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Everything posted by M_Force_4_ever

  1. yeah that must be staged, not only does his foot pass through the train but with all those takes...oh no magic is an illusion
  2. ] yay!! IM KING!!! I voted for my own...of course that isn't biased at all I thought they were all funny
  3. Stitch- Im very sorry to hear about this, and I understand that Emotional pain can be worse then physical pain. take care of yourself, and although it seems untradional; don't be afraid to cry...it might release some emotions
  4. yea HRT was amazing, too bad I missed Twiztid because I was in line for merch =( lol so Iron Sheik would collapse if someone got too close to him sadly
  5. ^ha 1 year ahead of you 2007!!!! yeaha Juniors!!!!!!
  6. Sandstorm - Darude (played in terror twister durring Fright Fest at SFGAm)
  7. Friday -Went to school...exciting -Went to SFGAm right after school Saturday -Went on my comp for awhile -Played DDR -Watched Napolean Dynomyte -Laughed my ass off Sunday -Went to SFGAm yeah it was a very good weekend...it was my school's homecoming and I couldn't find a date, so I was basiclly doing anything to get my mind off it
  8. ^who knows, the article did say internal memo, not for public discloser....maybe Michelle Hoffman is just doing a "cover up"
  9. hmm steak and fries...damnit now im hungery!!!
  10. http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/newssun/top/w15hoax.htm\ interesting idea...discuss
  11. ^^^^^^^^^oh man that looks like it would send me into a diabetic coma (yes I am a diabetic) that just looks really sick
  12. ^^^^*starts strumming blues fourm on guitar* do doo do do
  13. ^was that on Hatchet Rising? anyway I am a HUGE wrestling fan...I really wanted to get tickets to Wrestlemania 22 but they sold out too quickly =(
  14. oooo thats how they do it on X, I know the normal method of removing the upstop wheels and reassembling the trains in the station would probablly be a lot tougher since X has 4 rails
  15. They have enough room if they use some of hometown square and make it go backstage between Deja Vu and B:TR, they just need to plan and they can do something Im sure
  16. here's an article CNN posted about Halloween events. I thought that the thing about halloween becoming an all month holiday was interesting http://www.cnn.com/2005/TRAVEL/10/12/halloween.theme.ap/index.html?section=cnn_latest discuss
  17. alright time for another one of my RANTS!!!!!!! I hate PSATs, not only do you have to take a high pressure test but you are also crammed into a hot field house for 3 hours with only 1 break! yeah I really do hate those stupid tests...yeah thats about it
  18. hmm it would be interesting to see CF aquire some of the SF parks...come on SFGAm <~~400th Post!!!!
  19. ^hey if the line is short enough then why not ride again?
  20. ^actually I've seen it get some pretty sick lines recently...I think that SFGAm could make something fit if they really planned hard
  21. ^that would be a pretty low station don't you think? also how would a coaster fit there, there is too much stuff that its really close to including Raging Bull, Giant Drop and Trailblazer...just an observation
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