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Everything posted by Mrlittle

  1. Looks really fun. I love launch coasters and looks like a fun custom one.
  2. I honestly have no idea what the ride will be. But with tallest, it sounds like a tower ride. Maybe something like Falcon Fury to be different from Scream.
  3. I have no idea what was in the blue Hawaiian but it was delicious. May have been the highlight of BGW for me. Your trip report is making me really miss being on the tour.
  4. So if they were to build a coaster, they could jump over and use the green space by Batman as well. I don’t see a coaster coming but 6 Flags seems to really love Fiesta the last few years. The red marks are the closures announced tonight.
  5. Makes a lot of space. I was thinking they would get a discovery but now I have no idea.
  6. I remember getting off the ride on a recent trip and hearing a local say “we just rode the worst ride in the park”. I think it says a lot when the locals hate it over rides like Mind Eraser and Roar. I’m not so sure converting it to a floorless train would help. I say take it down and put a package of flat rides.
  7. I’ve seen some complaining about the new reward program on twitter and Facebook. I don’t get it because 1. You don’t have to join and 2. You check in for rides using the mobile app. So it’s essentially a way for them to figure out what is popular and give you some FREE rewards for helping out. Who doesn’t like FREE crap?
  8. A couple of years ago, SFOT played a sound bite about coming back with your season pass to help the justice league defeat enemies. It was before they announced the dark ride so you never know.
  9. I really like the layout but I do wish they used the old train style. I will say after riding Valravn a few times recently, my body did better with those chest crushing vests but I felt more free with the old train. Also, I’m a fan of the logo and name. It’s always nice to get a unique name and not just another *insert Superhero character name*.
  10. Which day are you going? You should be fine, especially if you can go during the week. The weekend right before school starts was very busy last year but I think there are still a few weeks before.
  11. Such a strange layout but you got my attention enough that I want to ride.
  12. Busch Gardens Tampa is one of my favorite parks. Great trip report and photos.
  13. This is a very interesting Trip report. Thanks so much for sharing. I think my cat would run away first chance he had.
  14. I didn’t realize they were moving the queue line for Toy Story Mania. Totally makes sense, just thought the entrance was on the other side. I think the whole area looks great.
  15. $5 is cheap to ride this unique looking ride. Thanks for sharing your photos.
  16. ^ yes and it looks great . I was starting to get used to the white screen but these colors look more like TPR. Thanks Robb
  17. Click the # on the bottom of the screen. Ahh I had a feeling I was maybe missing it. Thanks
  18. I tried out the mobile forum for the last two days. I like it and think it makes reading trip reports a whole lot easier from your phone. I did notice it does not show you the other pages in the post. So if I wanted to jump back a page to read, I had to go back to the main forum page then click the page.
  19. ^ That’s pretty interesting. Thanks for taking the time to make this list.
  20. Again this is weird marketing but they got a World Record out of it. [youtu_be] [/youtu_be]
  21. Did anyone else see the actors from the TAG movie were randomly at the park yesterday. The park was trying to break a world record for Freeze tag. Sometimes the Six Flags marketing goes far and beyond even for them. You can see more if you look at SFOT Facebook. There’s a video of them riding Batman. So Hawkeye was on Batman https://www.facebook.com/sixflagsovertexas/videos/10156140790100991/
  22. I had my $20 seat upgraded for FREE at the Poison with Cheap Trick and Popevil concert I went tonight. Plus, it was looking like a bad storm was going to cancel the show but ended up giving us a nice breeze to rock out!
  23. You showed me two things I’m pretty sure I will buy when I visit later this season. Great Report.
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