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Everything posted by coasterlvr

  1. Well, I wouldn't expect an area of a theme park to look like south-central L.A. on purpose, if that's what they're thinking. But in seriousness, I hope they blow our low expectations out of the water; nothing on Disney or Universal levels, but something above and beyond what Six Flags usually does. if they actually build any building, i'd be pretty impressed. well, besides a TC ride photo booth. I'm thinking it's just going to look the same with some new paint on everything. what a pessimist i am. LOL
  2. Mantis was definitely more popular in general to Riddler's. Yup, the long waits are definitely because of slow GP and crew at SFMM. I don't mind waiting in a long line, because it's running at capacity and a lot of people want to ride, but i hate waiting because of a lazy crew. if you only went to magic mountain, you probably wouldn't think much of it, then be shocked when you hit a park that runs the ride at full capacity. i was pretty impressed with Kings Island this year. I hadn't been there since like '97 or something. the 40 second intervals they strive and hit on Banshee and Diamondback are pretty impressive. I know Riddler will never be able to pull that off, but many others at SFMM should be able to, but will never come close. i always wonder why they have those clocks on some rides when they just flash 60,60,60. LOL
  3. i pretty much watch 95% on one of my mac's. i have, chromecast, roku, and apple tv, but do not watch youtube on them at all. i do find a lot of content on facebook, then most always hit the youtube link to actually watch in youtube. mostly for the bigger size, and because they don't count if i don't? is that true? either way, i do it mostly for screen size.
  4. Actually, make Riddler floorless, move Scream to a park that would appreciate it more, and add a Wing Coaster. that's what i'd do. i could do without a stand up. just a gimmick to me. a wing would be great. fun and reliable that won't bash your head, balls or calves. lol anyway, really twisted colossus and drop of doom and i'm pretty satisfied right there. lol
  5. maybe that's just the standup aspect? If Riddler's had a zero G, for me, that would be the clear winner.
  6. Scream is a sit down. uh yeah, thanks. which would you rather have? Scream as is, or Riddler's converted? I never thought there was a need for both. Stand up and sit down B&M. they're too similar. I wouldn't mind them removing one for even a small flyer like X-Flight.
  7. the first drop, minus the brake, will be so much more fun sit down, imo.
  8. how about this question...Now that Cedar Point announced the sit down conversion on Mantis, if you had to choose, would you pick Riddlers or Scream as a sit down? for me it's close. i haven't ridden Riddler in a long time. the standups just don't do much for me. but i do like the layout. but i like a zero g more, so i'd choose Scream.
  9. for me, it doesn't matter. i like the ride. i think it would be nicer with some theming, but i enjoy rides more for what they do. that being said, doing nothing underneath was pretty lame. throwing some fake grass and rocks underneath will go a long way. also, it's so far down the path. i'd like them to open that area up somehow. like a walkway between Goliath and Colossus and into the Scream entrance area. anyway, i hope the back alley is more than just a store and some signs.
  10. I hated when waiting for the front area patiently, people ducking under into the open space. especially because the front part was the longest part in the downstairs part of the line. I just couldn't do that. but a flashpass/fast lane is another story. lol
  11. yeah, i know. my definition of popular must be different. it used to be my favorite ride there. i'd say when they opened up the que in the station is when it died down. died down from wildly popular to just popular.
  12. i don't quite understand. if every time i go, once or twice a month, there's no line, i don't call that popular. back when you had to at least wait down the stairs, i'd say it's kind of. but that was before Goliath.
  13. I'm not sure i'd call it popular. reliable yes. reliable that there's never a line. LOL
  14. nice job! i actually like Ninja a decent amount. like it more than Top Gun/The Bat, Big Bad Wolf, and Iron Dragon. Mostly because of the use of the terrain. Big Bad Wolf was great cause of it's length, and I liked the final drop. The Bat is pretty intense, but I want more swing action. Also, Ninja is great for up and coming riders with it's 42" height limit.
  15. Z-Force/Flashback I guess. I don't know all they built. Really just going on wikipedia. lol Superman after that. both SFMM
  16. I agree, this looks awesome. what i totally blanked on is that it actually goes upside down 3 times. lol, duh. guess i was just excited for colossus cause it's near me. hope to ride wicked cyclone one day.
  17. yup, i hate that. i rarely ride X2 though, but i always remember that's what it does to me.
  18. it's been a while since i did these. SFMM Viper 57 times in I think 4 hours. Only got off once to pee. Had to leave otherwise it would have been more. Doubt I could do 3 today on Viper. SFMM Batman I want to say 40-50, I think it was when Superman opened and they had some rides open during a pass holder preview. Canyon Blaster at Circus Circus, 50, this one I totally remember the count. Haven't done anything near that recently. Maybe did xcelerator 10-12 times during WCB. Lex Luthor Drop of Doom I've done 10+ before. I used to take a senior citizens bus to ca/nv border and ride desperado all day. can't remember how many times but it was a good 6-7 hours I think, minus a lunch. but they wait for enough riders so a lot of down time.
  19. Looks to be part of the lift structure that fell which in turn damaged the structure below. In any case, I'm sure RMC is already working on a "Plan B." yeah, it toppled right on top of the return track part. that part was just going to be removed anyway, so again, hope it doesn't mess too much with the plan.
  20. time to give me the 200 footer i wanted. seriously though, hope it doesn't slow down construction too much. guys should be able to come in and frame that back up in no time.
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