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Everything posted by DJeXeL

  1. Holy bump. Also I disagree 100% Maxair is greatness. Agreed. Also, I think Maxair has a better cycle than Delirium @ KI. Don't ask me why.
  2. Just like World Of Color. Watch it once and I never have a need to see again.
  3. Simple, yet effective. I like it. Hopefully this attraction is more successful than it's predecessor.
  4. Columbia only operated on peak days. Only one of my visits saw it running. Every other time I've visited it's been parked against the dock by Splash Mountain. Same for Fantasmic. The show is great but it was only performed on peak nights. It won't be a huge difference in operations for those two attractions to disappear. Columbia and the train, however, will have an impact on crowds. Both attractions were huge people-eaters. While they weren't the most popular rides they certainly had their role to play. I'm afraid to think about standby lines without them. I don't think losing the train or Columbia will be a huge deal...they are people eaters if they were entirely full throughout the day, but I have rarely seen an entirely packed train or boat. Losing Fantasmic will make main street a terrible place to be at night now that all the night time activities will be in that area... The trains are quite popular actually as it's an attraction the whole family can ride and the line is usually short but I do agree that the trains are only about 70% full at most times. Losing Fantasmic is a bigger deal to me. The resort offers so much else to do that closing these attractions for a much needed expansion is not an issue worth b*tching about in my eyes. There are fanboys up in arms about losing the Columbia for a year, though. I mean really?!?
  5. Eh, I much, MUCH prefer the vast "resort" experience of Disney World versus how cramped and crammed into a few blocks of land everything is in Anaheim. We were walking around Port Orleans the other night and were talking about how just that ONE resort hotel at Walt Disney World is probably bigger than all of the land that Disneyland sits on. Yes, in a way it's nice being able to walk back your hotel, but there is just something about the complete MASSIVE size of Walt Disney World that you just cannot compare. I agree that the bus system is not amazing, but I have to be honest, I sort of like the fact the the monorail is one of my regular modes of transportation as an Orlando local! I wholeheartedly agree with everything you've said, ESPECIALLY about the bus system. It's extremely unorganized.
  6. Switching to Friday will be the better plan for SFMM. DLR doesn't close for rain. Sunday doesn't look like a bad day for SFMM either.... Just my .02
  7. Edinburgh Designs makes 'Flap' wave machines. Paradise Pier @ DCA which has been disabled.
  8. Welcome to TPR! This thread might answer some of your questions.
  9. "Run it until it valleys" is somewhere in the training curriculum for Nitro's operators.
  10. I found these pretty funny and thought I'd weigh in on the Carnival hatred.
  11. Good points. No idea why I thought "Forever" was longer than Wishes.
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