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Everything posted by coastercrazed49

  1. Led Zeppelin sounds awesome. Also the trains design are crazy looking, at first they sounded stupid, but they came out really nicely. Looking forward to seeing what other people think of the ride.
  2. ^Yeah it is. John Lester only had one really bad inning, and thats what killed them. Hopefully they can do something in the final game of the series.
  3. Go start so far to the park. I kind of find this a bit odd though. Sorry Tatum that I haven't made you a park.
  4. This is the greatest idea ever! Why can't they do this at every restaurant?
  5. The Red Sox game was pretty pathetic today. Buchholz looked pretty bad. If Beckett isn't playing well we might have a problem with pitching. I laugh that Detroit is doing really bad right now, even though they were picked by many to be one of the best teams in the league.
  6. ^I'm the O's for Little League. Hopefully I can do a little better on offence this year. Red Sox vs. Toronto tonight. I hope the Sox pitching will be as good as its been the past couple days.
  7. Cool Photos. That looks like a nice little park. How big is the Drop Tower? The park looks really well landscaped too. BTW welcome to the site.
  8. I also really want to see the Nationals do well this year. (2nd Favorite Team) My dad and I have tickets to a game this summer at the new Nationals Park to go see the Nationals and the Rockies right behind home plate. Has anyone seen the new Playstation Center at Nationals Park?
  9. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Gc-q6QQklEs Its more of a promo video, but is still really strange.
  10. They are good rides, but have you forgotten about the hulk?!? But it would be a shame if they were closed on your visit. Hopefully they do something interesting to the ride with Harry Potter theming.
  11. About 5 hours last night. Was watching the Red Sox game for most of the night.
  12. I completely agree. It just doesn't fit, it kind of sticks out and is an eyesore. Other than that great trip report. Belmont Park is looking nice.
  13. I haven't been on to many water slides, but the scariest one I have been on is Stealth at Aquaboggan in Maine. Its one of those half pipe slides, and it is scary going down it backwards.
  14. I was watching the Red Sox and besides in Japan their pitching is looking really strong. I really hope that Beckett does well if he pitches on Sunday, because we wouldn't have gotten where we did last year without him.
  15. Haha, I found this really funny. If this was real I think his little hat would have blown off. Also if this was real, he would be the coolest pope ever.
  16. Wow I am so confused, but it was a great April Fools joke. I'm am so happy that the park is not gone, and it looks like a new coaster is coming too. You are a clever person John.
  17. Wow those were some really cool pictures. How did you find that place?
  18. I have my doubts to, but a lot of the sports announcers all are saying the Cubs are going to be good this year.
  19. This seems like it could be a cool park, and the roller coaster that dives into the canyon sounds cool too. This would be an interesting amusement park if it becomes official.
  20. I'm bumping this thread for the 2008 season. Does anyone have any thoughts on the 2008 season? I would like to see the Cubs do something this year. But obviously I would like the Red Sox to win this year too. Go Red Sox.
  21. Great Pictures. I still haven't seen any women in bikinis with Mike! Thats to bad with the rain for SFOG, because you missed out on some good rides.
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