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Everything posted by havenli

  1. I had been to Carowinds once before (just a month ago), but I hadn't tried the Flyers before. But goll, they were awesome. I just need to get me some practice on them, because I definitely had a few embarrassing rides. The 6-year-olds made me look rather pathetic.
  2. Of the few I've ridden, Apollo's Chariot had the most airtime. Actually, it was more like "floater-time." Oh, how I loved it. *sigh* :}
  3. 1. Apollo's Chariot (BGE) 2. Dueling Dragons - Fire (IOA) 3. Top Gun - The Jet Coaster (PC) 4. Dueling Dragons - Ice (IOA) 5. Hypersonic XLC (PKD) 6. Superman Ultimate Flight (SFoG) 7. Revenge of the Mummy (USF) 8. Incredible Hulk (IOA) 9. Thunderhead (DW) 10. Alpengeist (BGE)
  4. I was considering taking a spontaneous trip to BGE (my very first trip!) sometime this weekend, but I've got no one to go with. Unless some random person wants to take this random trip with me. Hmmm?
  5. When I was maybe 6 or 7 years old, I was TERRIFIED of Blazing Fury at Dollywood as though it were a portal into Hell. I suppose I just didn't like the combination of roller coaster, dark, fire, and, er, oncoming train. But my mom dragged me on it multiple times during every visit, despite the fact that I was practically begging her, in TEARS mind you, not to be made to ride it. I eventually outgrew that phase, obviously, and now look at the monster my mother created. I know the ride is a bit lame, but today it's probably one of my favorites in the park. It's just become a classic for me. I <3 Dollywood. (This smiley works here because those aren't Mickey ears, they're Dolly's boobs)
  6. I'm not sure if theres some sort of sublimonal message in those 2 posts, but I have a dark feeling I'm about to get flamed really bad..... No, I think that was directed at the post above you. At least, that was what pained me.
  7. I sent my Mid-West deposit in early this morning (I love PayPal), but I guess I still gotta cross my fingers, should we all end up in a lottery. I suck at lotteries. But hopes are up and I'm very excited about the prospect of this trip! Goll, I don't know how I'm going to wait a month to find out if I'm in or not. Oh, the suspense!
  8. I'm partial to Dollywood's Thunderhead. The twisted wooden structure nestled in the mountains...what's NOT beautiful about it? http://www.coastergallery.com/2002/DW16.html See? Ain't it pretty?
  9. Since becoming a true coaster fan, my longest drought was just over a year. But college and not having a car will do that to you. Thankfully, I've remedied the latter, and I've since been to Dollywood (my home park until my recent move to NC), PKD, and PC all within a short time frame. The season is quickly coming to a close, but I'm hoping to find someone who will tag along to BGE with me. I've never been there before, but I'm dying to go!
  10. I haven't been on many inverts just yet (my overall coaster count is at a puny 44), but for my favorite, it's gotta be Dueling Dragons. I love it, especially Fire. I know it's all been mentioned already, but the themeing in the queue, the near-misses, and just the B&M-ness of it all...it simply can't be beat! But I just recently got back from my first trip to Paramount's Carowinds, and I must say that Top Gun was amazing as well. Now, I have got to get to BGE. Alpengeist is calling me...
  11. For roller coasters, I'd drive as far as needed - especially because short of drugging me, you couldn't get me on an airplane to save your life. Funny, huh? There isn't a coaster out there that's too scary for me, but put me on an airplane and I just PANIC. Get me some valium, please!
  12. Oh my gosh, Slidewinder at DollyWood is the best one ever! I still don't see how those boats don't just flip over on some of those curves. Forget favorite water ride, it's probably my favorite non-coaster ride!
  13. I know I'm new to this forum, (Hi, I'm Natalie) but I'd LOVE to join you guys on the Mid-West trip. I hope there'll be room for me!
  14. Incredible Hulk at IOA. I was 13 or 14 years old at the time, and pretty scared of roller coasters. My friend made me get on it (the park was brand new, so neither of us knew about the launch - imagine MY surprise!), and now she's responsible for creating a roller coaster FIEND.
  15. Le sigh. Dollywood's been my home park my entire life, up until I moved to NC just a month ago. I don't miss TN at all, but I sure do miss the park. It's so cheesy, but I LOVE Blazing Fury. And Slidewinder has got to be the GREATEST non-coaster ride in existence. While I usually don't like theme park shows, I highly recommend that everyone go see "Heartsong" if you ever visit Dollywood. Trust me, it WILL surprise you.
  16. Hi everyone! I'm new, so here's a quick introduction of myself. My name is Natalie, I'm from Small Town, TN, and I go to Indiana University - Bloomington. I'm only about an hour away from Lake Winnepesaukah, but let's all be honest, that's more of a glorified state fair than an amusment park. I'm also just under an hour and a half away from DollyWood, which I consider to be my home park. Actually, my mom just moved to the Raleigh area of NC a few weeks ago, so once this semester is over, I'll have a new home to go home to. My parents were never big theme park enthusiasts, but now that I'm getting older (a day shy of 20!) and going out on my own more now, I hope to severely improve my coaster count, which, as you can see leaves quite a bit to be desired. Anyway, while I haven't been to many theme parks yet, my favorite thus far is USF/IOA. I love me some Dueling Dragons!
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