't take the opportunity to officially announce either of the new mazes, but it's good to see some significant changes in the lineup.


Looks pretty rad, I think this is the biggest expansion they've had in the park's history. From what I can discern from the descriptions it looks like the north walkway is going to be Scare Zone central with Blood Creek, Carnevil and Abnormal Alley all close together. Also thought it was good to see them utilizing Soak City now as well and I have to imagine the food stand on the wave pool side will be fairly active.

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Hey VF fans i found a real treat, a pov on Excalibur from 1999 with pure Arrow Track but alas no insane bunny hill... Regardless check out the authors channel he has a huge collection of coasters from around the world with many defunct rides from the 90s!


When was that turn retracked and the bunny hill removed? Anyone know? I guess they probably took the hill out when they added the trims.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have there not been any rumors as to what the 2014 addition may be, or any survey markers? I'm just curious because from my perspective things have been pretty quiet for VF. Could there not be any major addition for 2014?

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Have there not been any rumors as to what the 2014 addition may be, or any survey markers? I'm just curious because from my perspective things have been pretty quiet for VF. Could there not be any major addition for 2014?


Nothing at all. If they have not announced anything new for 2014 by now with no sight of survey makers there is no way there will be any major addition to the park. With winter coming they would have had to start construction already if it was something major. G$ Kurt in a few posts ago indicates he knows we will be getting at least some minor change but I will believe it when I see it. Valleyfair, CF's park of 'General Improvements'.

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Have there not been any rumors as to what the 2014 addition may be, or any survey markers? I'm just curious because from my perspective things have been pretty quiet for VF. Could there not be any major addition for 2014?


Nothing at all. If they have not announced anything new for 2014 by now with no sight of survey makers there is no way there will be any major addition to the park. With winter coming they would have had to start construction already if it was something major. G$ Kurt in a few posts ago indicates he knows we will be getting at least some minor change but I will believe it when I see it. Valleyfair, CF's park of 'General Improvements'.


Not necessarily . . . An Antique Autos vehicle was spotted by the Go-Karts in the past few hours. (Keep in mind they were removed last year — Hint Hint at a Resurrection)

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Nothing at all. If they have not announced anything new for 2014 by now with no sight of survey makers there is no way there will be any major addition to the park. With winter coming they would have had to start construction already if it was something major. G$ Kurt in a few posts ago indicates he knows we will be getting at least some minor change but I will believe it when I see it. Valleyfair, CF's park of 'General Improvements'.


Not necessarily . . . An Antique Autos vehicle was spotted by the Go-Karts in the past few hours. (Keep in mind they were removed last year — Hint Hint at a Resurrection)


I saw that yesterday, they have a shiny Antique Auto car on the edge of the Go-Kart track in the grass under the Wild Thing turn around. They also had wooden pallets dropped on the track and around it. They were shrink wrapped with something on all of them but I could not tell what they were for sure, they looked like bricks that you would use for landscaping and I counted a dozen of them that I could see. VF posted on Facebook last week to "Come out and get your last ride on the Go-Karts" so I guess that was their hint at this change. That combined with the fact that there was not a new head stone for the Antique Auto's in the ride grave yard set up for Haunt this year confirms it!


If this does turn out to be true I think it is a good move to bring the AA's back which were more popular than the Go-Karts. It would be nice to have a ride that opened with the park back from the dead with a new track layout and restored cars to freshen it up even though it was at the expense of losing all of the trees that used to surround the old track which the Dino's took over. This would be a time where something is definitely better than nothing and better than just 'General Improvements' for sure but this just doesn't excite me to renew my season pass next year. As the mantra for VF goes, "Maybe next year...".

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Something tells me these aren't refurbished cars, perhaps new ones... like 32 or so new ones...


That makes sense because the one I saw out on Saturday looked immaculate and brand new, I just assumed it was restored because it looked so good. You were right about a change coming and also about 'not to get too excited' so whatever that 'something' is telling you about them being brand new cars is probably 100% correct. Thanks for sharing. It brings back a classic ride and makes better use of the park's space over by Steel Venom and the new picnic area so it improves the park and I'm all for it.


But with no water park addition, no new thrill ride since 2007 and all the other CF parks (Except MiA so far) announcing new attractions for next year CF really needs to step up for VF in 2015 and bring the park something substantial because it is getting rather old after the last 3 years of basically getting nothing. Dino's don't count! Even the closest park in the CF chain in terms of revenue which is Worlds of Fun has received Prowler (2009), Planet Snoopy (2011), Waterpark Expansion (2013) and Steelhawk for (2014) without VF getting anything since 2007 except Planet Snoopy (2011).

Edited by RCjunkie
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New ones were needed if that's the direction they're going in. I certainly welcome a family addition on that end of the park, and I hope they continue to put further additions down at this end to help bring Venom into the park so to speak.


I completely agree. I respect you ValleyfairFan, you are a fan of Valleyfair and the Cubs so that must be tough. Every year around August you usually have to utter the mantra, "There is always hope for next year..." for both of those interests.

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New ones were needed if that's the direction they're going in. I certainly welcome a family addition on that end of the park, and I hope they continue to put further additions down at this end to help bring Venom into the park so to speak.


I completely agree. I respect you ValleyfairFan, you are a fan of Valleyfair and the Cubs so that must be tough. Every year around August you usually have to utter the mantra, “There is always hope for next year..." for both of those interests.


I have to say this post made my day. Hopefully they will spill the beans soon. Though knowing Valleyfair, they like to be the last to announce stuff. I know though area 1 is going to see some nice changes being they seem to be focusing on it again this year.

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...Though knowing Valleyfair, they like to be the last to announce stuff. I know though area 1 is going to see some nice changes being they seem to be focusing on it again this year.


With them doing more work in area 1 again this year that may happen. If not this year then maybe next year or the one after. I am curious to see what they do with the old amphitheater in area 1 that has not been on the park map the last 2 years. Pretty big foot print there. I think it would be a good place to relocate the Pirate Ship, tear down the IMAX theater next to Pirate Ship so they could expand the water park. Of course I would welcome a new flat ride or something there too.

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Valleyfair is excited to announce the addition of a new family coaster, Northern Lights, and the development of Route 76, an all-new area geared towards families. Looks great!





Route 76 – New area to include classic rides & all-new family coaster

Valleyfair is excited to announce the addition of a new family coaster, Northern Lights, and the development of Route 76, an all-new area geared towards families.


Flying up to 42 feet above Route 76, Northern Lights will have everyone clinging to the handrails for the ultimate family coaster experience. Guests 42” or taller, will rock and roll on over 300 feet of track at speeds of up to 43 mph. At night, Northern Lights’ dancing lights of blues, greens and purples will match the same colorful display of light that illuminate the horizon during this natural phenomenon.


The new Route 76 area will take guests back into amusement park Americana with the return of three Valleyfair classic rides that made their debut in 1976 when the Park opened. Antique Autos, a treasured favorite, returns with a new roadway in Route 76 featuring brand new Cadillac styled cars. Tilt-a-Whirl and Scrambler will also be relocated to the new area and will receive new theming and LED light packages, bringing guests a perfect mix of classic and new to ensure they get their kicks on Route 76.


“Route 76 is an exciting new area for Valleyfair,” said Dave Frazier, Valleyfair’s Vice President and General Manager. “Visiting our park is about creating lasting memories with your friends and families. Bringing back classic rides from the past will allow our guests to share their childhood memories with a new generation, while also creating new memories on Northern Lights, our new family coaster. These unique experiences everyone can enjoy together reinforce Valleyfair as the top destination for families.”


Set to debut in May of 2014, Route 76 will be located by Steel Venom and will include the newly added full service catering facility Picnic Point.





Edited by ernierocker
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Another Disko coaster. I love it.

When were the antique cars removed?


Before the 2013 season, to make way for Dino's Alive


While I think Valleyfair really needs to put in something to cater to thrill seekers, and I'm concerned about the lack of effort there, I can't complain about this expansion in and of itself. Yes, it's mostly re-locations, but it does fill a hole in the park. That area felt very disconnected and barren, and this will definitely make it look/feel a lot better! Also, the public should respond well to the return of an Antique Autos-esque ride.


Now the question is what will fill the place of the Tilt-a-whirl (by Wildthing) and the Scrambler (near the front).

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It definitely does feel similar but definitely something needed. I think we are definitely due for a large thrill ride and major park investment. The past years has driven away the thrill seeker market in our area. I am definitely a fan of general park improvements though to make everything look more inviting and pleasant. As silly as this sounds though I still think the park needs some infrastructure work. The parking lot is terrible and just isn’t designed for a modern amusement park. It’s cluttered and a mess. Something definitely needs to be done about it. Especially for those days that toll gate gets backed up onto 101. I am sure Shakopee and the state patrol does not like this much. The building at the front gate need some work as well. At least from an interior point of view. They are extremely old and outdated and could use work to make things more streamlined.


Anyway, I think that this is a great plan and I look forward to seeing how it all turns out next season!

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This is an unexpected (like G$ Kurt indicated) but a much welcomed addition to the park. I like that they are bringing in a family ride because it addresses a need at the park, another family coaster. The only other family coaster (Mad Mouse) usually has long lines do to popularity and the limitation of only seating 4 to a car which causes the line to crawl. Plus the expansion does a few other things:


- It really tightens up that area which does feel disconnected and barren right now. Steel Venom and Rip Cord will have some new friends and it will make better use of all that land and fit in nicely with the new picnic area that was built last year from the looks of the art work.

- It updates the Tilt-A-Whril and Scrambler. Both classic rides that opened with the park. With the updated LED lights and refurbs it reinforces the strength of the park (if it has one) which is flat rides, this is not SFMM. Too bad Chaos did not work out at the park.

- It opens up the areas from where the Scrambler and Tilt-A-Whirl used to be. With Scrambler moved you have that area open now which is adjacent to the games row which could be reduced pretty easily and add something there.

-It brings back a very popular and original ride that opened with the park in Antique Autos.


Under the Quimet era it seems new rides and areas are more themed at CF parks since his takeover. Naming the area Route 76 (the year VF was born) and naming the coaster Northern Lights (which once you get north of the Twin Cities you can really see at night when they happen) brings a local/regional flavor to the park. Smart decisions all around by CF on this one, this should really add to the park. Thanks CF!


Hopefully the next addition will be a major coaster for thrill seekers because we have been neglected for a while and they have focused on family areas lately (Camp Snoopy and now Route 76). If Banshee turns out to be a good invert that would be a great fit for this park because we have not had a new coaster with an invert since Corkscrew in 1980. Or since we are a smaller volume park maybe CF should test an Intamin Lite out here and bring the first one to the U.S. OK, yes, I am dreaming now and should just be happy with what the park just announced.

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This looks to be a great addition to that area of the park. Steel Venom always felt more part of Challenge Park to me than anything else, even before they removed Chaos (which sort of acted as a ride on the way to Venom). Vemon just felt like a hike for one ride.


But they use the word coaster a lot. Is VF going through and calling it a coaster? If so, then KI and CP need to get the memo.

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