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Everything posted by shivtim

  1. I think it looks fantastic. Great speed, twisty, bit of airtime thrown in (looks like more airtime than Leviathan). Excited for next year!
  2. I would have been embarrassed if I didn't recognize that one, given my screen name! Next layout:
  3. Some "small park" keychains. Sometimes these parks don't have any keychains at all, and sometimes they have a nice selection of unique keychains. How hot is it at Lake Winnie? Enchanted Forest (Oregon) LED light I guess if you need to measure something? Snow globe keychain! Train-themed Storybook Land keychain. Anybody been on the "Bubbles" coaster? Another neat train keychain from Storybook Land. The park had a great selection of unique merchandise. I got a christmas ornament too! Rampage! Re-opening soon?
  4. AWESOME. The silver one (2007, I think?) was incredible around 2009... still the best single beer I've ever had. Although I had another silver one more recently (2013) and it wasn't as good. I think two years aging is about right for a Dark Lord.
  5. I was feeling nostalgic and missing Europa Park. Re-reading this TR hit the spot.
  6. Maybe it depends on how short/tall/skinny/fat you are? On me, the Skyrider restraints were awkward but didn't hurt, and the ride was mostly smooth and awesome. I only ever rode in the front. In contrast, I had severe nut smashing on the Intamin tilt drop towers (SFoG and Movie Park Germany).
  7. ^When we were there 2 weeks ago, Raven was also only running one train.
  8. Sad news. I *love* Sky Rider. I know I'm in the minority, but I think it's an amazing ride in the front "seat." The airtime is unbelievable. I have no idea why this one is so much better than the King's Dominion (and formerly King's Island) versions.
  9. It's in my top ten steel. It's a fantastic smooth zippy little ride with lots of airtime and directional changes. I actually like it better than the one mega-lite I've been on, but I know I'm in the minority in that opinion. I thought the trains were comfortable, but I did hear some people (especially taller people) who thought the trains were uncomfortable.
  10. Disney keychain time! Mostly "anniversary" keychains. EPCOT countries Holographic Mickey. Does this count as a hidden Mickey? 10 years of EPCOT 15 years of Disney World Pre "Hollywood Studios"
  11. A few more keychains - this time, Midwest woodies! Hades 1.0 Voyage opening year Raven, one of the best night rides!
  12. Visited CGA for the first time yesterday, and was very surprised that they had a "no glasses" policy on ALL of their roller coasters. I've never seen this at any park. I hope this isn't a new Cedar Fair chain-wide policy. I've worn my glasses on rides like El Toro and X2, I'm pretty sure they're not going to fall off on Grizzly or Woodstock's Express. It also was oddly enforced - on Demon they made me put them in the bin, on Gold Striker they told me to just hold on to them (really?!) and on Vortex they told me to put them in my pocket. Overall the park was fine. I got the credits in and left. Not much to stick around for. Flight Deck and Gold Striker were both great. They could use a nice family coaster. Loading procedures were really slow on most rides - for example on Psycho Mouse one car would complete the entire circuit before the next would be released from the station, and on Grizzly the trains were stacked for several minutes each cycle. Employees were mostly nice and helpful though, so I'd still put this park above your average Six Flags park.
  13. I love Skyrider. It's actually in my top 20 steel. In the front "seat" the airtime is extreme and it's relatively smooth.
  14. $$$$$$. The general public won't know or care that this is a similar type of coaster as Intimidator. When Canada's Wonderland opened Leviathan, they saw a 5% boost in attendance. Only three major parks had a bigger attendance increase that year - Disney California Adventure (Cars land), Universal Studios Hollywood (Transformers ride), and Hersheypark (Skyrush). A giga-coaster is a highly marketable ride, and they'll make a lot of money off this.
  15. Is there any evidence that ratcheting bars are safer? If anything, there's evidence they are less safe. Raven originally had buzz bars, without incident. After they were replaced with individual ratcheting bars, there was a fatality. Although with advancements in design, many of today's wooden coasters couldn't use buzz bars. Can you imagine El Toro or Outlaw Run with buzz bars? That picture is from the Children's Healthcare marathon. I can see my arm in the fifth row!
  16. I'm going to be in Oakland for a conference later this month, and I plan on visiting CGA for the first time. Any tips or advice?
  17. Isn't the Tickler at Luna Park a spinning coaster on long island? Long Island isn't the whole island. It's only Suffolk County and Nassau County, Coney is in Brooklyn so It's part of the five boroughs. Got it, thanks. New coaster should be a fun family ride.
  18. Isn't the Tickler at Luna Park a spinning coaster on long island?
  19. Crazy red sky and double rainbow from my balcony. A couple weeks ago in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
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