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Everything posted by HCOSurfer90

  1. Hmm...inverted log flume..it could be like Roller Soaker at Hershey since it is inverted and uses water cannons and such.
  2. Thats not as bad as what one of the girls from my old school said. She said that on RRC it was the 1000th ride so they un-did the harnesses in the loop to fall back into the train again. When she told me all I thought was:
  3. WOW...like the others, you should DEFINITELY send this to Disney. That's awesome.
  4. Yeah they did. It's even in Guiness World Record books. They broke it in 1999 with their major expansion. They ended up with 75 rides. EDIT: if you dont believe me look here: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/content_pages/record.asp?recordid=51868
  5. ^I may be a fanboy..but I swear this guys worse than me Ok first off, for one thing all websites confirm that KK went 128 mph in 3 seconds. A stopwatch has error and how can you tell when its at its at speed? If you did your research you'd see it too.
  6. I could have sworn that SFGadv had the record for most rides then, which was about 75 at the time.
  7. I'd say Vekoma because after one of their rides, I usually do need some Advil. Oh yeah, does anyone else think this woul make a good poll?
  8. ^^Actually, I've heard the same and with Serial Thriller at GE also. I hope it's not though, since I would love these parks to get more rides!
  9. You don't believe that a dummy flew off do you? For after the accident it opened about 2 months later after the gauge was replaced and I did manage to get on it. Trust me on this, Kingda Ka is 100% safe.
  10. Just letting you know...KK accelerates to 128 MPH in 3.5 seconds...not 6.
  11. Why do I have a feeling this is going to become another lets bash KK thread?
  12. Actually..SFGadv's Runaway Mine Train is getting new single person Restraints this year.
  13. ^Well...Morgan doesnt make coasters anymore..at least i think
  14. Apollo's Chariot. This ride just annoys me. I didnt get any airtime and it was too long for such a boring ride. The only good part was the dip into the hill at the end.
  15. Even though I chose Shuttle Loops over Boomerangs, I just dont get why boomerangs get such a bad rap. I've been on a bunch and some were no where NEAR rough like Sidewinder at Hershey and the going backward up the spike is actually pretty cool since you never know when its gonna let go, it gives it a little suspense.
  16. 2 people died in 2 consecutive days at Adventureland Park in Long Island. One slipped onto the track of the Ladybug Coaster and was run over. Then another person was killed a day later when the Top Scan ejected her from her seat and she landed in the parking lot...wow so much for a small park in 2 days :shock:
  17. RT is actually a pretty good ride...even though it is a little rough. Yes it does deliver some decent airtime and it was my first "big" coaster so I guess I'll always like it. And this year it finally started to race woo hoo!
  18. I voted Intamin because each coaster ride on it seems different. To me B&M's are starting to feel like the same thing.
  19. Heres a pic from Google: http://naid.sppsr.ucla.edu/coneyisland/articles/images/con-cannon.jpg
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