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Everything posted by TPDave

  1. I beat the computer about 30 times, lost about 15 and drawn about 50. Goodbye evening.
  2. TPDave

    Coaster count

    Hi, I was was just wondering what your count was? I can't find it anywhere...
  3. There were 2 X's in a row earleir, but it didn't matter, ryan could have put a second down and i still would have won!
  4. XXX _00 X__ I win! wooo! Not the funnest game in the world, aah well.
  5. Shouldn't that POV question be in the video forum?
  6. I take it that the e-mails going out about Spain means any deposits postmarked by the 28th are in? In that case, I'm in woop
  7. Looks pretty damn cool! Personally i hate the tate (*rhymes*) but i wouldn't mind going to that. It's not really art though so thats probably why i don't mind it so much...
  8. The joints on water slides can quite literally be a pain in the a$$ and i don't wanna go on something where you would have to build up that much speed. Maybe you go down the slide on some kind of mat with a grippy side for the passenger and a smooth side for the slide? It would reduce friction a little and make it less painful...
  9. Thats crazy! I t shows where Pleasurebeach Blackpools priorities lie.
  10. Looks good The walrus show is fantastic! If not a little cheesy
  11. Stealth is by no means reliable at the moment, It's not been down for days on end in about a month, but it has it's 20 - 30 minute closures on a daily basis.
  12. Just out of interest, how many people have signed up for the spain trip already? Or is that an off limits question?
  13. Putting it at disney gets publicity which is good for Banksy (although this is a man who refuses to have his picture taken, so its anyones guess really) but i think there might be something deeper than that with this one. Disney is seen as a great family place where fun can be had and memories made, but I think it's also important to consider the fact that Disney could be seen as false by some people, where they're nly nice because you pay them, where you can have anything you want if your wallet is heavy enough. He might be conveying the idea that we are all "prisoners" at disney (something made more real with the fingerprint scanners), that we are kept from the ruthless, almost evil side of the money grabbing (with Eisner at the top) company by a man dressed as a mouse. That picture with mickey mouse and ronald McDonald kinda says something about the happy facades of these companies when there is something bad going on right under our noses. I've kinda gone on a tangent there but yeh, thats one way of looking at it. And for the record, i love Disney
  14. I sent my deposit in for spain yesturday evening, so assuming i get through the lottery (if there is one) and i'm "approved" by R&E, there will be at least one young person on the Spain trip.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o2-M4HNbn0 Japanese pranks. A bit sedistic an immature, but i had a laugh. PG13
  16. Woah, that looks incredible, i'm thinking it's not going to turn out like the concept art though! It will still kick ass! If only it were ready for the 2007 side trip
  17. I would have assumed it's just for the unique sensation, but has the advantage of a possible higher throughput. But really if the second section (after the tunnel) is longer than the first then it will make no difference at all. The sections are generally the time it takes to unload and load a train etc. so the throughput won't be increased much (if at all) by the LSM lift.
  18. http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?I=5449 LIM launch track anyone? Sorry if it's already been posted...
  19. Thats probably because the creator is now Elissa... I use myspace to talk to people who live far away but are still friends, basically it's free and easy to use (bar the 30minute loading times)
  20. TPDave


    Looking at your UK trip, i *think* i picked up on the fact that there was quite a bit of ERT at most of the parks! Some UK fanboys are thinking about getting a group together and going to some parks around the UK that we don't do on a daily basis. These would include Blackpool and Oakwood. I was wondering how much did ERT cost you when you went? Did you have to have a certain amount of people? How accomodating (sp?) were the parks to a bunch of enthusiasts? cheers Dave
  21. Bcause they're building a steel coaster? There is no reason why they couldn't have done, it's like saying you cant build 2 steel coaster next to each other, but they've already started building a steel coaster so it's kind of pointless discussing the possibility of a woodie.
  22. As i said, they currently load 2 or 3 rows full of people so there are the same number of people on each side, its just not running at full capacity. Even if it was perfectly balanced and that wasn't an issue, it would find something else to complain about...
  23. My roughest coaster would be the corkscrew at Alton Towers. It's not helped by the fact that i've only ever been on it in the rain (typical English weather), and so the pain of the rain hitting your face worked it's way in there too.
  24. The "electrical building" says something to me about a LIM/LSM coaster. There is nothing to proove it is or is not an aqua trax. I have heard rumour that the announcement wil be made of the 15th of august but do not hold be to that, it's more likely people are just saying "well thats the middle of august" (bless) than it being based on any fact at all.
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