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Everything posted by dannyboy13

  1. Really.... I figured it'd be busier Saturday and Sunday vs Friday. I've already planned a mini vacation to there and SCBB. HMMMM......
  2. How busy do you think opening day will be? Being a Friday and all...
  3. I was there yesterday too and the crowds were indeed out of control. We got in 2 rides on Medusa, 1 on S:UF, 1 on Scat a bout, and 1 on Pacific Rim. We also spent a legit 50 minutes in line for Macho Nachos (longest line we waited in). Pacific Rim, for those yet to experience, is worse than I anticipated. Basically a waste of time. Horrible quality projection, you're thrown right into the battle sequence as soon as movie starts, and nothing really connects at all. I'm really hoping they take some time to truly redo this for 2017, hopefully as either animal themed or DC themed, as right now its a waste of time whether there is a line or not.
  4. New Texas Giant and Lightning Rod would like to have a word with you. Derp. My bad. Brain fart there.
  5. I'd want a seaside park along the lines of Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Maybe I'd find some land in San Diego and put it there and have it be also military themed. Nothing huge, but it would have to have an iconic coaster a la Giant Dipper. I'd probably take the Disney California Screamin route though and not have it be a woody, but simply look like one. RMC would be ideal, but it'd be the first RMC with no inversions, just a ton of airtime. A 300ft plus drop tower and Sky Skreamer would anchor either end of the skyline. I'd probably only have 2-3 other coasters. I loved the idea of a coaster themed to a fun house (forget where that actually is), so I'd steal that idea (at least I admit to stealing it). There'd be a ton of flat and dark rides though, and at least 2-3 water rides, and definitely something like Tsunami Soaker at SFDK.
  6. I'm right there with you on all points. I already told my son that we might have to camp out before opening day to make sure we're on the first train. And if Rob can't make it out, I'm 100% down to do the media stuff for it too.
  7. If you want to do Alcatraz, make sure you buy tickets plenty of time in advance. It's a very popular tour. Just on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge is the Marin Headlands, which offers absolutely amazing views of the bridge and SF. Muir woods, a forest of giant Redwoods isn't too far away either. Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39 are both pretty fun for tourists. There's even some "rides" at Pier 39. CGA is definitely worth going. Some similarity to your Great America, but enough different to make it worth it. Plus, there's Goldstriker.
  8. I'm going to assume you'll be going to CGA too since Levi's is right next door. As long as you're not trying to make that drive in commute time, your drive will be pretty close to that 55 minutes. First week if June most schools are actually out, but SFDK is only REALLY busy on holiday weekends. You'll never see more than a 20-30 minute wait for anything other than perhaps the water rides on a really hot day. Joker may be longer than that next summer too. Weather first week of June will likely be 70-80, low chance of rain I'd fly into San Jose since your main reason to be there is right next door in Santa Clara. Since you're a soccer fan, you should see if there is an Earthquakes game when you'll be in town. Their stadium is 20 min or less from Levis. You'd also be reasonably close to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk which I'd absolutely recommend visiting. You should of course visit San Francisco and do as much touristy stuff as you can. A Giants game is highly recommended as AT&T is a gorgeous park and has a great atmosphere despite there being a ton of techie types in attendance. If you don't mind not having a back to your seat, sit in the bleachers. Better fans and a great view of both the field and the water, and very close to great food vendors. I can give you more recommendations too depending on what exactly you are looking for
  9. SFDK confirms that Pacific Rim 5D coming to the iwerks theater, with sneak previews starting this weekend
  10. I'm hoping a Justice League dark ride comes in like 2 years. I figure after Joker, 2017 will probably be a small addition, but 2018 could be a possibility
  11. Just came here to say the same thing.... Anyone hear anything more? Seems like we'll hear soon anyway since the post mentioned January
  12. I ended up calling in to ask about it... They are indeed closing at 8 tonight. The reason I was given was that they didn't want to do fireworks with the drought. Seemed like some BS since its pretty wet right now and was much drier last year. I was probably not the first to complain either, as the woman I was speaking to almost immediately instructed me on the complaint process. Pretty bummed about this as it was getting to be a tradition for my son and I.
  13. So for the last 3 years my son and I have gone to the park for New Year's Eve. They do fireworks at midnight and close right after. This year though, the website lists a close time of 8 pm. Can anyone confirm that this is true and there will be no NYE event?
  14. I'd be getting there pretty early in the day. My son has a judo tournament in Pomona on Saturday and I thought we might swing by on the way home for a couple of hours. Fingers crossed it will be slow
  15. Thinking about maybe doing a quick visit this coming Sunday. Think the park will be busy?
  16. Yes, log flumes definitely need to be banded. Hopefully with really thick bands. Maybe rubber ones? Idk. I just know they should be banded
  17. Currently? Either Medusa or Superman: Ultimate Flight In less than a year? It's a pretty safe bet it'll be Joker Home Park = SF Discovery Kingdom
  18. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm a pretty large guy, but iveymost definitely confronted line jumpers before. They don't always listen, but at the very least they get shamed and it draws more attention to them. On 2 different occasions I had park employees (Not this park, but still) notice and kick them out of line.
  19. Oh... Best steak in my opinion is Smith & Wollensky. Right on the strip. Top of the World at Stratosphere is cool too, but more for the view than the food. Buffet at Caesars is pricey, but really good. Hash House a go go inside the Link hotel is great for breakfast, huge portions. Be prepared to wait though
  20. You can definitely get 4 people into a room at MGM with no issues. I don't know about you, but when I go to Vegas I barely sleep anyway. MGM also has a really cool lazy river that you can hang out in during the day. The music from the pool party they have can be heard clearly, and its a very good vibe there. More relaxed than the pool party. El loco is definitely a great ride, and the Arrow in there is good too (canyon blaster I think). Some solid flats in there too, but you'd probably only get a few hours of fun out of it. As far as shows, I second Zumanity. Mystere is pretty good as well. If you want some (ahem) "adult entertainment, there are a ton of options. Spearmint Rhino is big, but tends to get very crowded, although mid week you could be OK. A bit pricey too though. Sapphire is much the same. A casual friend of mine runs Cheetah's, and while smaller, you get a whole lot more for your money there. Best " scenery" is most definitely Spearmint Rhino though.
  21. So I'm planning on going to Scary Farm next Friday night. How incredibly long are the lines for rides and mazes?
  22. Somehow I never heard about this.... Anyone know why it fell through? I wonder what could have been.....
  23. I wouldn't say the park is poorly attended at all, but its also much more than a coaster park. The patrons tend to skew more toward younger children, and they hit up the kiddie areas, the flats, and the animal exhibits. Medusa is rarely more than a 20 minute wait, V2 is rarely more than a 3-4 train wait, and Superman tends to be around 30 min. Roar used to be the coaster with longest lines, because younger children could ride.
  24. Went to the park yesterday. Bring a friend free day. Oops. Big mistake on my part. Parking was in the fairgrounds lot. My son and I did Medusa, Superman, and V2 in about 2 1/2 hours and left.
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