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Everything posted by almightyfire

  1. I hope Fertitta is planning a new coaster. Dont know where it would go but just build over the restuarants ahhahahhah. This thing is truly a bullet. I am not sore yet but if I am in the morn I wont be mad, it would just remind me of the goodtime i had the night before.
  2. This ride is awesome. I rode it 12 times in 2 hrs. It only slows up a little one time. Yes it is rough, but no more rough than any other woodie except for El Toro. The brake run brings the train to a complete stop and it takes a while for it to roll into the station. I am not sore from the ride yet but I will be able to tell better in the morning. I beleive that the people who get beat up on coasters are people who wont hold on. Of course ur gonna get thrown about if ur hands are up.
  3. Why is it I cant view any of the pics? All of the pics are saying to upgrade to photobucket.
  4. Also her husaband rode in the back and he said he came out of his seat a lot of times. So I guess the airtime is there.
  5. I just spoke with a girlfriend and she said that the ride last night was excellent. Her exact words were "oh my god that thing never slowed down". Now she is as big of a woodie freak as I am and I trust her opinion. She did say also that it wasnt an El Toro but it is one of her favorites, because we rode El Toro last year and we have never experienced anything like that before and that is what we compare all woodies to now. I am getting up now and putting on some clothes and driving down, will give my review this evening when I get back.
  6. AH-MEN! This park is the best place in the world to me. When i die I want to go to SFMM. That is where I want to spend eternity. Naw for real, I am glad someone loves the park as much as I do. Just needs better loading on X, but there isnt one park i have been to where some rides werent up to par with loading.
  7. Now this sounds like a more truthful review. The others I have read have been stellar and not one complaint. I hope Landry's go ahead and buy that existing land next to The Bullet and put a nice Hyper also and a really nice Log Ride in. This might be the next big Boardwalk in America. We just don't have anything here in Houston and this is a nice addition. I will be going sometimes next week for my first ride.
  8. I am sure that we all think that we will be down there all the time once it opens, but that will change. I keep telling people that I will be visiting once a week but I probably wont and I dream of coasters at night. Once we all ride it a few times the thrill will be gone. My off days are Sun thru Tues and I would like to go and ride in the daytime when the kids are in school, but I understand them not staffing the ride with operators and standby mechanics just for me. I am sure it will be open at the beginning to see how the crowds will be then after that it will be on a regular schedule.
  9. Well I rode it on my first trip to MM and It was totally rough, and guess what, I got right back in line again. I rode it 10 times in a row and I had the biggest headache and it was wonderful. Heck most of the rides i have ridden that are intense hurt to some degree especially if they have over the shoulder restraints. That is the beauty of it to me. I don't want to see it gone. I have truly missed that ride. Tats hurt me more than Flashback at the bottom of the loop when your are on your back. My head hurt for 2 weeks afterwards and my equilibrium was off for the same amount of time. Now I felt more pain with that than with FLASHBACK.
  10. I think that KD is a good place for it instead of KI. KI needs a new coaster also, but they have the beast and son of beast that are real thrilling rides. There isnt nothing that really thrilled me at KD but the flight of fear. Sorry I didnt know the height of Batmanso forgive me for the mistake.
  11. I saw this coming. Why would CF purchase a park down the street? The only reason I could see was to get rid of the competition. When they removed the first coaster I knew that they had no intent to keep this park open, Kings Dominion is wack and so are all of the other CF parks to me besides CP. All of the coasters are just ok. Dominator is a wonderful hypercoaster and I enjoy the villian. Kings Dominion really needs it but i thoroughly enjoyed Guega Lake when Six Flags owned it. I enjoye dit more than cp.
  12. I think this is a combination of Goliath at SFOG and Nitro. I love the name and everything about it. How can you all tell that it will be trimmed?
  13. I ride Viper in 1995 1997 2000 2005 2007 and it still feels the same to me and as far as X is concerned that is the only coaster that I have ridden in 5 yrs that had my legs weak when I got off. How does a steel coaster get rougher? I think that most people get tired of a coaster when they have ridden it over and over and subconciously they try to find something wrong with it. The Texas Giant at SFOT wqas rough when i first rode in in the early 90's and it is just a rough today at it still remains one of my favorite woodies. It was my favorite until I rode El toro.
  14. To me, the purpose of a new attraction is to get new business. The locals are gonna come anyway. Maverick is too new and still has another year of newness to attract new people. There are a lot of people in the world who are just finding out about Maverick and who will probably make Cedar Point their destination for next year. So I doubt that whatever you all are seeing isnt a new coaster at allo. It wouldnt make financial sense at all. The amusement park industry is at a low rate now because people are becoming more sedentary and are becoming couch potatoes and everything is virtual or a gameboy and no one wants to get out in the element anymore and sweat by walking. I just dont believe monies will be spent at all on another big attraction in a while because CP doesnt have SFMM to compete with anymore. CP is the only coaster park left for people who are looking for thrills because SHAPIRO said no more coasters. For years SFMM was voted the best amusement park in America and then that stopped. If you all remember everytime CP got a new coaster SFMM got one. They were fighting for the title of the most Coasters in the world and SF has given up that fight.
  15. This was a no brainer. A coaster at Keman totally makes sense. I never thought about it a first but I always felt that Galveston needed one, but this is a better place. Much nicer. The people around the coaster need to go on and sell so that more Coasters and attractions can be built. It is a shame that it went down like it did but there is no turning back, THE COASTER IS BUILT. I am sure they are holding out for more money. I hate that they are displaced but it is too late now.
  16. What was the reason that the train wasnt making a complete run and what did they do to correct it if anyone knows?
  17. I am so tired of hearing people putting down SFMM. There is nothing wrong with it at all. I have been there yearly for the past 15 yrs and have never and I mean never seen any gang activity or was I ever in any harm. It doesnt make any sense what anyone says about this park. They do not offer discounts or free bus rides there if you are a gang member or thief. It is not located in the slums of Southern Cali. They do not give priviledges to crooks and the undesirable. That word FAMILY FRIENDLY is a bunch of crap someone made up. Family doesnt mean a bunch of rides that you have to be under 4ft to ride and a bunch of employees dressed up annoying you. If the people in a group are all over 20 and are related, they are still the same family as if there were 2 adults, 3 kids and a dog. You go and enjoy SFMM and trust me you wont be murdered. I doubt that gang members are actually planning on going to ride rollercoasters and not stay at home protecting their turf. Sorry but SFMM is a great park and if you want to go and be bored, go to KNOTTS OR DISNEYLAND and ride a teacup.
  18. I would say Universal Studios, You will get ur coaster fix at SFMM and you will get another fix at UNIVERSAL. Knotts to me is very lame compared to SFMM so if u do choose to go there you better go there first and make SFMM ur last stop.
  19. Jurassic Park at Universal Studios is mine and i dont even like water rides.
  20. Nice report. This Journey to Atlantis is not as good as the one in San Diego. This is just a regular Tidal Wave.
  21. The water was running down the rocks when i was there in May and I dont see anything wrong with the new color scheme.
  22. I just dont understand it all of the best parks are outside of the us. Those darm coasters are huge.
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