Not surprised at all by this. Riptide was a fun ride to both ride and operate but it has been a maintenance nightmare since day 1. I wonder when it will start to get dismantled.
I like the Intamin coasters in the park plenty. STR though? Awful. How do you build a log flume that can't float in the 21st century when randoms were able to figure it out in the 1920s?
You know its true. Lake Winnie's log flume predates penicillin. It ain't rocket science.
I like the Intamin coasters in the park plenty. STR though? Awful. How do you build a log flume that can't float in the 21st century when randoms were able to figure it out in the 1920s?
Definitely a shame as shoot the rapids was a decent attraction albeit it did have its fair share of maintenance issues.
Cue "Intamin Hater" bandwagon in 3.....2.....1.....
I don't mind them too much, but they rattle, block the view of the track in front of you, and they increase the drag on the trains.
Understood. Thanks.
How do you like it? Supreme was my 1st attraction as well.
Yes, Tuesday will be dead. You should have no more than a 2-3 train wait (If even that)for most of the majors. XC won't close unless it's above 35mph I believe.