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Everything posted by donkeyman18

  1. Once again I'm in for Midwest/Texas Hope to see most of you there!
  2. Love it! I feel that on the turns in the tunnel that the train flows with the track perectly Great work I hope to see more soon.
  3. I rode the one at Lake Winnie this summer on the new hotness tour and holy @&%$ was it amazing. you float the whole way down and It doesn't brake till the last seconds more parks need this.
  4. I do remember the during our tour on new hotness that they were saying that not putting the exit on the other side was one of there first mistakes.
  5. Happy Birthday! Love this thread (and Ice Bat) Hope to see more updates soon!
  6. Hershey is strict on rerides. don't think you can at kings dominion either
  7. I would have thought the gatekeeper was walking around for publicity reasons.
  8. I had an AMAZING time on new hotness so my father and I are looking at the Midwest trip and the west coast trip!
  9. Went to the park for my fourth time today. Quick rating of the rides. We started off with apocalypse. A fifteen minute wait do to slow operations. The overall ride was mediocre at best felt it lacking speed and I could not even see the fire. Overall Rating : 5/10 Next we headed over to superman but stopped at Jokers Jinx. The ride itself is fun with a decent launch. But with this ride and every other ride in the park the efficiency is terrible I don't feel they are caring for the guests nor the ride. but on a rating for the ride itself: Overall 6/10 Next we rode Superman. This is the star of the park and is a kick ass ride. I feel the airtime on the hill coming out of the first helix is great picking you up than slamming you back to your seat (sometimes destroying your gut) overall its a fun ride : 8/10 After that we rode mind eraser. My dad really wanted the credit. We waited it out for the front praying it would be better and it was, Barely. I disliked the ride in many ways the layout is boring and has way to much head banging. Ill take a boomerang over this any day. 3/10 Next we made the mistake of riding roar. I don't remember it sucking nearly as much as it did. this ride should be burnt down and sent to hell. there was no way out of the rattle no airtime and a boring ride in general. am I in a rush to re ride? Hell no, Overall Rating of 2/10 Than we went to wild one. My favorite of the park. Its great to ride an old wooden coaster that still packs a punch. this ride is downright fun and a ride the whole family can enjoy. Overall 9/10 (Wow this is much longer than I thought it would be) Next I rode tower of doom. It was fun and all bot it felt like a slightly bigger frog hopper. you had no pause up there to build anticipation. it stopped for a split second and dropped. I would much rather have a Skyscreamer there. Only to credits I did not ride were Batwing and the great chase. I already rode Batwing and trust me thats a one and done. Overal the park was empty yet the waterpark was packed. we had the longest wait due to poor operations on apocalypse. I had a good day at the park and I would like to come back but honestly i'm not in a rush.
  10. Granted, All the parks have now turned into SFA. I wish SFA would get a B&M Hyper!
  11. ^ Cant spell COASTER right. v Is disappointed about full throttle.
  12. Granted, But the only people who can post are the GP. Wish they would make more whose line is it anyway.
  13. ^when I was there last it was cool to see theming but after that It didn't really matter to me. Honestly never cared for six flags theming.
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