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Rusty Nail

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Everything posted by Rusty Nail

  1. I always wondered why they closed the Haunted Mine ride even thought it was unaffected by the layout changes.
  2. Does anyone know why Twisted colossus is not operating on weekdays anymore? Today was my third visit since Sept with the ride closed.
  3. Besides Apocalypse and Green Lantern are any other coasters currently closed?
  4. Aside from Riptide what other flat ride has been removed from the park? Screamin Swing, Windseeker Oh yeah, I never rode both those rides so thats why I'd forgotten about them.
  5. Aside from Riptide what other flat ride has been removed from the park?
  6. I'm curious does anyone know why Ninja constantly operates two trains on slow weekdays, where all the other coasters except TC and sometimes X2 operate with just one?
  7. It operated from 1976 until 1999 in the Roaring 20's/Boardwalk section of the park, it was removed for Perilous Plunge.
  8. Anybody else remember this currently abandoned former Knott's ride. https://www.flickr.com/photos/dwmoran/14065518801/
  9. Knott's just updated their rehab schedule Xcelerator Now - TBD Sky Cabin Now - TBD Sol Spin Now - TBD Timber Mountain Log Ride 1/8 - 2/9 Bigfoot Rapids 1/8 - 1/12 GhostRider 1/16 - 2/2 Pacific Spin 1/22 - 1/26 Rocky Mountain Trucking Company 1/29 - 2/2
  10. Web site was just updated Xcelerator Now - TBD Sky Cabin Now - TBD Sol Spin Now - TBD
  11. Montezooma's Revenge was operating yesterday during haunt, Sol Spin however is down again. Xcelerator Now - TBD Sky Cabin Now - TBD Sol Spin Now - TBD GhostRider 11/01 - 11/09 11/13 - 11/17 Timberline Twister 11/06 - 11/22
  12. Silver Bullet was operating 2 trains today with a third in the transfer track is this train new?
  13. On Tuesday evening one of the trains on Ghostrider didn't make the second hill and stalled at the bottom of the first drop.
  14. Windseeker has started construction in Fiesta Village. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zqy39EWNQo&feature=player_profilepage
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