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Trevannosaurus Rex

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Everything posted by Trevannosaurus Rex

  1. My favourite is Space Mountain at WDW, then probably the original version of SM at DLRP followed by Winja's.
  2. There were a couple of people panicking that Dragster had been removed as well.
  3. Longest I've waited was 3 hours for Journey to the Centre of the Earth at Disney Sea and it was worth it! Before that I waited a horrible amount of time at Lightwater Valley for the Dinosaur Coaster, which along with the Ultimate and the amazing fence maze were the only rides we managed that entire day! Generally though if I've already been on it, 20 minutes is probably the most I can manage to wait. (Was also spoiled by living close to Disney World for a while)!
  4. Were the rides being run in proper German travelling fair mode? Or a tamed down UK version? I think these days it has more to do with the Germans being better at football more than anything else!
  5. There's a rapids and a log flume and a powered coaster which are all right. Lots of kids rides. But the majority of family rides have either been removed or burnt down. It's crazy that 12 years ago Thorpe really didn't have thrill rides.
  6. Will be revisiting Wonderland as it's now my home park. Hopefully make it to some of the other parks in the area. Unsure about giving money to Marineland though. Bit of a catch 22 there. Then of course I'm looking forward to the TPR Texas trip, which will be all new for me. Then maybe Darien Lake or Great Adventure as well. Should be fun!
  7. Those of you going on the Japan trip and flying with JAL, here's something that might be of interest: Air KFC it's only only till Feb, but maybe it'll get extended.
  8. My one and only trip to Holiday Park years back, had horrible, horrible operations on GeForce. They took ages to load the train and check everyone's pockets. Which is frustrating, but understandable. But when the line dropped below half an hour, they took the second train off, which took half an hour! They added the second train back later in the day!
  9. Expedition for all the reasons people have listed above. They are fun and honest. Although a RAW special on Boomerangs would be AWESOME.
  10. Speaking of Splash Mountain at Splash in Tokyo we stopped for ages at the top of the drop into the Laughing Place. We'd been there about 5 minutes, lights came on, music stopped. Very excited about the chance of getting evvaced, but then the ride started again. But the music and AA's had stopped so we spent the next few minutes floating about in silence. Joked about it running in Florida mode. The CM's were highly embarrassed when we came back to the station and gave us re admission to any other ride. Great stuff.
  11. Sent in the deposit for the Texas trip. It'll be my first TPR trip, so I'm pretty excited. Looking forward to City Museum the most!
  12. I had no idea the Rotor was that old. You'd never get that impression actually riding the thing! So well maintained. Great pictures!
  13. I've been evacced from the front row of Everest right at the top. I have a picture of me with the mangled track in the background. Entertaining walk down a nondescript flight of stairs, where a poor CP had to carry an obese child down the stairs as it wouldn't walk down on their own. Got a glimpse of the Yeti AA and everything.
  14. I'm really interested in the Texas/Mid West trip. Have to wait till the 23rd to make the deposit, that should be ok?. (Unless you take Ikea vouchers)?
  15. I wonder if they will get rid of the 3 room bottle neck. The press release talks about 3 different vehicles that guests can choose. It could be a different vehicle type for each room? You then get sent down a separate line and design your vehicle in one of the rooms? Does anyone know what the budget is, are they adding a couple of new lights or are they shifting walls and queue line about as we'll? Hopefully they keep the 'Hello! the seatbelt check is right round the corner!' Which I am sure has sent many a Cast Member mad.
  16. Don't go looking for someone who likes roller coasters or Disney. It's nice if they enjoy it as well, but don't have it as a 'must have' relationship requirement. I've recently ended a 5 year (awful) relationship. They loved Disney as well. It's dead to me now. I can't check blogs or read articles any more. It was a huge part of our lives and the idea of going back at the moment is too difficult for me. It'll change in the future, but for now it's too painful. Plus side, I'm free to give a TPR trip a go now!
  17. So how much life insurance did everyone have to take out?
  18. The absolutely best thing I can say about Fuji Q is that I had an average day. It was quiet, but there were still long slow moving lines. Ended up paying for the line skip pass which worked very well, but was the only way to get on everything. You can get the bus from Shinjuku pretty easy and it's a nice drive. Takabisha is great fun best ride in the park, I liked Fujiyama and ejanaikia, but the others are a bit average. Also they close if the weather is a bit damp. So careful with that. I organised the entire trip around that one park, far too much work for it. Yomiuri Land was my favourite of the Tokyo Area parks that I went too. Bandit is great. I'd spend more time at TDR, it's amazing. Check out any other thread about it on here. Then plan to spend more days there. Also buy your tickets in advance and get there early.
  19. Really? That's pretty neat. Hope the paper says 'Sad & Pathetic. Admit 1' is that a Cedar Fair thing or just Wonderland?
  20. I'm certainly interested in the Children's Museum plus some roller coasters trip. I can't believe something that amazing exists in the world, let alone in the States. There are certainly a few other coasters on the trip that had been on my radar for a while.
  21. I was there last week. Very busy, I'd have bought a Fastlane for my Fastane if I could have. Managed to get all the credits bar the kiddy coaster. Thought the park was very nice, clean, helpful staff. Coasters were a bit of a mixed bag, but a really good selection. Plus lots of flats. Only criticism is standard Cedar Fair stuff really, stacking, spieling and seat belts. Too much of all 3! I'll certainly revisit the park though. Vortex was a very pleasant surprise for me, no idea it would be this much fun. Leviathan had the best ops in the park and that staff were great. Front seat ride and certainly my favorite B&M coaster over 300 ft tall.
  22. It's a good fun. The GUI is very nice. Large selection of questions and the countdown keeps you on your toes. An idea for a future update; different difficulties? That way you could cater to a (slightly) larger demographic & not have people repeatedly stumped on some of the trickier questions. Just a thought.
  23. I'm going to be arriving in Toronto for an undetermined amount of time at the end of August and I'm wanting to try and get to some parks in the area before they close for the season. When do the schools go back in the GTO? I see the park is open every day till the end of August. I'll be arriving in Toronto on the 28th would it be better to go for a 2 day pass or one day with fast lane? Awesome!
  24. I had one of the very same waffle dogs from the stand last year. It was really disappointing. I think it had been sat round from the previous year. On the plus side, I'm pretty sure they were $5 last year as well!
  25. I'm popping down to K-Days tomorrow to get the credit for Nitro. I read an interview with the fair's owner that Nitro was 'better than new as it had been refurbished' and that it had a 'state of the art safety system' Which I'm sure is something to get excited about. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Mindbender is the best thing about Edmonton. Stunning ride. The backwards car is indeed special.
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