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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Wow, awesome update Robb. X2 and Viper are looking rather spiffy these days. They do look like they are cleaning up their act, soon we'll be talking about Cedar Fair like they are Six Flags.


Now if only SFMM would get an Intamin Prefab woodie and an SROS style hyper and then I'd never have to go to the east coast again.

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^ Well, the ride was over 25 years old and pretty much hurt. I think quite a few of these rides have come down lately due to the age of the ride cost of maintenance.


Who knows, maybe this will give SFMM a reason to build a ride amazing drop tower like Hurakan Condor or a Gyro Tower.



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"...soon we'll be talking about Cedar Fair like they are Six Flags." (downunder)


What do you mean "soon?" Just read all of the coaster forums!


I'm glad I decided to go to WCB. It's been exciting getting back on track with something that I've enjoyed so much over the years and have put on the back burner for so long because...well, I don't know why...



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EBL wrote:


What do you mean "soon?" Just read all of the coaster forums!


This is the only forum I read, I'm not like a coaster geek. I must say Six Flags were great to us on the midwest trip last year.


And to think on my first full day in the USA in 1992 I went straight to SFMM and was in awe of Psychlone, Flashback, and Freefall - oh wow, you go straight down. Viper was just huge back then, and Colossus actually was a colossus.


I really hope this transformation goes well for them.

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I was at SFMM on Saturday as well. Took my first trip ever to the top of Skytower. It was myself and about 8 other ride ops (most of them training). Didn't stop by the job fair though, looks better than any job fair I have ever attended.


I did notice something while on Orient Express. If you look to your right as you go up the mountain, you can see stacks of track from Psyclone. Looks like they are using some of it to "brace" the ground in the area around the track.


It was pretty crowded. Not only with locals but with busses for Physics Day. Saw a bunch of schools from Vegas roaming the mountain.


I was thinking the whole time, "I wonder if Robb and Elissa are here today?" Of course I didn't see either one of you, but I did see Jahan. And of course I felt wierd about going up to someone I dont really know especially when that person is trying to explain to a mob of people wondering why Ninja is running but the line is closed off.

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^ Yeah, there are pieces of Psyclone all over the park! I'm not sure if those pieces are from when they tore it down or when it got re-tracked. I know there are some bits of it helping to brace the mountain on the Riddler's side of Superman. That track is from a re-tracking YEARS ago.


Also, why was Ninja's line closed but the ride was still running? I'd like Jahan to explain that to me too!



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That picture of Robb is so funny in Batman's car. It cracks me up! Kidtums looks even more adorable & X2 & Viper both painted almost the same color? UG! It looks like one coaster comebinded as one! They need to do something about the color scheme on Baja Ridge. I liked X2's original colors. The yellow looked nicer. Maybe TPR members should each take home a part of Physclone to remember it was one of the worst coasters in the world!

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Also, why was Ninja's line closed but the ride was still running? I'd like Jahan to explain that to me too!




Originally they were waiting for the temperature to warm up. Then when they started testing they had an error. A ride op came out and told everyone waiting so most of the group dispersed. Me, being in the park alone and not really wanting to venture back up to the top of the hill again in the same day, I stuck it out a while longer. Ive always liked just relaxing in a nice shady spot on the hill (I miss the gardens!).


During the next 20 minutes of testing a second group built up when Jahan went down into the station and came back telling us they were still doing warm ups. I eventually left and did some other rides and went back up around 2p and it was finally open.


Sitting there was pretty funny because people get off Orient Express or walk up the hill and see that its closed and have this distraught look on their face. People were very upset that they could see it running but it wasn't open. Oh well.

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It looks like SFMM actually put on the best job fair of all the so cal parks! USH's is just more computers to apply, I don't ever remember even hearing about any for KBF, and DLR's feels like a middle school science fair (each department has exhibits, but they are pretty lame).


Good to see them trying to get their middle management team in the park too. That's what is going to make or break the park.

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Thanks so much for the update! We are really on the move at Six Flags Magic Mountain and Hurricane Harbor. There is a new energy at our park.


Just so everyone knows, the job fair is open to park guests and the general public. There are two entrances to the job fair. You can enter from inside the park or from outside the front gate so no park admission is necessary. The job fair is open from 10-6 on Monday so come by and take a look!


You really do not want to miss a visit to Six Flags Magic Mountain this year. It really is a new and exciting place. Be sure to say hello during your visit!


See you in the park!


Neal Thurman

Director of Park Operations

Six Flags Magic Mountain & Hurricane Harbor

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Thanks for posting, Neal! It's great to see that SFMM is heading back to being the great park after "taking some time off!" All of you are doing a wonderful job and we look forward to what the park will offer in the seasons to come.



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I gotta be honest, although I love the new paint on X2, I am going to miss the old colors of X for these reasons:


1. I didn't believe X's colors (from the promo videos) were actually going to be pink and yellow, until the pieces arrived and it actually was.


2. They didn't mesh with Viper.


3. It was the only coaster that could be painted those colors and still be taken seriously.


Other than that, the Arrow corner looks effin rad and VERY lah-tee-dah!

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Great update! X2 and Viper look so purrteh. KidTums is soooo cute. Did KidTums get a job or what? I think she could probably get one at Jet Stream or Log Jammer since they don't really do anything anyway; she'd just be sitting on a chair/while on the phone watching people go down the drop.

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I like the similar color scheme. If anything it brings the coasters closer together like a little village (both built by Arrow, both in Baja Ridge, why not?). First views driving into the park now must be AMAZING, can't wait to see it in person at West Coast Bash.


It's the little things...new paint...binoculars...the outdoor staff gathering meetings...that really add to the morale and appeal of the park. Looks like this place is getting back on the right track!

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