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Everything posted by almightyfire

  1. the psyclone was the worse coaster there hell eva. it was rough and slow. magic mountain needs an up to date woodie. colossus isnt fun. i dont like coasters that slow down to go around bends.
  2. i went to cedarpoint in 1999 and the loadtimes were amazing. they were bringing those trains in at top speed and they were all running. i was there on a mon and tue in august and the park was extremely crowded but i was able to ride all rides in one day. they were running and checking bars and restraints. when i went back in 2003 that was a different story. they were extremely slow and it took me 3 hrs to ride millenium force and 4 hrs to ride ttd. i wouldnt even talk about mean streak the line was all the way to the railroad tracks and the first time i went it was almost a walk on. i saw big changes in the few yrs difference. i wont even attempt to go there and ride maverick the first yr.
  3. i thought that was gonna be more than that. that is just the tidal wave at most parks.
  4. back then it was the bomb but over 20 yrs it is a kiddie coaster. rollercoasters are a drug. the more u ride it the less instense it is. i am not saying it wasnt the best or a thrill but come on now compared to el toro, hades or the one at holiday world it is a kiddie ride. astroworlds biggest downfall was lack of space for expansion and all the rides they have built in the past 20 years have been lackluster in the thrill department. no one traveled to astroworld from out of town at all. that is the main reason for lack of attendance. the tallest coaster we had was 110ft tall. I AM SORRY, but i dont miss it.
  5. i said i LOVED which means i once loved BATMAN when i rode it its opening year because it was the first but yes it is a clone and now i dont ride it at all because it is no longer thrilling it is too short and the load times are too long.
  6. i have been to a lot of other parks. the log ride at sfmm is the best TO ME. it has an element of surprise because it goes up a steeep first lift hill and goes back n the mountains and for a first timer that is thrilling because u dont know whats next, also i am a height freak and the last drop is the tallest THAT I HAVE BEEN ON.
  7. i know the cyclone was ranked #1 back in the day but in the past 20 yrs there have been soo many new typed of coasters that are much more thrilling that the cyclone would have and was considered a kiddie coaster.
  8. Well in this order for me from best to worse REVOLUTION GOLD RUSHER NINJA X RIDDLER THE OTHERS ARE FORGETTABLE. i just love these coasters the most. I dont care much for the others VIPER was the best coaster I had been on in my life when it was first built. I had never seen anything that big. I rode it 30 times in a row my first time there. It was on a MOnday and the park was empty. Now it is just a big headache. BATMAN was the most awesome thing I had eva seen and I rode it only twice the first time because the load time was very slow but now it is so small in comparison to alphengheist. GOLIATH well I ride it all the time at SFOT, but after the first drop it becomes boring to me. COLOSSUS who cares SCREAM- unimpressive such a clone of other six flags park rides. It reminded me a lot of SUPERMAN at SFFT. ACTUALLY I LIKED FLASHBACK DEJA VU- never road line was always too long PSYCLONE- was just plain horrible. THE reason I like Magic Mountain is because of the terrain and the assortment of rides. It has the best log ride there is.
  9. In 1976 a bunch of friends and me went to Six Flags Astrosworld to apply for a job. Everyone got a call for a second interview before we got home except me. So I called as if they called me and they said "we dont have any record that we called u" and i said well my mother said u all called and left this number. So they told me well if we called then it was for a second interview and for me to come in. So I did and I ended up getting a Foreman position immediatly on the worlds#1 rollercoaster THE TEXAS CYCLONE. I got the position because Astroworld was highly criticized for not hiring minority and females for managerial positions. i ended up being the best damn ride operator/foreman they have eva had. I held the record at the time for not getting 2 trains on the lift. There was no such thing as computers and the driver controlled every aspect of the ride. The braking system was solely 3 levers ont he control panel and I controlled when and where the train stoppped. Also there was a rule that NO 2 TRAINS IN THE STATION AT THE SAME TIME! Which meant we got in trouble if the loadtime was slow and the trains got backed up in the station. At that time we had lap bars, seatbelts and a seatbelt on the floor for extra security to hold the lap bar down. Now there was a place on the track when the other train reached that point that was the time to dispatch the next train. So u see, these kiids nowadays only have to let the damn bar down and dispatch and there is no excuse for 2 trains to be backed up in the station unless it is an emergency. Also there couldnt be a single rider so we had to find another rider and also we had to make sure the bigger rider got in first. So all of this we had to do in 1 minute and it was done. SO THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR LOAD TIMES TO BE SLOW when these ride operators have absolutley nothing to do.
  10. thank u so much. why dont they have more of those in the us? they dont look that expensive and the steep lift hill is totally unique. the cars remind me of the flashback at magic mountain,
  11. I know this might sound stupid, can someone explain to me what a euro-fighter rollercoaster is?
  12. Alphengheist is the best for me. It is well themed and long. I just dont like short coasters like Batman and Serial "thrilller.
  13. I remember riding BTR the first year it opened at SFMM. That was the best coaster I had ever been on in my life. Since then I have been on soo many inverted coasters that BTR is a kiddie ride now. It is not tall enough nor long enough. That is one thing I hate about Six Flags, they order 5 of the same rides and put them in too many parks close together. I go to SFOT twice a year and never get in that line because the loading time is too slow and if u blink the ride is over too soon. I would luv to see another coaster at SFOT but not BTR it is a replica of too many other inverted coasters. Serial Thriller at Astroworld was identical to 4 other inverted coasters at Sixs Flags parks, like a Guena Lake.
  14. no not at all. the boardwalk is located near nasa. it is a beautiful place right on the water. it isnt too far from galveston island. it is right in tbe gulf of mexico.
  15. I havent been this excited about a coaster here in texas eva. when the titan opened at SFOT, i wasnt that excited because i had already ridden the goliath. i live 40 minutes from KEMAH and i think that I will be adding a lot of miles on my car this summer. I just hope that it runs daily and not over $5.00 per ride. If it is i will be dippping into my 401K. I was a big fan of height, but these woodies nowadays have so many elements, banked turns and airtime that height isnt as important to me.
  16. the roughest steel for me is the VIPER at magic mountain. the great adventure clone, i forgot the name, but that sucka was pretty rough also. none of my friends wanted to reride either one of these. when i first rode the viper it was the biggest thing i had eva seen, so i dont think it was that rough for me back in 1995 when i first rode it, but now dayummmmmmmmmmmmm!
  17. the villian was extremely rough when i rode it the first time and i got right back in line. that little transition part took me by surpise and i said "dayum". the texas giant is another one that gets uncontrollably rough on the last stretch. i rode it 14 times in a row and i was so sore i couldnt turn my head and it had to immediatly drive 250 miles back to houston right after, i know i sound stupid but i luv just luv just luv rough woodies.
  18. That is why the parks are suffering financially. I did the same thing, I went a couple of exits down and ate at Denny's and came back. I do spend a lot of money on snow cones and pink things in dallas, because of the heat, but do i rarely do food in a park. Hershey had those delicous home made potato chips though, I actually spent over $20.00 in a few hours on them.
  19. I AM SOOOOO HAPPY. I am 30 mins away, this boardwalk is beautiful. It is the closest thing to an attraction here in southern texas.
  20. i feel the reason is because we are now so technological that we want everything virtual. kids no longer go out and play. fun seems to be all done electronically now. going to an amusement park now requires us to get off of the couch, put the remote down and walk to the car and walk through the park.
  21. All of the annoucements sound ok, but I have neva heard of this tony hawk who is he and i saw the virutal for the spinning mouse at SFFT and I dont see a big deal. Six flags has always put up rides but no real themeing. I really wanted to see a good themed ride like the ride Escape To Pompei, Jurassic Park, Mt Everest ride. If there was more themeing I think the parks would do better. The are fun to go to for rides but nothing really what I call pretty like Isle of Adventure. I would luv to see a big mountain with ice, water, fire, trees, and whatever else it takes to make u feel like u are really in another place, not like the runaway mountain at SFOT or the dark ride at Great Adventure where a rollercoaster goes into a dark room and really doesnt do anything. At any rate I think employee service, ride operations, cleanliness, and total running of cars at all times will boost attendance. Also put fire under the ride operators and make them move fast not drag like they dont want to be at work, that holds the line up.
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