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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. The question is how skilled they are at preventing Turkey Leg brawls though!
  2. No, this will be the area between Thunder Run and Roller Skater back to Storm Chaser and includes the Carousel and Mile High Falls.
  3. I think the only thing I don't like is changing Thunder Run > Woodland Run, Storm Chaser > Wind Chaser and RollerSkater to Hollyhock and Roll.
  4. Kentucky Kingdom has unveiled details for Discovery Meadow, the new family-focused land that will feature new additions as well as re-themed offerings in cohesive environment. https://www.kentuckykingdom.com/media-room/discovery-meadow-unveiled/ This Valentine’s season, Kentucky Kingdom is sharing the love with guests by unveiling the full lineup of attractions and renderings of Discovery Meadow— a new $11 million family-friendly land. As part of the $25 million investment over the next two seasons, Discovery Meadow will open to the public on May 10, 2025. The new land features six acres dedicated to family fun with a Kentucky twist and includes three new attractions, 24 new and re-themed experiences, and its very own characters. Guests can look forward to more fun and more ways to make memories worth repeating in an atmosphere that celebrates the spirit of Kentucky. Three Brand-New Family Rides: Redbird Racer – Spin and swoop aboard a vibrant cardinal defending its home. Get ready to dash through the trees on our new swinging family ride inspired by one of Kentucky’s famous flyers. This ride promises an exciting adventure for guests of all ages. Scout’s Squirrel Race – Playful squirrels chase the ultimate prize—a giant acorn. Bounce around on our new family ride nestled in the lush gardens of the new land. This experience highlights one of nature’s most diligent and resourceful foragers, promising fun for the entire family. Cumberland Express – A whimsical garden train adventure wrapped in vines. Hop aboard our family-friendly train that winds through the wilderness. Spot and hear the furry friends who call this beautiful landscape home as you embark on this delightful journey! More Comfort, More Fun: Shaded 4,800 square foot playground – The perfect cool-down spot for explorers of all ages. Two refreshed eateries plus a brand-new Dippin’ Dots cart. More seating & shade – Relax and recharge with added comfort. Games Garden – Classic yard game fun with a Kentucky twist. Two refurbished restrooms. Two new retail locations Discovery Meadow will also feature four "wow" moments offering fans photo ops to capture the beauty of the new land. Of course, Discovery Meadow wouldn’t be complete without its newest characters: Scout the Squirrel and Robin Bloom. "Discovery Meadow is the most exciting addition to Kentucky Kingdom in years, and we can’t wait for families to experience this incredible land," said Sarah Worrell, General Manager of Kentucky Kingdom. "From brand-new rides to reimagined favorites, interactive play areas, and surprises at every turn, Discovery Meadow is designed to spark family joy, adventure, and connection like never before. It’s a true celebration of Kentucky’s beauty and spirit—bigger, bolder, and more immersive than anything we’ve ever done." Discovery Meadow is just the beginning. Following its opening, more details will be shared about plans for $14 million worth of improvements in 2026. Discovery Meadow and Kentucky Kingdom Theme and Water Park officially opens May 10, 2025, but Season Passholders will get an exclusive first look on May 9. For more details and to purchase season passes, visit www.kentuckykingdom.com.
  5. I hadn't noticed whenever driving by the park on 65 until I saw a post from WHAS but the Ferris Wheel is gone from the skyline but is still listed on the website so I'm not sure if they are replacing it or what but the wheel and the supports are completely gone.
  6. After riding the Boss one time and never again the best thing they could do to fix that coaster is implode it. I hurt for 2 days afterwards.
  7. We'd love to have Green Lantern back home in Louisville... T3 is being removed and there's all that empty space in the backyard so to speak.... lol
  8. I thought Paramount was done with the amusement park system when they sold the parks to Cedar Fair.
  9. when it takes a bank loan to go see a walking and talking mouse the business might wanna review ticket prices.... I'd love to visit the SW areas and Animal Kingdom but not gonna put myself in the poor house to do it though.
  10. Pete Rose..... one of my favorite Big Red Machine Reds player when I was still living in Cincy..... he slid into home plate yesterday.
  11. Kris "Rubber Ducky" Kristopherson - always loved his movies and music.... keep on truckin Rubber Ducky.
  12. Think this might just be one of the hardest to accept.... as a Star Wars/Lion King/Coming to America geek it's hard to take. He had a long life but still!
  13. we're having enough issues trying to get enough drivers for JCPS daily routes let alone a bus trip to St. Louis... lol
  14. I rode the Racer one time at KI and didn't think anything about my glasses (which were loose from being bent up) and made it all the way to the 2nd bunny hill before the climb up to the turn around and off they went.... the guy behind me tapped me on the shoulder when I started to look around trying to figure out where they landed and somehow he caught them in his hand so as we were going around the turn around I slipped them in my front pocket... whoooooppsss!
  15. ^ lol that's what I was thinking put some Diamondback scoops on it and make it another splashdown just like Diamondback.
  16. I always was under the impression that it was more of a partnership and that Herschend was the majority and Ed's group was a minority partner. I didn't realize that they actually sold the whole thing to Herschend.
  17. I feel sorry for the kids the most, it did't mention if there was another adult with them, only that he was with 2 kids. I can just imagine how scary it was for them. I seen another inteview with a ride attendant but the posting page wasn't sure if they were working or not, but basically this guy said that the man was told he would have to wait until the end of the night and retrieve the keys from Lost and Found, got back in line then disappeared, and was struck in an area of where Banshee is only 5' off the ground according to the ride attendant.
  18. Weekends might start out very busy until the waterpark opens but once the waterpark opens that's where the main crowd flocks and the dry side crowd dwindles rapidly so the first or two hours after park opening will be crowded but if you're skipping the waterpark you'll be good on the coasters and I'm not sure about the parent swap system but the staff are very friendly and when my two sons were younger the staff would keep an eye on either or both of my sons standing on the exit ramp waiting for me. I'd send them into the exit que while I went into the entrance que and never had any worries about them.
  19. I agree and now restuarants are toying with that idea.
  20. That was part of the issue but the main issue is Six Flags and the Fairboard had a blowout over the leasing and Six Flags basically said screw you we're out of here and vacated the premises. The Kochs dropped their interest as well for the same reasons when they were thinking about taking it over after it was abandoned.
  21. My thinking was trying to decide if it was the video that just was making it seem a slower pace or if it was the difference in the launch vs chain lift, but if it is a slower pace than that's not necessarily a bad thing because it will make it more family friendly with younger children, the one time I rode it in launch mode it was very very fun but very very fast and the whole thing was a blur from start to finish. I personally think for me if it is a slower pace that just gives me more time to enjoy the twists and turns, just my opinion.
  22. I agree, but won't get on a soapbox about it.... Looney Toons has gotten the woke treatment but yet look at the FPS games out there and the violence in action movies and they label Looney Tunes as too violent, makes sense to me but I"ll hush.
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