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Everything posted by Khat26

  1. I'll be at the park on May 2nd (evening) and all day on the 3rd. Curious if any TPR members will be there those days. It would be cool to meet some of you guys.
  2. ^ It wouldn't have to be super huge to be the tallest and fastest in Orlando. I would personally like a hyper coaster, I just don't think they'll build one.
  3. Last concert was NIN, Soundgarden, and The Dillinger Escape Plan in West Palm. All the bands sounded awesome. This was the first time I saw TDEP plan without massive pits all over the place. My next show is Smashing Pumpkins and Marilyn Manson in Atlanta. I'm still waiting on Failure to release their tour dates. I'm so glad those guys are back together.
  4. Kumba, 1993. I still have my "I Survived Kumba" t shirt somewhere.
  5. ^Thanks. I'll probably go for a nicer place further away. I've had a not so great experience with Clarion before. I'm going to the park on May 3rd. We will have fastlane plus, so I should get my share of rides on F325.
  6. I would call the hotel but I'd trust what you guys told me more. I doubt the hotel receptionist has ever walked or taken a shuttle to Carowinds from the hotel they work at. I'd rather not stay at a Clarion but it's the closest hotel I found.
  7. I have a couple of questions about the Clarion by Carowinds. Can you safely walk to the park from there? If not, does the hotel offer a shuttle service? Thanks for the help.
  8. ^ I used to have a PA that I gauged up to a four. I removed it back in 2007 and I still have an extra stream. It gets annoying after a while. If you do it, go with a banana shaped barbell. The hoops get annoying after a while.
  9. I'm trying to figure out how some people get so butt hurt over opinions on roller coasters. Thanks for the great coverage. I'll be checking this thing out in early May.
  10. My Tempesto nickname is Splashy Rocket. Funny, that's what my wife calls me.
  11. Seeing how fast Fury 325 flew through its test run was pretty impressive.
  12. ^ I didn't think that was open yet. You should do a ride review of it.
  13. Intamin: Millennium Force B&M: Goliath SFOG. Best airtime on any B&M hyper.
  14. Whether you need one day or two depends. How large is the family? What are the ages of the kids? I know with families meals, bathroom breaks, naps and games take some time. I'll be traveling with my wife and 7 year old daughter. My daughter is 51'' inches right now so she'll limited on what she can ride. My wife doesn't ride as much stuff as she used to, so I'll probably be riding some stuff solo. We won't be visiting the water park. Does Carowinds offer Starlight tickets? I checked their site and didn't see any mention of them. If they do, that'll give us about a day and a half at the park, should be plenty of time. I saw there are hotels within walking distance to the park. Any suggestions would help out a ton. I have to take the wife to Myrtle Beach for three days after Carowinds. I'm trying to make the most out of my part of the vacation. Thanks again
  15. I'm planning on taking the family up to Carowinds in early June. I planning on going on a Monday or Tuesday. Will one day be enough time to experience the park on a weekday? Also, any information on where to stay and where not to stay would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kris
  16. I got two rides on Falcon's Fury Sunday. The tilt at the top felt more than 90 degrees. The drop is comparable to an Itamin gyro drop. The swing back to normal position pulled some gs. All in all, it's the best drop tower I've ever been on, by far. FF is the first ride to give me the adrenaline shakes in years and that's not a bad thing. --Kris
  17. ^Exactly. Kumba is nonstop intensity. Only coaster other than BTR at SFOG that makes me grey out.
  18. Has an offical opening date been set yet? All I've heard is summer for the new expansion. Thanks
  19. ....you joined the Air Force and specialized in hydraulics and pnuematics just to set your self up for a roller coaster maintenace job in the future. That was 14 years ago, almost there.
  20. Kumba- Made me an entusiast at the tender age of 12. Still my favorite coaster Montu Sheikra Cheetah Hunt Hulk Dueling Dragons Mummy Orlando Rip Ride Rockit Dania Beach Hurricane- Awesome! Gwazi- Great it's opening year Raptor, Cedar Point Mantis Wicked Twister Cheetah, Wild Adventures- Underrated. It was recently retracked and kicks all kinds of ass I think that's it. I was lucky to grow up in South Florida and to have close family from Toledo. Thanks for reading everyone. Kris
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