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Everything posted by Loco

  1. This is by far worse than Six Flags Discovery Kingdom...and I thought that was bad!
  2. BTW does anybody notice something on the park map?.....Looks like The Orbit is coming back!
  3. To GP Grizzly is fun . I remember riding Grizzly back in 2003 and a couple people saying "Lets go on it again!"
  4. Wow! Deja looks extremely good without that wooden junk next to it!
  5. Most likely the Eurofighter will be the Avatar coaster since i think in the show they can fly on clouds and do flips and stuff lol....I dont know ive never watched that show but just like on commercials or something while flipping through the channels
  6. ^Yea and where the heck is SFDK going to squeeze this in also? Are they just going to add a couple rides somewhere or re-theme their whole Looney Tunes area?
  7. So say something blows up. This means some of the coaster track will be destroyed...no?
  8. Well as for Medusa...Heres a horrible POV of it, probably of how rough it was.
  9. ^^ Even though I didn't understand it, That Zaturn one WAS pretty cool.
  10. Well one of my favorites has to be the Orbiter. Yea they might be Pukeville for some people but i love them. midwayoffun.com
  11. I read somewhere about 2 years ago about a figure appearing around Drop Zone/Games area. Edit: Heres a few from just Great America
  12. Well considering I have only been on Delirium at PGA and Fireball at SCBB....I think Imma go with Fireball on this one. It just seems like its faster and spins a lot more than Delirium, and a longer ride cycle.
  13. Basically all her life....Parents divorced when she was little, dropped out of high school when she was a Junior, married a 16 year old, got pregnant....the list goes on
  14. Thats sad...Even though every time i would see her on TV or something she seemed drugged its still sad, she left her daughter behind and all, and her son had just died on September too.
  15. Yea, GA needs a launch coaster, they havent had one since Greezed Lightnin' and that was removed...what...2-4 years ago? But then it seems like a dumb idea because SFDK, just like 50 min away has an impulse....yea i know its not exactly the same...but its still the same ride type.
  16. For me it was either looking through coaster pics or searching for coaster videos and i popped up on here.....Ive actually been here for like 2 years but just recently started posting.
  17. True, very true. BGA will probably advertise the new change too.
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