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Everything posted by donkeyman18

  1. No oh wait never mind yes. Have you ever been scared inline for a ride?
  2. ^ Replacing them with Vekoma models. Whats worse than no find the ducky's?
  3. I recently saw someone doing this and i felt horrible with the screaming kid finally one of the chainsaw man said to come with him and took them out of the maze I thanked him as he "attacked" me I can't say I'm of the opinion that there needs to be an age restriction in Haunts. We had plenty of younger kids come through this year, who I swear could have stayed stone faced if I'd of murdered their parents. Similarily, my sister has been going in Haunts since 4. She loves 'em! She'll even sit and watch flow-throughs for an hour online. I don't have any problem with parents taking little kids into Haunts. What frustertes me though, are the strollers that clog up foggy areas and the parents that feel the need to finish the maze with a screaming kid buried in their shoulder. Yes that is wrong if you ask me this kid was screaming get me out! so the actor did what was right.
  4. I recently saw someone doing this and i felt horrible with the screaming kid finally one of the chainsaw man said to come with him and took them out of the maze I thanked him as he "attacked" me
  5. She looks So much like an alvey in that photo! Once again happy birthday!
  6. I find that odd maybe a separate queue for each row with a normal and winged seating?
  7. ^Am I really number one Thanks that was nice you are the friendliest guy on theme park review.
  8. Well I don't have a guess this week i am here to post my 300th post! My 200th is on here somewhere and i wanted to continue this tradition!
  9. Kind of random but inline for the rides do they ONLY play Roll up I just want to run aND that HORRIBLE live black eyed peas performance?
  10. ^ I think they will start soon but I cannot wait for this! its this and skyrush that have me pumped for best coasters of 2012!
  11. Wipeout — NEW! 48" Hurricane Harbor Wipeout is a high-intensity water slide that takes groups of 2-4 swirling on a raft through tight turns, 2 funnels and a 35 foot drop. I noticed this today on the website for SFGAm Is this new or did not know about it?
  12. I love the idea of a fair! We don't see many of them on TPR! Keep up the great work.
  13. This will be cool to see done in RCT3 but honestly you need the movie feel of universal but overall this will be very interesting.
  14. ^ It does look slow but same with wild eagle in my opinion when it gets riders it should rocket by.
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