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Bruno Lancetti

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Everything posted by Bruno Lancetti

  1. Lou??? In red hair??? Wow!!! So nice, so beautiful, so... sexy!!! I cannot wait to bring you back in my arms... here in Italy!!! Ahahahahah!!! Nice pics guys!!! Thank you for your update!!! Hey Lou, next time you can invite also the Angry Dragon in UK...!!! Eheheh!!!
  2. http://www.dainese.com/us_en/multisport-winter/core-jacket-out-07-shield-6-7.html Skiing is essential in winter a well as being protected during jumps, tricks and x-treme evolutions... eheheh!!!
  3. This ride is a clone of the one installed in China at Dinosaur Park!!! This pendulum will be the fastest and highest in Europe!!!
  4. Note for Matteocrepaldi: please give a look at the first page of this topic and you will find the answer about Gardaland. The survey is now finished (so the video was removed for this reason). I will send the edited video to Robb for uploading it here (if he want).
  5. Yes, I can confirm, Gardaland has used TPR footage with permission of Robb. Video segments where taken from "Roller Coasters In the RAW" collection. Dive Machine (Chimelong), Flying Coaster (Tatsu), Tower Coaster (Speed: No Limits - UK).
  6. "VEKOMA IN ARIZONA" - A Vekoma SLC is a real frightfest attraction all year round... and everywhere...!!! Do you agree with me??? Eheheh!!! Tombstone... Arizona... the right place for... to die... eheheh!!!
  7. I'm sure a "launch spinning coaster with inversions" is the real missing ride on the market at the moment...!!! Who will be the first to introduce this??? Intamin has already realized somthing similar without inversions (you know... coaster experts... Comet Express!!!). Why not...???
  8. Oh yeah, the spinning coaster is a Twister Coaster made by Zamperla and sold last year!!!
  9. OMG - Big Mike update vs Robb TPR official update...??? Ahahah, no stories... Big Mike wins...!!! Eheheheheh...!!! Have a great tour guys!!! I miss you all...
  10. Hey "Giant" Mike... we are all waiting you here in Italy for your 601# ride on "Mammut" (Mammoth - The ride), the fabulous Vekoma Mine Train!!! Why not??? Com' on!!! Have you already booked your flight??? Eheheh... Ciao, Bruce
  11. Hey my friends!!! Hey "Incredible" BIG - Bikini Collector - Mike!!! Yes I am!!! Darien Lake has produced a couple of different leaflets including some original pics of Motocoaster taken during our tests in Italy!!! Zamperla Inc. friends have already sent to me a copy of each leaflet/map a couple of days ago!!! Unfortunately I was not payed (no money, no gadgets, nothing... ) for this... but I am happy to be part of the show !!! Here attached you can see the original pic used on Park World cover!!!
  12. Hey my "expert" friends...!!!??? What's about Zamperla??? The Italian manufacturer is missing!!! EOS, Fabbri and L&T System are also missing!!! Mack is also missing (...have you ever ridden Youngstar Coaster???)!!! The best on the podium with "a good mix of" quality, price, durability, reliability, safety is Maurer Soehne. If you need an impressive "Ferrari" rollercoaster with speed, comfort, high capacity, etc.) B&M remains the first choice (...budget permitting). Thinking about a coaster after B&M means ...having fun with Intamin.
  13. Hey JimmyBo you may ask these songs to Robin Schroeder... one of the Mini Europe Trip fun guys from UK!!! He is the composer and musician...!!! ...really porn??? ...again??? The first one it's a good song!!! Too funky!!! If there is any producer of homemade porn videos (and TPR coaster enthusiast of course!!!) I think we can exchange music for hot videos... ahahahahah!!! Is that correct Robin??? Hihihihihihi!!!
  14. ...ETF vehicles are simply the best on the market for Dark Rides...
  15. Intamin Mega-Lite... could be considered the Intamin answer to... the Vekoma SLC series... eheheheheh - ahahahah!!! Ok, I'm joking but... an Intamin advertisement on latest Park World issue claims 4 Mega-Lite coasters already sold... so... this means that 2 more units are in the way for 2009 season!!! I will not be surprised if one of these units will appear at Mirabilandia, Italy, where Sierra Tonante wooden coaster originally was...!!! Can I bet on this???
  16. Hey Hanno!!! No boobies pics for me and the rest of "Tits a bounce" lovers??? Have you ridden the log flume??? This is not a complete review!!! For a complete test of your camera you are now forced to go back to Tripsdrill for taking more pics!!! Ahahahah...!!! ...and what's about driving a little bit more till... Gardaland here in Italy... for "another" Mammoth???
  17. Hey good friends... thank you for your positive and negative comments, both "ways" really apreciated!!! A short note to clarify the music I have used on my video: there are two songs... and both are played by TPR member "Super" Robin Schroeder!!! I have to thank him again for getting me the permission of using the songs!!!
  18. These pics are part of the press release I have personally prepared for both amusement industry magazines and coaster enthusiast communities!!!
  19. There is another good shot for you TPR friends!!! Have a great weekend!!!
  20. Mammoth (Mammut in Italian) is based on an original Vekoma's Mine Trains project. First and second track layout segments are aleready part of other Mine Trains around the world. The third section is the new one that rocks a lot!!! Sit down on the back row for a definitive cool ride!!! This Mine Train has an high re-rideable level!!! Calling it a "family" coaster is not enough...!!! Mammoth is different from Experidition Everest!!! The new Mine Train doesn't offer a very immersive storyboard like Disney but there are enough elements for considering it a real hit for both Italian and European market. Here below you can find a couple of bonus pictures (one is a gift for my TPR fans including "Not so sweet Lou" and "Big Mike"!!! eheheh!!!) taken during the press event/conference that was held in Gardaland two weeks ago. Alexei Tikhonov and Me during the buffet!!! - Alexei is the Director of the Zoological Museum and the Deputy Director of the Russian Academy of Zoological Science. He is involved in three important projects connected with the DNA of extinct animals and plants originating in the permafrost region. He is one of the main Mammoth experts in the world!!! Here you can see some Mammoth real bone rests and the original Mammoth used for the TV Spot!!!
  21. This is an aerial shot taken one month ago!!! Now the theming is more complete!!! Final "touches" are in the way...!!!
  22. THE RE-AWAKENING OF THE “MAMMOTH” AT GARDALAND - Inauguration of ITALY’S BIGGEST FAMILY ROLLERCOASTER: covering 5,000 m² for a ride that lasts 4 minutes, with 16 sudden changes of direction and inclines of up to 48°! Being Italy’s biggest family rollercoaster, “Mammut” puts Gardaland in the spotlight once again, confirming its leadership in the Entertainment Parks sector as the number one park in Italy and amongst the top parks in Europe. Here you can find a bunch of cool pics!!! Enjoy it!!!
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