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Everything posted by djackson

  1. The statement says it's a franchise Universal owns themselves. I'm betting on Secret Life of Pets. Secret Life Of Pets would be a decent addition but I don't think it will happen, but I am personally betting more money on that it will somehow be Fast and the Furious franchise! It's their most bankable franchise in history! I've been hearing based around the Bourne franchise That would be extremely dumb in my opinion. The target audience of Universal doesn't really connect with that franchise. Universal is about putting in relatable content. Thank goodness your opinion is just that! The Bourne franchise is one of the best movie franchises in existence, and a ride based on it could potentially be awesome! I'm not sure why you're saying the target audience doesn't really connect with it, or what you're assuming the target audience is. But again, thankfully, I don't think your opinion is shared by the masses. That franchise rocks! The target audience is families with pre-teens and teens. As a teenager, I can assure you that we don't really connect to that franchise.
  2. The statement says it's a franchise Universal owns themselves. I'm betting on Secret Life of Pets. Secret Life Of Pets would be a decent addition but I don't think it will happen, but I am personally betting more money on that it will somehow be Fast and the Furious franchise! It's their most bankable franchise in history! I've been hearing based around the Bourne franchise That would be extremely dumb in my opinion. The target audience of Universal doesn't really connect with that franchise. Universal is about putting in relatable content.
  3. I'll bet if you asked most of the people who voted in the Golden Tickets they wouldn't even know what Flight of Passage is. They probably would think it's some B&M Wing Rider at a Happy Valley park. We really need a new "Mitch Hawker" style poll so we don't have to rely on a "best of" list that is a complete fucking joke.
  4. You know what would really fire them up? To find out that the Free Fly that went to GAdv was bought for SFA. The park president didn't want it for some reason (common, etc). I'm getting kinda tired of the park president. This wouldn't be the first time SFA didn't get a ride that was bought for them. I can't help but think something like that happened this year.
  5. ^ Not trying to ignore your post but... If anyone wanted to know what that awesome song was that they've been playing on the teacups, it's this:
  6. Sorry for the double post but man would I hate to be SFA right now. They just recently posted the ride to Instagram and there isn't a single positive comment about the addition.
  7. Throw some flyers in there for Roar and you'll have the best addition to the park in the past few years.
  8. Does Six Flags announce their new restaurants in advance? Kickin Tsunami Chicken and Apocalypse tacos weren't announced in advance. The survey makers were most likely for something along the lines of a Restaurant or Bathroom.
  9. Dorney is gettin a nice new restaurant in Wildwater Kingdom...lol Their Tourbillon is a scrambler... SFA will probably get some type of restaraunt as well. When I posted that the info was not clear as to what Tourbillon was going to be.
  10. I think one ride hasn't been announced. According to somebody who recently took a tour of the plant, there is some green track but no green RMC has been announced.
  11. Search up Roa's Rapids at Aquatica or Fearless River at Volcano Bay. If they run this at a decent speed and if this has decent theming like Apocalypse it should be the 2nd best ride in the water park. My only problem with it is where is the route going to go?
  12. I think Wahoo River is an attempt to compete with Hershey's new addition. The park doesn't have much space to add a slide without removing one and all but Zoomazon falls consistently have a line. A more immersive lazy river is probably thing they could've added outside of a Water Coaster. I don't think the park sees itself as a competitor to KD. KD is pretty far from home for the Baltimore crowd which is the Major market for SFA. Even if they did see themselves as a competitor, trying to compete Twisted Timbers would have been dumb.
  13. All three of the "step-child" parks got great additions. -Great Escape got a nice flat that we haven't seen at a Six Flags Park before. -La Ronde got a pretty decent sized expansion that looks to include one of the Tourbillon rides like Over Texas and Great Adventure - We got a unique renovation to what was a terrible lazy river. The thing was a complete eye sore. I think the reason we aren't seeing huge flats and coasters at these parks is because of the demographics. These parks are drawing more families then your parks like Magic Mountain and Great Adventure. They want to cater to who they can rely on coming to the park constantly.
  14. I'm thinking this was a tester to see how the concept does. If it goes well I think we'll see this at Great Advebture and Over Georgia next year.
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