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Kevin Long

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Everything posted by Kevin Long

  1. I forgot to put my solar system in there.. I hope it doesn't skew the results. Kevin
  2. Here are my test results and possibly significant data Download and Up load Location: St Louis - Mo - USA - Earth - Milky Way Galaxy - Outer Spiral Arm 11:45PM CST 34 degrees Dry Wind NW 7-10 mph Relative humidity 45% Speed test: 1290KBps down 324 Up On the large video - Delays about every 10 seconds or so as though I had a slower connection. Quality excellent both audio and Video. On the small version - Quality very slightly degraded - mostly insignificant. delays a bit further between. still about 15 seconds or so. On the upload Using your supplied file: unzipped upload total time to upload 1m 36sec. Avg speed 39-41kbs no problems hope this data helps Sincerely, Kevin Long Human Male Caucasian Left handed Bald Old
  3. I hope this doesn't' come as cop out, But what more can truly be said. I took the 10 minutes to read all of these posts and reviews carefully and I must say anything I could add would be redundant. There are a few comments and opinions that I may not agree with but the comments on the actual footage and how it was and is shot are completely accurate. If you are a fan of coasters and can't travel the world to ride them, you can do no better than to purchase any of these DVD's. Shot by fans - for fans - and you can really tell. The "expedition" series is like traveling with friends, and the "raw" series is like riding with friends. Best of both. I can certify that you will not be disappointed with any of these Disc's. Note: The post office manhandled my disks at some point and cracked one disk holder in each of my cases, but no real damage was done, everything played fine. I know they weren't shipped that way, but IF you are tracking potential damage problems here is my two cents. (I transferred the case cover and disks to another coaster vid box from another company and turned their vids into cup coasters - a fitting end for them) great product buy it - worth every penny. sincerely Kevin Long Old guy
  4. I was running low on criticism..last night but I am refilled now..... it was a thinly veiled joke... mostly about how it is easy to write about the same 25 coasters in America, While Robb circles the globe to bring you the very best from everywhere - his trip reports should count as a blog.... different format same thing.... Plus I thought the smiley indicated humor in this case...
  5. I don't know why Robb has not been nominated for best Blog..... Oh .. that's right there is no blog.... Robb is man of action - he actually visits coasters and doesn't just sit back and write about them. What a slacker!!!!...
  6. My first coaster, although some or most of you will deny it is a true coaster, was - Fire in the Hole @SDC - to an 7 year old it is a coaster. If you want a real coaster mine was The Screaming Eagle SFMM. I am old 44
  7. Well, you gotta expect with name like "Quimby" this person was going to get killed at some point early in life . I am surprised more weren't Killed in an uncontrolled fall from 40 feet with 30 people all around you. Once again, evolution tries to step in and is defeated by medicine. better luck next time, Kevin THe Fat Old guy
  8. modern man emerged roughly 100,000 years ago, he used to drink water from mud puddles and eat raw meat and poultry and bugs and all manner of things we find disgusting now. we learned better over the millennia, but are we too soft now? I say man up, pitch the disinfectant and get ready for the coming apocalypse when everything will be unsanitary compared to now. just a thought Kevin Long Fat old Guy
  9. It's weird, you can tell how old a person is by what they say they will buy if they win. The real young 12-19 would buy completely useless crap and blow all their money on maintenance for a roller coaster or a jet. The next group 20-25 would buy houses and make a few investments or pay off school loans and help family out Next group 25- 35 would pay off credit card loans and existing mortgages travel and relaxation type things. Mega yachts, personal Jets and cocaine are gods way of telling you you have to much money. Me, I would pay nubile young co-ed's ridiculous sums to entertain me and perform for my pleasure. Believe me it would take 300 million for that to happen. Kevin Long Fat Old Guy PS I think something is wrong with the spell checker . Catching my own mistakes -
  10. I don't see why though. I mean, the park obviously needs work and some extra investments to get it up to par, but there was obviously a huge amount of interest in it. Just look at how many people bought season passes. In fact, I'm pretty sure the park would have lived on for a while even with it's abhorred business plans if it hadn't have rained so much. I don't remember hearing them ever say they were backing out on it either. Actually, they said they planned to have a hard bid in before the deadline. There is a reason all the major theme Parks are located in climates where they can operate year round, ( I KNOW there are Exceptions). If you have a a 25 week season and it rains for 5 of those weeks you can easily lose everything. The weather didn't suddenly change in Kansas - you may have had a very wet spring, but they should have taken that into account when planning. I've said it before, It costs many hundreds if not thousands of dollars a day to keep a park open. You can't count on perfect weather and packed gates every day. They should have had a least a million in cash for operating expenses for the first year. Kevin Long Fat Old Guy
  11. I know now to never call someone a german handbag. Kevin Long Fat Old Guy
  12. Parks America obviously reviewed the business plan, did their homework and realized what the former owners did not, this park is not a viable option in this case. Rather than invest in what would become a financial black hole, they wisely backed out. good for their shareholders. by next spring WWW should be nothing more than a large crater in the earth. Kevin Long Fat old guy
  13. How natural does that pic with Joey and Asaka Look? Will we see a mail order bride in his future... How old was she? She is wearing a schoolgirl outfit. Kevin Long Fat Old Man Joey and His Future Bride??
  14. way cool but you need to upload a bigger photo I couldn't hardly see that one Kevin Long Fat Old Guy
  15. I did not understand most of that game especially the Rassions - I presume you meant rations? It sounds dumb, boring and extremely hard to follow. I'd send it in to Fox they might put it in place of Top Model - the most unrealistic and useless show on TV. Ps try the spell checker on here it works really well unless you are from a foreign country than your errors are forgiven Kevin Long Fat Old Guy
  16. I have a title for that porn we are waiting for..... Meat Skewers ... (a Love story) thats dirty.... i Think... Fat Old Man Kevin Long Take the Skewer Baby.... Yum The Stars of Meat Skewers... a love story
  17. how about this I think Lamb tums when I see it. oh well Kevin Long Fat Old Guy(with nothing better to do cause he didin't go to japan) LAMB TUMS???!!??
  18. I was hesitant to clip an actual photo of Kidtums so as not to possibly offend. Also an avatar is representation of a person is it not?an actual photo might not be as artistic. ( too lazy to look it up.) You are also right it is a ram, but the goat photos I found looked to much like lambs Kevin Long Fat Old Guy
  19. Please look at this and Comment Too Obscure?? Kidtums avatar Can't wait for her first Post..
  20. Having worked as a "Carnie" and at a major theme park in my youth I can tell you. I trust a reliable carnival ride company far more than a stationary theme park ride in general. If properly maintained and set up these carnival rides are safer than some theme park flat ride that has not had any more inspection than a once over daily by some ride op and a yearly inspection by the state. I my case when we set up carnival rides, we did a close inspection of all nuts, bolts, clips, harnesses, restraining devices - anything lacking was replaced or repaired immediately. I can also say from experience that at the theme park I worked, we never really checked anything beyond looking at it briefly. an inattentive ride op is as bad as any "Carnie." Granted - finding a reliable carnival ride company is the key and difficult. Kevin Long Fat old Guy
  21. I agree .. the all in one has another problem that seems obvious but over looked. not everyone is the same height so the "cone" theory is in question. a short person in the back row probably would see less than otherwise due to the confined spacing of the segments. Imagine if you had height restrictions by rows .. loading would be a nightmare. Or you would eliminate entire classes of guests, by requiring all to meet the minimum of the most restrictive size. The articulation thing also caught my attention, the coaster as drawn would have to be almost flat to make the curves. needs more work but I applaud the attempt Kevin Long Fat old guy
  22. With that crowd in the wave pool.. you just know people not wanting to lose their place, they are using the pool as a toilet. Imagine if you had to get out in a hurry - you are screwed. not my cup of tea... at all of course I am a fat old guy Kevin
  23. I went to this park way back in the old days when I was a young skinny guy. I guess was 7 or 8. interesting park. fun for kids. really pushed the ozark stereotype to the max. small with a cave similar to SDC, but not as nice. Went buy the wayside like WWW or Joyland without enough capital and population to draw from a park cannot succeed long term. As i remember this park was a couple hours into the ozark mountains. far from anywhere. and we started in branson which is no where Kevin Long Fat old guy
  24. cruelty is letting that cat live.. should have been put to sleep - total cost $15.00 20 to 30 thousand to keep a cat alive - that is is criminal kevin Long Fat old guy (non cat lover)
  25. "I'll have you know that quite a few things that we all enjoy don't make a profit, or at least a profit worth continuing, but we hope they keep going because we enjoy them. If you enjoy something, why not support it?" Try being a business owner and losing money every day, week and month so that everyone can be happy. It's very easy to say when it's not your money. Its called a free Market and if the market is not big enough or interested in your product you either give it away and lose money or close the business. I know, I know.. The town hates the park. They forced the park out of business. If you are making tax revenues for the town they will not close you down. There is more going on here than anyone knows (there always is) and you will probably never get to the true bottom of it. It sucks that it works that way but it does. I hope they re-open but the odd's are against them. Kevin Long Old fat guy
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