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I finally gave up on the PSP


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Well, with the lack of good games really coming out for it, and the ending of the movies for it, I sold my PSP about a month ago for the DS Lite at launch. I bought Brain Age and New Super Mario Bros. for the DS, and am having a fun time with those now. This is my 2nd DS, I had the red one from the Mario Kart package, but it was broke by my friend. But yes, Cal has dropped support of the PSP forever

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I hear there's this cool handheld out there called the N-Gage. I'm getting one today for $500. I can't wait!!


I've never been a big fan of handhelds though it is very tempting to get DS. I've palyed Brain Games on it and it said my brain is 65 years old. That thing is lucky I didn't smash it into 65 pieces right there and then.

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I hear there's this cool handheld out there called the N-Gage. I'm getting one today for $500. I can't wait!!


I've never been a big fan of handhelds though it is very tempting to get DS. I've palyed Brain Games on it and it said my brain is 65 years old. That thing is lucky I didn't smash it into 65 pieces right there and then.



Uh the Ds is better than the N-Gage, by a good margin, and it only cost $130



I recently bought a psp, and there is a extreme lack of good titles for it, but I use it for other things, I burn my DVD's down and put them on my memory card, so I can watch any movie I already own on my PSP, (which is legal, BTW, as long as you already OWN the DVD)


also I have quite a few mp3's on it, its no IPOD but it does the job for me


and lastly Burnout, that game is quite good on the PSP, and thank GOD because the DS version is terrible, the people responsible should be held accountable, having them play thier own creation for eternity should suffice

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OK, last time I saw the N-Gage, the Atari Lynx had it not just beaten, but destroyed, and thats pretty damn sad


I just went and took a look online, and it looks like they have some decent games




not as good as a DS or even a PSP, or even a GBA


that said, if its a gaming PHONE your after, then the N-Gage looks great!

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I just got me the Neo-Geo Pocket, its amazing! I gotta go get more batteries though so I can play for longer than an hour.


This N-Gage sounds interesting too, its also a PHONE!? How do you plug it into a wall to talk on it? Wowzers!

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I just got me the Neo-Geo Pocket, its amazing! I gotta go get more batteries though so I can play for longer than an hour.


This N-Gage sounds interesting too, its also a PHONE!? How do you plug it into a wall to talk on it? Wowzers!


The Neo Geo is an awesome little unit, some awesome games for it



Lynx is N-Gages B-otch!


uh, either your joking, or you don't know what an Atari Lynx is


the Lynx is just about on the bottom for portable systems, so yeah, the N-gage should be a bit better than the Lynx.



After owning almost every single portable system, I can safely say the DS is the MOST fun I have ever had with a portable system, I actually play it at home, as opposed to the system "filling in" for the time I'm away from my home systems

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^^I can't tell if you're being serious or kidding!?!


I'm kidding.


Everyone knows that the N-Gage will sell well over 30 million units by 2007.


I thought the N-Gage was done an over with....what? they are bringing that back to light? I wouldn't dare waste my hard earn money on that "Head Beater". $500? You'd be better of getting an X-Box 360 with that kind of money.


I Got rid of my Psp (back in sept.) after only having it for a month. It was cool at first, but then it became annoying. Some of the games were crap...the movies were ok...but I couldn't download videos on it....putting music on it was easy. Then having to spend $50 on a memory stick with more capacity is just a plain "Head Robber".....I recently bought a pearl-blue ds-lite and gave my other two away.

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I hope you all realize that I was kidding with every word I said about the N-Gage. I wouldn't take a free N-Gage cause it is not worth the space in my garbage can after I throw it out when I got home.


N-Gage is to video gaming as Peter McNealy is to boxing.


Look Pete McNealy up if you don't get it.


If your too lazy... he's the first guy to fight Mike Tyson after Tyson got out of prison. He soon there after went on to die from AIDS.

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And I actually considered getting one, glad I didn't.


Sony may have whored up all of the third party with the PS2, but the PSP only has a good Burnout game and a GTA game thats been ported to the PS2.


The DS? Endless possiblities... that and it has Diddy Kong Racing coming out for it. A port? Yes... but DKR was by far one of the few cartoony racers to beat Mario Kart.

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Well, I don't even watch videos on my PSP. So it doesnt matter if they stop making them.


Also, I have some really good titles for my PSP that I love.


Tony Hawk (Yeah, its still good)

Ridge Racer

Burnout Legends



That's all for now. soon to be more when I get my paycheck.

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I hope you all realize that I was kidding with every word I said about the N-Gage. I wouldn't take a free N-Gage cause it is not worth the space in my garbage can after I throw it out when I got home.


N-Gage is to video gaming as Peter McNealy is to boxing.


Look Pete McNealy up if you don't get it.


If your too lazy... he's the first guy to fight Mike Tyson after Tyson got out of prison. He soon there after went on to die from AIDS.


Oh thank GOD!!!


I was beginning to worry


and Peter McNeeley is not dead



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i dont think the psp is that bad. it has some great games like burnout, GTA, Ridge Racer etc. and what makes it better than the DS is that it can play movies and music, and has graphics comparable to the ps2


Oh hell no, the PSP is a pretty good system


but the DS is a much better gaming system


I am a fanboy of none, and I was kind of skeptical about the DS, untill we got one, now we have three, and one PSP


I like my PSP, I like what it does, and It works great as a universal player, the problem is I can get a portable DVD player pretty cheap, and play all my dvd's on a bigger screen



and there are many MANY MP3 players that are alot better than the PSP, and more cost effective



the PSP is a pretty cool system, but not the best at anything, thats its greatest problem

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I hope you all realize that I was kidding with every word I said about the N-Gage. I wouldn't take a free N-Gage cause it is not worth the space in my garbage can after I throw it out when I got home.


N-Gage is to video gaming as Peter McNealy is to boxing.


Look Pete McNealy up if you don't get it.


If your too lazy... he's the first guy to fight Mike Tyson after Tyson got out of prison. He soon there after went on to die from AIDS.


Oh thank GOD!!!


I was beginning to worry


and Peter McNeeley is not dead




D'oh! You're right!


I confused him with another crappy white boxer, Tommy Morrison. He went from making Rocky V to going in the "real" boxing ring to dying from AIDS. Some would call that bad karma. I feel sorry for whoever is a part of Rocky VI and the bad karma that movie will induce.

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