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Everything posted by _koppen

  1. Testing! https://www.instagram.com/p/BEqZs12Jnjg/?tagged=rixosworld
  2. Also some more info have surface about the situation with the building permit. During the fall the Land and Environmental High Court granted permission for another appeal, this time it's the last stage in the hierarchy before it's final. A decision will come during the fall 2016, but Wildfire will be able to operate on an exemption this summer since it in fact have received a building permit (that is being challenged). An investigation about the birdlife and the coaster will have to be done this spring and is gonna be part of the final ruling. It is however highly unlikely that the high court will come to any other conclusion than what the regular Land and Environmental Court did, but they just can't skip the highest court for the sake of it (this is Sweden after all). Also Kolmården is feeling so confident in this ride that they are proceeding with construction, so I don't see any reason to worry here. What's really is annoying is that the park have to live with the uncertainty. Also annoying is all the levels of bureaucracy there is in this country -.-
  3. Good news! Kolmården have now clarified that the premiere will still be held on the 18th of June, measures will be taken to catch up with the time lost during the strike.
  4. Some good news and some bad news! Sweden was hit with a strike from the construction union due to a working condition conflict. This led to all the unions member who were crane operators being taken out in strike. We just got word that the two parts have now reached a solution but Kolmården have lost a week in construction thanks to the cranes being unable to operate. Hopefully we won't see a delayed opening, but they were on a really tight hour to hour schedule to get it open in time. It may be possible for them to still reach the goal, but they can't take out too much overtime from the workers. Time will tell, but if you are planning on visiting on the premier then hold of a while from booking your tickets would probably be good advise. On a more positive note Parks and Resort have had their best season ever in 2015. The now released yearly annual report suggest a whopping 1.15 billion SEK revenue, which amounts to 142 million USD. The profit from this became record high at 17.2 million USD (for comparison Wildfire costs 16.6 million USD). This is really great news since all the profits from the concern are re-invested in the parks, so we should see some great new additions these next years. Another great news is that since the children's land themed to Bamse, which was added last year to Kolmården, became such a huge success they have to add more capacity to it already this year. They will add a ride called Skalmans Luftballonger, which means Skalmans Air Ballons! Also the children's farm will be completely revamped.
  5. That sounds great! Is there any opening date set for this park?
  6. That train is amazing, it reminds me of all retro ghost trains!
  7. I don't think anything will fit in the footprint straight in. Were probably looking at some kind of space saving platform a few meters up if werre looking at some kind of tower ride.
  8. Oh wait, they were serious? I got really excited for a few minutes yesterday until I realized it was the 1st of April, then I got really pissed that they would do such a prank. Now I am back to being awesomely happy gain. Super-sized Sky Roller anyone?
  9. I'm very excited to see how the trains for this one turn's out. Intamin did an absolutely fantastic job for the ride in UAE, hopefully we will see something similar here! This. Intamin may have a few hiccups in their history but second class track work is not one of them. Whatever have happened to those pieces I'm guessing it happened either during the transport or at the build site. I seriously doubt they went through the quality control at Stakotra like that.
  10. The only option that could help is buying new trains for it, and that will cost a lot of dough. Even if that is done it's still probably not going to age well. The basic design of the train is simply flawed, the ride have to much speed for too weak trains.
  11. DiVertical have had lot's of problems with the boats on the track, something I will guess have been fixed by this layout. For the elevator itself I don't think there's much wrong with it.
  12. And here's Snakepit, the slide's will be named Mamba, Anakonda and huggorm (Viper). Proslide is delivering once again and the whole investment is around 1 million USD. It's really nice to see a park building body slides and not just one's who uses a ringy-dingy.
  13. You must remember that when the construction stopped because they lost the permit all of the production of the rails stopped in the US as well. Getting things restarted takes a bit of time as there are other projects RMC can't ignore. That is most likely the reason for the lack of rails so far.
  14. The ride only opened late 2014. It usually takes a few years before a new ride catches on. Blue Fire opened in 2009 but we didn't see another one until 2012 and nowadays they are opening up everywhere. Also it's definitely not as expensive as one would think, Falcon's Fury costed around $6 million which is probably standard for a 102 meter drop tower. Smaller versions are available, the smallest one is 60 meters tall and seats 4x4 riders, which would be significantly cheaper. I guess we will see more of them in the coming years. It will be a wood/steel hybrid structure.
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