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Rusty Nail

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Everything posted by Rusty Nail

  1. You beat me by three points I'll be on again tonight around 9:00
  2. More Pre Show http://youtube.com/watch?v=6WTLzuJeR4k Ride Film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4DsbCltALk
  3. Just renewed my Disneyland AP $169.00
  4. I tried smoking once, didn't care for it.
  5. 8-2-1987 US...I Still Havent Found What Im Looking For - U2 UK...La Bamba - Los Lobos
  6. Disneyland Disney's California Adventure Scandia Universal Studios Hollywood Knott's Berry Farm Going to Magic Mountain in Dec
  7. That is false, their was never a plan for a sequel when the first movie was being filmed.
  8. Burger King only because it's a lot closer to my house than McDonalds.
  9. I have ridden 3 Riddler's Revenge Vortex (pga) Batman(sfaw) Riddlers is my favorite, then Batman, and Vortex last.
  10. Looks excellent, I'm looking forward to riding this in August.
  11. I don't know if it's true but I heard the antique car ride is from Knotts Berry Farm.
  12. Hot Fuzz - pure hilarity, much funnier than Shaun of the Dead
  13. The one in San Diego was a major disappointment, I have no desire to ever ride it again.
  14. My first post was incorrect my correct wii number is 7239 0937 3905 6719.
  15. Homer- To alcohol! The cause of... and solution to all of life's problems!
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