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The most rare coaster credits

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For example, I'd say that Thunder Eagle in Pigeon Forge would be a "rare credit" as it was a major installation, and didn't even last two seasons. And that place, while in a huge tourist trap area, really didn't get the ridership that something like The Bat had in it's 3 season run at Kings Island. And I would probably lean towards The Bat as being a "rare credit", even though a lot of people in that area did get on the ride.

You know, I am quite curious about the story behind Thunder Eagle. In this (rather dated) book by Todd Throgmorton, he mentions a coaster built by Coaster Works (the people behind TH and Dania Beach Hurricane) at Race World which I assume is Thunder Eagle but under a different name - The Intimidator (9-10 years before the rides at Carowinds and KD!), though RCDB says nothing of that name. I'm guessing the closing of this ride is what caused Coaster Works to go belly up, though I am not sure.


Did Race World/Belle Island Village not advertise enough? Or was it just completely outclassed by Dollyworld and other attractions/parks?

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(Pyongyang, Pyongyang-si, North Korea)


Don't think alot of people here have ridden this haha.

This is what I'm talking about. I actually think a lot of people HAVE ridden that. A lot of North Koreans. There is nothing "rare" about that coaster in my mind. It opened nearly 30 years ago and it's still operating today, and if I really wanted to go ride that coaster tomorrow, I could. The only thing stopping me would be the amount of money it would take to get into the country and ride it. I'd probably have to go there via a travel group or escorted guide, but it's not impossible.


For example, let's say that Elissa and I organized a trip to North Korea and 50 of us all hopped on a plane and rode that coaster. All of a sudden, it's not really "rare" anymore. So something cannot be rare, if it can be made "un-rare."


Seriously, in theory, if someone could ride a coaster "tomorrow", how can it be "rare"?



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...If I would think about something that would be a "rare" credit, and I think about roller coaster rides being a "collection of experiences", I go back and think about how a "collector" would consider a "rare" item. And that's one that's hard to find or kind of obscure...

Quoted for agreement. I've been describing my coaster list as an "experience collection" in my head for quite some time now. It doesn't strike me as all that different from any other kind of collection.


In my post a few pages back, I did take some license with the term "rare". The coasters I mentioned might be "rare" for the average enthusiast who doesn't live in the area and wouldn't make an effort to travel for that kind of coaster, but they're far from truly being rare.

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The coasters I mentioned might be "rare" for the average enthusiast who doesn't live in the area and wouldn't make an effort to travel for that kind of coaster, but they're far from truly being rare.

You bring up a really good point (maybe not intentionally), when you say "wouldn't make an effort." For example, Elissa and I travel a lot...but we are still very selective about what credits we hit. There are just some coasters out there that, IMO, aren't not worthy of making the effort for. While yes, we are credit whores, and we have been known to go a park that just has a kiddie coaster, we are not going to go "well out of our way" just to ride one.


For example, we've had many trips where people are all "There's a Wacky Worm 2 hours from here, why aren't we stopping????" And I'm like "you *really* want us to make a 2 hour out-of-the-way stop....for a WACKY WORM?!?!?"


It really comes down to someone's personal preference. If they would rather go out of their way to North Korea just so they can say "Look at me! I went to North Korea to ride this shitty roller coaster", then so be it. But IMO, that doesn't make someone any more special than the next person because they spent the money and time to do it, when really ANYONE could do it...if they cared to make the effort.


This is actually one of the reasons why Elissa and I started doing our TPR trips. So many people would see the photos of us going to Japan for theme parks (which, BTW, is totally well worth the effort!) and would say "Damn, I could never get out there..." and we're not the type of people who care about bragging rights...so we'd rather figure out a way to TAKE PEOPLE WITH US so they can also experience all that awesomeness! It puts the majority of the "effort" on us, and people still get to experience something really cool!


Sorry, didn't meant to deviate from the whole 'rare' thing, but really I guess I'm trying to say that there aren't that many actual rare credits out there, just ones that are a bitch for some people to get to!



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My only "rare" credit was Spellbreaker at Legoland CA. A cursed Single Rail Racing Coaster made by Caripro in 2000


It was only there for 2-3 years, and total operating days was most likely the equivalent to a year and a half or so...


I only count it as on coaster, but it did indeed have two sides and I rode them both...so is it two credits?

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For example, let's say that Elissa and I organized a trip to North Korea and 50 of us all hopped on a plane and rode that coaster. All of a sudden, it's not really "rare" anymore. So something cannot be rare, if it can be made "un-rare.



Except for the fact that North Korea is a closed communist country, and you wouldn't be able to get in, because Kim-jong il has everyone in the country convinced that the west is evil, and the fact that the country is so communistic you think people in the country most likely don't have the ability to just go to an amusement park, and hop on a ride. So I believe this is a rare credit, because the dear leader doesn't allow free time.


Also look at every picture on rcdb of that park, how many people do you see?

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^ Please don't ever question Elissa about travel, especially when it comes to countries you need visas or special assistance to get into. We know what we are talking about. If we ever really wanted to go to North Korea to ride roller coasters, trust me, we could sort it out.


Also look at every picture on rcdb of that park, how many people do you see?

Really? Did you actually just make that comment? Um, the photos were taken while the park was closed.


Clearly you haven't got a clue what you're even talking about. At all. This will be your last post on the subject in an effort to make our forums more intelligent.


--Robb "I suggest you spend your time in high school trying to LEARN something..." Alvey

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I'm actually looking at a trip there right now for general tourism rather than a coaster expedition (though clearly I'll hit the three parks if I go). The fact that you have to go via China though, meaning double entry visa at the very least, makes it somewhat more appealing as an extension to a China trip. It doesn't seem that tricky to visit, but it is fairly expensive.


I've been chatting to the folks from Koryo Tours and they seem to know their Kim Jong...

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I respect that.


Personally my interest in North Korea isn't the credit whoring (though that is a fringe benefit, Zamperla Volare notwithstanding). I actually want to see the place.


It's not at the top of my list, but it's certainly on the first page of it.

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Would colossus with the double hill instead of the break run count?

No, it ran for over a decade like that. And really? Let's not break down "rare credits" into sub-categories of rare credits. That's just completely retarded. The last thing we need is Jeff Johnson to be able to count Colossus as like 15 credits....


1. NAD Train Left Side

2. NAD Train Right Side

3. PTC Train Right Side

4. PTC Train Left Side

5. PTC Train Left Side, backwards

6. Morgan Train Left Side

7. Morgan Train Right Side

8. Morgan Train Left Side WITHOUT double dip

9. Morgan Train Right Side WITHOUT double dip

10. Morgan Train Right Side WITH "Silver Safety Clip"

11. Morgan Train Left Side WITH "Silver Safety Clip"

12. Psyclone Train forwards

13. Psyclone Train Backwards Right Side

14. Psyclone Train Backwards Left Side

15. Morgan Train Left Side WITH "Silver Safety Clip", In Maintenance Mode, with the trims turned off, the one time my lap bar popped out on the first drop!

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Getting back to the original discussion, and the more I think about it, the more it's like how toy collectors view something as "rare", for example, this item:




There you have what is considered a "rare" Boba Fett action figure. It was available to anyone, and I'm sure they probably shipped out thousands of these when it was available. But it was only available for a short amount of time. If you missed the window, you're out of luck.


Now let's say for example, they still manufactured this item, and you could still buy it on sale at it's normal price, but the only place you could buy it is at a Wal-Mart in North Korea. IMO, that's not "rare", because you can still walk into a store and buy it today... if you REALLY wanted to.


It's like I said, I feel that coasters like Thunder Eagle, or The Bat, or if those Hard Rock Park coasters all were sucked into a vortex and disappeared forever (that would be awesome!), *that* would be considered "rare", IMO.


Something that was open to anyone, but for a very short limited amount of time. And it cannot be ridden again today, in any shape or form. That's why I wouldn't consider an off-the-shelf model like a Wacky Worm, or even an SLC/Boomerang to be "rare" if you happened to get on the one that was in operation for a couple of months only.


The real question is more - "How many major installations can you think of that only lasted 1 or 2 seasons?"


I can't think of many....

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What about Spiral Coaster/Sky Plaza Comet? I think that coaster would fall into this category.


Or an Ultratwister outside of Japan (or even the all-forward one IN Japan).


Or Galaxy Express 999 just because it's the only articulated-train launcher Intamin has ever made (right?).

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^ I don't find any of those "rare" - I mean, Galaxy 999? I've probably been on that ride 5 or 6 times during 5 or 6 different trips to Japan. Every time I go we are usually accompanied by about 20 people. I'm not sure there is anything "rare" about Galaxy 999. It's a very easy credit to get, and it's been in operation for quite a few years now.


That spiral coaster operated for about 10 years. Sure, it's a shame that not many enthusiasts made it out there, but they had a full 10 years to get that one!


None of those rides you listed I would consider "rare", just more difficult to travel to if you don't live in the area.


Now, if Galaxy Express 999 only operated for one season, and then was completely demolished, THEN it would be a rare credit IMO.



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That spiral coaster operated for about 10 years. Sure, it's a shame that not many enthusiasts made it out there, but they had a full 10 years to get that one!


If appearances are anything to go by they didn't miss much. I was in Kuwait for the second time a fortnight ago and went to have a look at it; judging by its current state it's never going to run again. The area around it is all boarded up now anyway.

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Now, if Galaxy Express 999 only operated for one season, and then was completely demolished, THEN it would be a rare credit IMO.


Kings Island Bat?

Mt. Olympus Dive to Atlantis?

All of Hard Rock/Freestyle Music coasters?


I love this game!

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