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Everything posted by M_Force_4_ever

  1. a band with TALENT What? Talent? um, sure ok...please dont post in this topic if you dont have anything meaningful to say (this topic makes baby jebus cry) if you dont like it then dont read it or reply to it...*done with rant for second time*
  2. (in the 1970s) Peter:"so I says to my boss, im not staying at this stupid toy factory, Im gonna go places" Cleveland: "oh thats fly" (in the 1980s) Peter: "so I says to my boss, Im not staying in that stupid toy factory, Im gonna go places" Celevland: "thats cool' (presant day) Peter: "so I says to my boss, Im not staying in that stupid toy factory, Im gonna go places" Cleveland: "oh you are livin la vida loca"
  3. ^if all you guys are so aganist this thread then why are you posting in it? and also what are you doing judging something you don't understand? anyway, who's gonna buy FF 4?
  4. ^"Quagmire, you forgot to say OH!" Waitress: "We've got a special booth for you Mr. Tucker" (takes him to a stall where he is sitting on a stool and his food is on the toilet) (man busts into stall, drops trow and sits on Mr. Tucker's food) Tom Tucker: "this is unacceptable, how long are you going to be, Im very hungry" :?
  5. Damn, took the words right out of my mouth...anyway, I used to drink alot of it now Im trying to switch to water
  6. I think the last coaster I rode was Deja Vu at SFGAm...god I cant wait till saturday!!!
  7. I believe its right in between Dorney and Hershey...and you can spell it, it's Knoebels but knoenoabeobles is just as good of a name
  8. Steel: Apollo's Chariot S:ROS at SFA Millennium Force (that drop has great airtime no matter where you sit) Raging Bull (bunny hill after MCBR) Deja Vu Magnum XL-200 (come on those bunny hills on the return) Hypersonic XLC (I got great airtime on the hill, even with the trims) Wood: Raven Legend Cyclops Viper Hades Avalanche Thunder Run Im sure I forgot a few, but yeah...
  9. yeah, dont forget Frank Zappa- Daughter Moonunit :shock:
  10. Brian: "She is a Runt" Lois: GASP Brain: "What? I said Runt"
  11. 30 minutes from SFGAm 2 1/2 hrs to the Dells 3 hrs to IB 4 hrs to MIA 5 hrs to CP 5 hrs to PKI 6 hrs to HW =(
  12. ^I wish I could go to a park every weekend (especially when its 85 in october and SFGAm isnt open!!!!) anyway, all my friends know Im a coaster enthusiast but I dont really talk about it much, unless its my enthusiast friends...but my parents are very cool, they even take me on trips and enjoy the coasters with me, it really enhances my experience. I got my mom hooked on coasters (thank you Apollo's Chariot) so now she is almost as excited about taking coaster trips as I am
  13. best post ever! yeah anyway, maybe Geauga Lake, Kennywood, Hershey, Knoebels, Dorney, SFGAv thats pretty much all I could think of at this point in time (too lazy to open a new tab for RCDB )
  14. well I love TPR because its more relaxed then most other fourms, Everybody gets along well enough. oh and the fact a bunch of member post the same thing in the juggalo threads and the videos are great
  15. Coastermania Trip: -Cedar Point -Geauga Lake FLA Trip: -Cypress Gardens -Busch Gardens Tampa -Sea World Orlando -WDW Magic Kingdom -WDW Animal Kingdom -WDW MGM Studios SoCal Trip: -Six Flags Magic Mountain -Knott's Berry Farm Roadtrip to Georgia -Beech Bend -Six Flags Over Georgia -Dollywood -Holiday World Roadtrip to New Jersey -Kennywood -Hersheypark -Knoebels -Dorney Park -Six Flags Great Adventure the "quickie" roadtrip: -Little A-Merrick-A the Homepark: -Six Flags Great America yeah 2006 should be a very very good year for me!
  16. man they are moving fast, I cant wait to ride this thing next summer, and finally get my mindbender credit
  17. "do you mean to tell me these coconuts migrated?" "THAT'S GREEAT!!!" I need to see more monty python
  18. ^haha that was 'his' girlfriend? just kidding...anyway, how was the twiztid tour? I had to skip it so I could go to hallowicked =(
  19. ^HOLY S*IT thats a tight jersey, how much that run? buck and a quarter I assume? you should fly out to Chicago and check out Hallowicked
  20. I cant wait for Hallowicked this year Im defenitly going, its awesome they decided to do 6 shows of it and one is in my hometown! I have to put on that Hallowicked mix I made...only 27 days left!!
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