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Everything posted by megalyte

  1. The yellow outline and shininess of the title in Jack's design is hideous in my opinion. I say keep the current logo that is there now.
  2. I completely agree, this design is simple, modern, and very eye pleasing!
  3. After looking through the whole thread, I have 2 designs that stand out to me for particular reasons; First, AngryGumball's design mainly for that awesome slider photo update thingy at the top! It looks awesome and I love the little boxes for the page you are on. In this case, a picture IS worth a thousand words. I also like the pull down navigation bar to the forums. I like to minimize the clicking needed to get to where I want to go on a website. To me, it's unnecessary to have the "index" page like here at TPR. I want to get to something fast, and with the least clicks. AngryGumball's design somewhat keeps the traditional TPR format, but definitely modernizes it to a 2012 standard. Second, AidanCKY's deisgn (Page 9) for a cool refreshing format that looks nice and could be easily navigated through from a smartphone and/or tablet. I really like the top navigation bar with the little stripe of yellow at the bottom, it helps "present" the buttons in a more classier way (if you can understand that). The things I would change though would be to put a slider in the latest update box (Or the Europa Park box). The other thing I would change is to move the search bar between the videos and the official TPR update box, it would even out the content and make it look a little bit better. The only gripe I have with most of the submissions (and this goes against the praise I gave to AidanCKY), is that most of these are made for non-widescreen monitors. In today's standard, almost every laptop and desktop are now in a 16:9 or 16:10 format. I think TPR needs to move a little bit away from the early 2000's 4:3 format. The only problem with making it wider is that smartphones are not in the widescreen format, so there would have to be a separate mobile site (which I am all for also!) I hope my little feedback helps! I am very excited for the re-design!
  4. -Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk - Universal Studios Hollywood Wow...I need to visit more parks
  5. Merry Christmas Everyone! I got: - $420 Cash - $100 iTunes Giftcard - $50 Amazon Giftcard - $40 Starbucks Card(s) - Klipsch Headphones - Knight and Day blu-ray - Modern Family Season 2 - New Pajamas - Steve Jobs biography - Coca-Cola mug - Candy! And... My Santa Claw T-Shirt! Clawsome!
  6. You should! I have some on the way! Just bought a shirt! Clawsome!
  7. I had 7 minutes left! Oh well, I'm really tempted to buy a T-Shirt! Thank you Real Art Design and Gizmodo for everything! You guys put on an awesome week! Thanks for the Santa Claw!
  8. I have 2 hours and 3 minutes left, this is going to be very close I'm just glad I got to play once yesterday, and I'm glad that Gizmodo gave this thing a run for a week!
  9. Hey Robb, any idea how to get the video feed working again? I hit the play button and all its doing is the circle animation. EDIT: I actually just exited out of one of my browsers, and went to another, logged in and now I'm back in the same place! And my video feed is working now.
  10. If you have all the movies in iTunes, then you should go to your "movies" tab on the left and look at the bottom. It should tell you how many GB all the movies take up.
  11. I'm at 8 hours and I think the claw broke. It hasn't moved for about half an hour and the line is staying the same length.
  12. Just when I thought I was going to get to go for the first time this year (I won once last year), they paused the line . The worst part is it starts back up right when I leave for school in the morning!
  13. Is anyone else's video not working? It was working for me until about an hour ago. I hope it works when it's (hopefully) my turn.
  14. I have almost 8 hours to go. Hopefully they don't pause the line.
  15. I got in (tried once) and immediatley turned my browser volume down! The mute button didn't turn off the DJ'ing sound Anyway, I still have 12 hours and 50 minutes to go...
  16. There is no way I'm waiting 13 hours right now, haha. I'm going to get in line tomorrow morning so I will be going tomorrow night.
  17. I find it funny how on every other 2012 ride dicussion's people were saying AQUATRAX! Nobody said it in this thread, and look what it may be, a Aquatrax!
  18. I'm not saying that you're wrong or anything, but that track doesn't look like anything B&M uses for it's "normal" track. The track looks like transfer track or part of the station track. Then again, I could be wrong on all this. It would be cool to see a two-tone hyper coaster though.
  19. I always love ProSlide's mini models! Great coverage by the TPR team!
  20. Sure, I would be glad to give you some answers: First off, every Android version is given a dessert codename in alphabetical order (except Android 1.0 and 1.1); 1.5 = Cupcake 1.6 = Donut 2.0/2.1 = Eclair (Introduced on the Google Nexus One in January 2010) 2.2 = Froyo (Frozen Yogurt) (May 2010) 2.3 = Gingerbread (Introduced on the Google Nexus S in December 2010) 3.0/3.1/3.2 = Honeycomb (Introduced on the Motorola Xoom at CES 2011, Released in February) 4.0 = Ice Cream Sandwich (Introduced on Google Galaxy Nexus, Set to launch in Europe November 17th, 2011) Every Android phone is theoretically able to handle 1 1/2 to 2 years in upgrades, If the manufacturer chooses to take the time to make sure the device is able to handle the upgrade. Most Android phone manufacturers (not carriers) have their own skin (HTC Sense, Samsung TouchWiz, Motorola Applications Platform, etc) which takes longer to upgrade because they have to make sure the skin works with the OS. Also, the carrier has to approve the upgrade and push it out to the users. This is a problem with Android, it's called fragmentation. For example, Samsung's Galaxy S phones either launched with 2.1 or 2.2, nearly all of them have 2.2 now (which was released in May 2010) but only some have gotten upgraded to 2.3, This failure is because Samsung had moved on to other projects, essentially leaving these products without upgrades. So now we have these 1 year old phones, that are stuck on 2.2, when 4.0 is about to come out. Some little tidbits: - Google does have a stock skin, it is used on every Nexus device and some other phones as well. - 3.0 Honeycomb was strictly for tablets only, so 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich is the merging point for the phone and tablets, with it working on both phones and tablets - Ice Cream Sandwich has support for physical navigational buttons, but like on the Galaxy Nexus, they are part of the OS at the bottom of the screen. Google has said ICS should theoretically work on any 2.3 device, If the manufacturer chooses to upgrade them. - About 30-40% of Android phones are still on Froyo. Most of them will not be upgraded anymore. If you have anymore questions, or are still unclear on some information, feel free to ask!
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