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Everything posted by almightyfire

  1. The one at Hershey is the best I have been on.
  2. It was nice meeting u also Tex. I am sure we will run into each other again soon. It is just a relaxing place to go at nite.
  3. Hi Tex, has there ever been a wait where the line was down the ramp to the parking lot?
  4. For me Six Flags. I just dont care for Cedar Fair rides. I do think that Cedar Fair's customer service and reliablity in the staff is better, but I think the rides are better at SF.
  5. There isnt really much left at SFOT. They need a new coaster bad. It hasnt had a new attraction worth much in a longtime and I have gotten pretty bored with the whole park. Runaway Mine Train and the Pink Things are probably the only thing that keeps me coming back.
  6. The Giant was also my favorite coaster. I rode it back in April and I only rode it once. That is because they didnt open it until 1pm and I had to leave at that time to come back to Houston. When i got off the line was too long. I am gonna say it is still my favorite woodie after el toro.
  7. I rode the BB around 20 times Monday and I got one bruise on my chin, a sore neck and my pinky left finger got sprained. Now is this ride rough? yes it is. Is it so rough that you cant ride it once and get off and walk around and come back an hr later and ride it maybe 4 times in 5 hrs? NO! I would have never gotten any injuries if I would have gotten off like a normal person and walked around and did other things and gone home. Since I am not, I got hurt.
  8. I don't quite understand how a coaster made of steel becomes rough. I was at MM last May and Scream felt the same as it did as when it opened. (to me) Can someone explain how a steel coaster becomes rough because I have never ridden one that was noticably rough than when it was first opened.
  9. It was wonderful meeting u also. We do need to get everyone together to ride the new TOP TEN COASTER, THE BOARDWALK BULLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. How were the trains running today and how were the crowds if anyone went?
  11. Not at all. I first rode it in 1994 and it was new and it was boring not necessarily rough. It was a replica of the Texas Cyclone just not white. It was very dated for that time.
  12. But it is a thrill park. When did a thrill park become a sin. Heck Cedar point is a thrill park and its very successful and SFMM once was and it wil be again. There are tons of families who like thrills. Kids under 10 just need a small section to keep them occupied.
  13. Umm interesting. 2 days before I rode it, I read all of the reviews saying it loses momentum half way through had me thinking it came to a crawl later on but to my surprise it didnt TOO ME. Yes it does slow down but it is supposed to near the end. I doesnt slow down that much. It is still very enjoyable though.
  14. SFMM needs a good woodie like El Toro. No It doesnt need another piece of steel because it has the best array of steel coaster there is to me. It just needs another woodie to replace the horrid psyclone. If they got one and I mean a good one, they will have an even amount of types of coasters.
  15. It all depends on what is someones tastes. I love the coaster but I wouldnt say it is all of that. I am just glad we have something in Houston that we can call good. Astroworld was so small and the rides were dated that we didnt have any updated rides at all. The Texas Cyclone was built in the 70's. So it might be a favorite for a lot of people here because it was their first but it wouldnt even be in the top 50 if it were still around. All of the rides were like that there, but the BB is truly a contender for a top 20 rollercoaster and a top 10 woodie.
  16. its funny that CP won for best park but the categories that actually make a park good it didn't win in.
  17. I was there Monday and the brakes on the brakes run brings the train to a total stop which takes too much time to get in the station. I think they should take the brake off and let the 2nd brake bring it to a stop. I am not sure how many brakes coasters have now but back when I was on the Texas Cyclone, we had 3 brakes and The first brake was only used when there was another train already in the station, but that was in the 70's when i worked there and the brakes were manually operated. The BB brake run stops it totally.
  18. When you ride El Toro, you will not be riding a woodie. I dont want to start the debate over but, riding that actually feels like 100% steel. I dont care if it is considered a woodie but if that same coaster, with the same dimensions and built by the same company and had the same trains but was made out of 100% wood, it would be rough just like the others. I know people say voyage is made the same way but I have never ridden that one but it is next on my list.
  19. I thoroghly understand their beef about noise. I said the same thing when I saw how close this thing was to the homes when construction started earlier this year, but all of those few homes that are left on that shore area are few and they do not only have to contend with the noise of the coaster but the boardwalk itself. There are lots of restaurants, clubs, shops, rides, and a marina directly in front of them and next door, so that noise period on the weekends is atrocious. It has been a losing battle from day one when the boardwalk first came into existence years ago. if you just drive around that little area and see it is all commerical now and their tenacity isnt understood anymore, it is just plain stupid. They are just going to have to just move. This is no differant than a neighborhood being rejuvinated by buying of old houses and tearing them down and building new ones and one little old lady refusing to sell. Guess what they always do end up selling. Houston is one of the most modern cities in the United States. Here if the roof needs repairing, the wood is rotten, and the hot water heater is gone, we tear it down and build new. We dont give a flip about historical monuments here. That is just the way it is in the Houston area.
  20. You have no pity for who? The owners of the house or the owners of the coaster?
  21. Well Tatsu and X are one of a type coasters. That is why they are so popular. The experiences I had with both coasters was "OH MY GOD". It is like a dynamic experience that is out of this world but I dont want that feeling that often. TATSU was totally painful at the bottom of the loop and I had head problems for 2 weeks after. Now the experience was wonderful but I cant do it all the time. I will ride everytime I go which is once a year but they arent something I would ride over and over again if I lived in the area. That is why I love SFMM a lot is because they have some unusual coasters. Now that is why I love them a lot. X and El Toro are the only 2 coasters that have scared the S _ _ T OUT OF ME.
  22. Well I guess its more of taste. I actually like goliath type coasters. Like Voyage, The Beast, Mean Streak and Sof B. I like terrain coasters the most. I have never been on Balder but I am sure that when I do ride it, It will probably be my favorite woodie running close with El Toro. The Bullet is the best mini woodie to me.
  23. Well i went and parked near the coaster and the houses and I didnt find it that loud either. I still say the people next door that refuse to sell are just holding out for more money. If they arent then I guess they will have to get used to the noise, but trust me they will eventually be gone.
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