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The Cheat

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Everything posted by The Cheat

  1. No acting experience is required but you have to be 18. You just go through a normal interview like you would any other job except you don't need to dress up for it.
  2. I loved the original subs so I'm of course going to love this one. The only reason I can think of for people not liking the ride when they ride it is because they over hyped it. I went on it expecting nothing and it surpassed my expectations and I seriously love this version of it, I prefer the old one but this is worthy of being a replacement. The scenes are visually stunning and the ride has a great story line, its very disney. This ride isn't a thrill ride by any means, its not indiana jones. It cant be, you're in a sub. If you go into the ride expecting to be thrilled and impressed by visuals then your going to be disappointed, you're also going to be stupid for expecting that. I think its a very fun ride and its very enjoyable, and long. But yeah, thats my opinion.
  3. I don't see how 1 bad thing can spoil the day. Shit happens and if you can let one thing ruin your day then you really need to lighten up and still try to have fun. I've never really had to work with guests that intensely besides at haunt but its not always that easy to control people. You can try but they wont always listen. Sometimes its just easier to ignore the situation and let it fizzle out than to intervene and escalate it.
  4. Select the second station and go to the track list option and click brakes, then click the transform button. There you go.
  5. Yeah seriously. And also..why the hell was the train 4 cars, and the station with like 22 loading gates. WTF? Also the ending was so pointless. You should have gotten rid of that and split the station to add brakes.
  6. Im so glad that Ghostrider is down for rehab. Last time I rode it was worse than Psyclone EVER was.
  7. He also does the voice for the Subway announcement.
  8. If you multiply that date by 2 you get 6-6-66 on that date the world will end due to Kristen being the anti christ. God Save Us All.
  9. City Walk has Tommys!, So why would you want to eat in the park?
  10. Dude, when I saw the title of this thread I was sure it was gonna be a PTR. Now I'm disappointed.
  11. Steel: X, Six Flags Magic Mountain Wood: Hades, Mt Olympus Tower: Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, Disneys California Adventure Tied with Big Shot, Stratosphere Tower. Spinning: La Revolucion, Knotts Berry Farm Water: Splash Mountain, Disneyland Dark: Haunted Mansion, Disneyland
  12. I prefer RCS over RSM for one reason. RCS actually makes sense. I like the concept of RSM but It confuses the hell out of me.
  13. Here. Also, It seems like they're taking that turn a little bit slower now.
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