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Everything posted by DJeXeL

  1. I agree, Hammerhead was a great attraction. Restraints were mildly uncomfortable however a good ride nonetheless. One of the Zamperla installation technicians I spoke to when PE was being built said "I hate when my boss sells a "Rotoshake" which is the off-the-shelf name from Zamperla.
  2. Yes it has and Huss even threw their hands up and said "we have no idea how to fix it."
  3. ^It became just a regular part of the queue 3 months after the ride opened.
  4. Is that a assumption, a joke, or are you actually being serious? I'm being 100% serious Nobody had said anything about the ride being rethemed because The Jolly Green Giant and Grimace broke into the park, shat on the track and changed the colors either.
  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one that dislikes that pre-show. Love the ride but sitting through the pre-show is painful.
  6. I can't say who came up with it, but early last year the park sent out a survey with ride and theme ideas and "Total Mayhem" was one of the choices for a ride name. Apparently it was the most popular answer? Damn GP!
  7. Makes sense. Coax the animals into being in positions where guests can see them in the open.
  8. Everything about this ride sucks! All Joking aside, I'm happy the park is getting a new coaster and even if it's 1/2 as fun as B:TR @ SFFT, then we're in for a treat.
  9. Because it's Riptide. That's why. I personally think Riptide is on borrowed time at this point.
  10. Well at least we don't have to worry about that ride system being resurrected again.
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