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Everything posted by GeorgeT

  1. Oh wow...the Promotion Video was now posted as an english version : Greeds...George
  2. WHAT AN ANNOUNCEMENT I was waiting for three years now for a park to try to use the whole potential of the mack Mega Coaster concept to build one, if not the best looping coaster out there. Absolutely stunning...I have a hard time thinking about a coaster announcement that could be more promising than this Liseberg...I`m coming !
  3. They had to put those trims back in place because the german TÜV thought that GeForce was running too fast this summmer
  4. Great funfair...what an incredible variety of coasters and especially flats Thanks for sharing !!!
  5. GREAT video...would have loved to be there too ! Thanks for sharing !
  6. I guess you guys missed something...you didn`t see Elissas reaction, did you ? Anyway...WTH and talking about Alzheimer without understanding why I repeated that is really out of place !
  7. That sentense is just plain wrong. It`s was wrong three month ago...and it`s wrong now. And you know that. Greeds...GeorgeT
  8. Yep Elissa...that post was 3 month old. But honestly...does that change anything about the fact I was responding to ? Greeds...GeorgeT
  9. Oh dear... Yes...it`s true...the huge Dive machines are oversea... BUT : If you look at Expedition Geforce, Goliath (Walibi), Shambala, Colossos, Silverstar, Katun, ISpeed, Lisebergbanan, Dragon Khan, Heide Bobsled, Colorado Adventure, Heisse Fahrt and so on...why do I have to read it over and over again that the huge ones are all oversea ? The truth is that in MANY coaster categorys we have a some impressive and REALLY good ones Honestly...Europe isn`t that huge, but has so many excellent coasters...I think we really shouldn`t complain at all ! Greeds...GeorgeT
  10. No. It becomes better over the time continously. There are always people who dislike a ride...and maybe every coaster has a "bad day"...but the "older" Wodan is...the more positive reviews it is getting. Honesty...about every...let`s say two weeks...I feel an improvement. It`s STILL getting faster. After running so "meh" in the beginning I really didn`t expect Wodan to get that good. So happy to hear that it did not dissapoint. Rounds up Europas line up soooo well !
  11. Sooo happy to hear that my homepark did not dissapoint Still hoping for more reviews of those who shared the Europe trip
  12. WOOOW ! Great pictures...and absolutely AMAZING captions, Hanno ! Thanks a lot !
  13. Well...two "huge" extra drops added to a mousecoaster can`t be a bad thing, right ?
  14. It`s really OBVIOUS that someone took a look at the Intamin Megalites...but maybe it was the Park asking for that kind of Layout ? Anyway...I think the price was not the reasons for choosing Mack as mack is more of a high end fabricate AFAIK...it`s no Vekoma, guys This mixture of basically a megalite-layout plus inversion plus the comfort of those AWESOME (!) mack trains...nothing wrong about it
  15. Well, do I see it right that Artistico was NOT there ??? EDIT : Just found the video on youtube... Dude, how could you not show or mentioning this AWESOME ride ?
  16. Honestly...that`s what I think when looking at those Bell Rock photos postet above
  17. Hey guys ! This is GeorgeT...and right now there`s a huge chance for me and my pop-rock band "Phonogen" to play on a HUGE stage !!! One newcomer band has the chance to perform at the "summer of love" music festival here in Germany...but we need to get more votes to make it !!! Everything`s explained in THIS video...and if you`d like to give us feedback...you`re welcome. THANKS ! If you like our style...here`s another one...just released : Voting ends soon !!! This is the direct way to vote for uns : http://www.seaoflove.de/voting ...just put in the "code" and E-mail Adress (No Spam will follow !)...and scroll down !
  18. As you are talking about the B & M clamshells...nope I honestly think that Mack takes the cake with those on their lauchers ! Anyway...a coaster with ultra-strong negative g`s needs MUCH better lap bars that other coasters...and Intamin should know and care about that... BUT (!) thank god they are there to build those rides that make "perfect" shaped and/or padded lap bars necessary Go Intamin, goooo...
  19. Yep...Wodan "needs" that warm up procedure. That`s why I totally hope that TPR will have evening ERT on Wodan here in June
  20. So, the more airtime a ride produces, the better shaped the lap bars have to be so it won`t hurt, right ??? What I would like to know is...do you guys who already rode Skyrush think that with a better shaped lap bar or better padding Skyrush would be significantly more comfortable ??? If yes, then there`s a HUGE difference between complaining about strong negative g`s... or just too "unergonomic" lap bars !
  21. Sooo nice to hear that...thanks for giving me feedback ! Greeds... GeorgeT
  22. Awww...so nice to see this thing. Watching Skyrush`s testruns made me soooo jealous not to live closer...but this looks to me like it could be B&M s best hyper so far...so I`m happy to be European again...at least for the moment Thanks for taking all those great shots...thanks for all the effort !
  23. This thing will be ultra-intense...I have no doubt about that. They didn`t put any trims on it, and they won`t...so why worry ?
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