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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^By different they probably just meant an Intamin drop tower since both knott's and DCA's are S&S

I really don't know. While as Knott's pulls you up slowly and drops you fast, and DCA launches you up and then drops, they want something to either do both or a different variation. I do remember in talking to the GM at Knott's, he said Disney had a 60 mile radius of exclusive rights to a launch tower which is why Knott's couldn't launch you. But since SFMM is out of that boundry, they can do anything, but obviously don't want it to look like a copy.

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^ I wonder if the reason they don't announce the bankruptcy to the GP super hard is because maybe they think, "Oh, they are going out of business! We should go there as many times as we can before they shut down." Think about it, that could boost their sales.

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^ That's exactly what I am saying probably wont happen. It seems like almost every other year there is some 'Magic Mountain is closing' scare that sweeps over the greater Los Angeles area, and everybody goes for that 'one more trip.' It has happened too often, and I doubt that the GP will really react to the bankruptcy situation. I'm sure by now, they (we) all know that SFMM will get through it and remain open.



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They WILL remain open, even if it comes down to new ownership. What this park has achieved, especially with the current management cannot be erased. New ownership could happen but the current management should remain as well as the park, unchanged. Hasn't this happened about five times already?

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^ Yes it has. SFMM is always facing problems it seems like. But the point is, even though they are bankrupt, they are STAYING open and they are still adding a new coaster next year. They are also using some time to fix up bathrooms and make the park more sanitary. As stated by Jay at a c e day.

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I know when a Magic Mountain was on the "chopping block" a couple years ago there were so many people that went so they could "go one last time" before they closed. And I have heard quite a few people say the same thing since they have filled for chapter 11.


I highly doubt though that it would be in their best interest to announce their new attraction as soon as possible. A new coaster announcement will not make the headlines the same way chapter 11 does so the news will not spread to the masses, just us coaster geeks

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RCDB has been known to be pretty inaccurate about rumors so I wouldn't say it's confirmed. I would love to see some sort of launched Intamin at the mountain! I'm just saying I doubt they are going to officially announce the new coaster ASAP because of the chapter 11.

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On the positive side of things, the Magic Mountain Parkway offramp off North I-5 has reopened. The construction still isn't 100% finished, but no more detours!


Woohoo! Got to experience that today

it was a great day to be at the park.

Longest line X2: 1 hr. 30 mins. [no surprise]

Shortest line Terminator: literally 2 mins. [big surprise]

I love all the little new things they put up around the park. Like the M&M do's and don'ts and the freaky creature photo ops haha.

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I'm definitely not excited about the possibility of a Bizarro... I just don't care for the concept. It seems like a sell out to take an existing ride and retheme it (X2 was a necessity from a maintenance and capacity standpoint. All the other extras were nothing but dressing on the salad). Although, I was also the one pushing Scream getting a major makeover with new landscaping and a new name.


I know that West Coast Bash got a lot of people thinking we'd see a new coaster next year, but more and more I'm thinking that we'll have to wait until 2011 for any new coaster. Expect Wiggles World and possibly a few more flat rides (I am really hoping for a drop tower).


For 2011, I expect a MAJOR addition. I would say it's a rocket, but my opinion has been gradually changing to the fact that it could even be an LSM coaster. Either way, I still think it'll be a record breaker.

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On the positive side of things, the Magic Mountain Parkway offramp off North I-5 has reopened. The construction still isn't 100% finished, but no more detours!

Horahhh. Yeah. Has this not been the longer project ever? And it's still not over. Send MM's team over there and they could build an entire freeway in 3 months.

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I wouldn't expect to see any rocket coasters appearing at SFMM anytime soon. Shapiro's budget for 2010 and 2011 is around 200 million, and he wants to add something new to each park. He explained that the 50 million Kingda Ka was a huge mistake by the former management, and that he wants to add rides like Terminator Salvation, as well as rethemed rides such as Bizzaro and X2.


Six Flags is not in the position to be announcing record breaking mega thrills anytime soon, so I am not getting my hopes up.

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