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Everything posted by Allena.k.a.Alan

  1. Wow, I've seen a NoLimit coaster on YouTube that is the same model as Tranan. I never knew it actually existed until today.
  2. I've been to: None so far, . Although I've flown across Alaska, and cross into New York during Thousand Islands Cruise in Ontario, Canada. Though they don't count.
  3. Here in Toronto, it's hot and dry during the summer with a few cold days (yes, even in summer), and cold freezing winter with quite some snow.
  4. Balder and Lisebergbanen look amazing, want to go on them so bad!
  5. YES!!!!!!!!!!! After so many hours, I finally got the news clip working. Slightly lagging towards the end, but nice to see TPR getting Scandinavian publicity. (No idea what they're saying though, lol)
  6. ^ Actually, I haven't been on that ride yet, but I sure would love to go on it.
  7. Great job with the update. It's certainly worth a wait.
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