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Everything posted by Hoppy

  1. Desperately trying to PM you but it gets stuck in the outbox? Did you get anything? Yes, you will be all set - patience is a virtue now since international shipping can take a while... Hope to make it to Sweden some day soon...hope you enjoy
  2. ^ ... and tomorrow or the day after you will post something about you couldn't wait until Christmas! At least, that's been the trend so far on this thread - perhaps you can hold out and break the norm.
  3. With safety #1, those ' flat-tracked inversions' look really clean-cut and nice to look at... I know many other things that could be irritating if we nit-pick coaster designs, but not flat-tracked inversions.
  4. ^ Hahaha that's what a lot of us are thinking - How could it be a musical? Well, some day you may see it near you on the east coast: Now that I look into this a bit more, holy crap new technology massive puppet that requires 35 folks to move around the stage! Full Review - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Kong_%282013_musical%29
  5. ^ I'm so glad it wasn't painful for you - IMO it took away from the experience a bit while struggling to find comfort with my long legs. Others have voiced similar opinions and reviews that the coaster would be ranked higher if there was a tad more padding there...definitely not complaining here on the SFGAm thread (could do that in the 'rant' thread if necessary). I have high no complaints here to take away from talk about Goliath and have high hopes for the thicker padding!
  6. Outlaw Run at SDC just a few months back...I think that's a good way to end 2013
  7. ^ Good note, curious to see if it holds for 'several years' - I already assumed it would be for 2014, while the updated seats should add more comfort and keep this a higher rated ride without discomfort like the other RMC's with those poor shin bars.
  8. Anyone here play Baccarat? I'm looking for a good tutorial and forum... I've tried many out and am still looking for that advanced strategy stuff. Also heard many good things due to the low house advantage, so I've played it a bit and seems all the "Asians" crowd around it with a TON of money and all seem to be following some special strategy and they keep winning! --If anyone plays craps, you'll understand my sn...although I have minimized 'hopping' numbers due to the extreme high HA. Playing very conservative until I build my bankroll up again.
  9. PM me your address and I have Swedish Fish for you.... you MUST try them
  10. ^ You and me both... that's what I said when they planned this ride without the standard inverted trains like all our favorites (Raptor, Montu, etc) - We will have gatekeeper seats here so... fingers crossed they work and the banked drop plus the loop and other inversions keep the pacing up. Death to the MCBRs here.
  11. Looks like a big snow storm coming in right as I'm headed to Chicago. Great, people better not suck driving - I don't want to spend all day on the expressway!
  12. I'd visit during the holidays if time and money allowed. Shoot, I'm trying to get outta dodge and head to a warm place with all the beautiful people that you just don't see during this season bundled up under 53+ layers of clothes.
  13. 14 degrees here with the sun going down. Should be colder with the wind and Sun gone which will make it much more difficult to go outside. Snow, flurries and more on the way this weekend it says.
  14. I made another big payment on the college loans...that means only 13 more years to go!
  15. Around $5k maybe more for a 3+ week in Japan. It included many popular amusement parks (few off the beaten path), climbing Mt Fuji, the Ninja Warrior Challenge park, many drinks from the various vending machines, partying at clubs that were open until 9am, lots of sushi and kobe beef and a myriad of other things... best time of my life and worth every penny.
  16. I will agree with you about that turnaround...a bit rough and bracing for it helps, but the rest of the ride and great airtime keeps me coming back. The only time I have had a bad ride on Magnum was when the ride op tightened the seatbelt so much and shoved it under the lapbar, that it got stuck between my legs and I could barely walk off the ride after...
  17. ^ Probably got the old crappy tower...I forgot the really nice ones where they wanted like $200+ a night just to stay there! I would just say 'screw it' and pay $35 a night across the street, especially because I wasn't going to be in the room much so why drop all that coin?! Ok, I digress...for a special occasion you have to stay at the Venetian. I'm spoiled and only paid $110/night, but it was the room that was amazing, especially the 6ft tub I could lay down in and soak! I flew in on Spirit (never again!) they lost my luggage so the nice receptionist upgraded my room to a nice view on the strip overlooking so many gorgeous people while I waited for my luggage so I could change into something to go out!
  18. ^ Even better that they are singing dolls to annoy the friend whom hates the ride ... Example ------------------ Great update, thanks for the share Robb - makes things much better when I have to work all over the holidays and won't get to visit WDW ...good merchandise as well for those that travel during one of the busiest times of the year there. I guess I'll look forward to a visit in 2014 or 2015 and secure some time early so I can get FAR away from work after these major projects are done.
  19. The low ground elements make it exciting on a ride, not to mention [they] make you feel like you are moving faster than you really are - this looks to be a way to 'trick folks' as well to showcase perhaps B&M is trying something a bit more exciting than just floating through the air like others with these seats...love Robb's analogy, fingers crossed this pushes more G's...
  20. Roller coasters and fireworks have helped out tremendously ... in college, there were quite a lot of reports - when I was out of ideas or had more pages and needed to write a certain length for credit, I found creative ways to talk about them (including my travel to Japan with roller coasters to boot) ... some of the things I said boggle my mind now looking back years ago but I got 4.0's on those ones...
  21. Two books for fun: Flesh and Bone - Jefferson Bass Blaze - Stephen King Two books to help get Fit and continue focusing on my goals: Fit Happens - Michael Pierron Dream BIG! - Michael Pierron
  22. I only ride in the back, since I am not a fan of the front few rows having little intensity - in the front is where anyone should sit, if the ride is not enjoyable, disorients you, or makes you feel sick... I enjoy pushing a lot of G's like on "Mission to Mars" any many others...still haven't blacked out like many claim on i305...
  23. ^ Never any knee pain here...stand-ups (for me as well) however I'm one of many that truly have a hard time fighting the 'bike seat' through multiple inversions while trying to save my balls so I have them at the end of the ride.
  24. ^^ I think you are ok Lena. It will still make it before the holiday That's a darn shame!
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