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For those who are at least aware of the most current events in Iraq.. Do you think its necessary for US soldiers to stay in the country.


It's a little disturbing how congress (both democrats and republicans) cannot decide what is in the best interest for the soldiers who sacrifice their lives knowing the hunt for terrorist(s) is life-long and on going.


Will they ever be pulled out? Or will they be consumed and provoked to stay when the next attack occurs.


I'll leave it at that.. -its just sad to hear about the 2 soldiers tortured in a barbaric way, die to a slow grueling death.

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I said yes.


Reagrdless of wheather on not you believe we should be in there in the first place, we are there now, and we have started somthing that needs to be completed. We can't leave them stranded, afterall.


If we do, we could very well make Iraq a worse threat then before.

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I believe that Iraq can be discussed and even debated without having the thread locked; it's usually someone making an offhanded remark that gets the thread closed.


There are several reasons we need to stay in Iraq.


1) If we pulled out of Iraq the level of Sectarian Violence would skyrocket, and would likely lead to an all out Civil War.

2) Sectarian tensions would lead to the complete destabilization of Iraq, and perhaps much of the Middle East.

3) If we pull out, then the groups we are currently fighting against in Iraq will likely end up controlling Iraq.

4) The USA and its allies can't cut and run because the situation has become difficult. All of the eyes of the world are upon us, especially those looking to destroy are way of life. If we pull out to early, then it will be the Terrorists who will be claiming victory, which would only embolden their "Followers" from around the globe to carry out their own Jihad.


Sept 11th was many years ago, because of this many people have let their guard down to the real threats that still exist. Sadly, it will probably take some suicide bombers blowing themselves up at your favorite Starbucks or local McDonalds to jar people back to the reality that these Terrorists' threats of a "Holy War" (Jihad) are very real.

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Sept 11th was many years ago, because of this many people have let their guard down to the real threats that still exist. Sadly, it will probably take some suicide bombers blowing themselves up at your favorite Starbucks or local McDonalds to jar people back to the reality that these Terrorists' threats of a "Holy War" (Jihad) are very real.


I understand your point there, but I don't believe we are doing much good in Iraq. We probably just have more America haters than before. I believe that we will end up leaving Iraq like we did with vietnam.


I believe we are in iraq because george bush wanted to get re-elected.

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OK, I'll respond in a thoughtful manner. I think today's column by Robert Scheer said it rather well:


"For more than three years, the United States has micromanaged everything from turning the American taxpayer-financed occupation into a grab fest for U.S. corporate war profiteers to the failed training of the country's new security appartus now dominated by Shiite fanatics. Unfortunately for the great imperial Pax Americana scheme of builiding a pliable, secular government in Baghdad...the Iraqi voters soundly rejected the candidates favored by the Pentagon and the CIA. They chose instead the instead the militant Shiites nurtured in the rogue nation of Iran...


"Self-proclaimed "moderate" Democrats, who defend staying in Iraq...have closed their ears to avoid hearing an uncomfortable truth: The longer we've stayed, the worse things have gotten, and that will continue to be the case."

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As a former US Marine, I can tell you SOMEONE had to take care of that situation, and unfortunately it had to be the US and the coalition.

Many people want to come home from the war, but remember, you did sign up and are expected to fight per your contract.


I enlisted (which I ended up regretting) into the Marine reserves after 9-11, and would have gladly stepped on a plane to Afghanistan, I just feel that the new Iraq war, which did fix some problems... is a distraction. We couldn't get Bin Laden's head on a platter so we went for Sadaam.


The whole problem is, it should have been done years ago the right way.


Sadly, I don't think we're ready to leave Iraq just yet because the military HAS done a lot of good, but has also made a mess that still isn't cleaned up.


I'm not looking for an argument, just my two cents.

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As a former US Marine, I can tell you SOMEONE had to take care of that situation, and unfortunately it had to be the US and the coalition.


Um, just what situation was that? The ostensible reason for the war, lest we forget, was the non-existant WMDs, though the U.N. inspection team stated - before our invasion - that despite Saddam's recalcitrance, they could find no weapons and no active arms programs, and said that they could, in a matter of months, determine once and for all whether any existed.


So what situation? That there was an unpleasant, murderous dictator in power? Gee, why don't we go invade Burma? Or the Sudan?


Then what situation? The always-dubious links to Al Qaeda? The yellowcake bull, which Bush had been warned not to include in his speech because the whole thing was so shaky? The trumped-up aluminum tube "evidence?"


There was no, repeat, no compelling reason to invade a sovereign nation in a highly unstable area of the world.


And having done so, what we're now facing in our continuing presence is not the liberation that followed WWII, but the same damn kind of quagmire the Soviets found when they tried to play imperial power in Afghanistan. But we have accomplished one thing. We've turned a sworn enemy of Iran into its ally.

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I agree, and JIF is my favorite


The reason this will be closed is quite simple


there are people who are VERY close minded, have made up thier mind, and won't listen or respect other peoples opinions


Just because you believe in your heart something is morally wrong, doesn't mean someone else cannot believe it is right, that it what makes this country awesome


this is a VERY old argument

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As a former US Marine, I can tell you SOMEONE had to take care of that situation, and unfortunately it had to be the US and the coalition.


Um, just what situation was that? The ostensible reason for the war, lest we forget, was the non-existant WMDs, though the U.N. inspection team stated - before our invasion - that despite Saddam's recalcitrance, they could find no weapons and no active arms programs, and said that they could, in a matter of months, determine once and for all whether any existed.


So what situation? That there was an unpleasant, murderous dictator in power? Gee, why don't we go invade Burma? Or the Sudan?


Then what situation? The always-dubious links to Al Qaeda? The yellowcake bull, which Bush had been warned not to include in his speech because the whole thing was so shaky? The trumped-up aluminum tube "evidence?"


There was no, repeat, no compelling reason to invade a sovereign nation in a highly unstable area of the world.


And having done so, what we're now facing in our continuing presence is not the liberation that followed WWII, but the same damn kind of quagmire the Soviets found when they tried to play imperial power in Afghanistan. But we have accomplished one thing. We've turned a sworn enemy of Iran into its ally.



Okay... so the point of your elaboration of half of this threads replies was?


I think you could have just left your opinion stated with your little article quote, instead of quoting somebody and then seemingly condescending to them, and your point would have been made just the same.

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so far the poll looks split, almost a reflection of split views amongst congress.


in my opinion, i personally think if america was a little more educated about whats going on in Iraq, and understand the full aspect of a clear objective, then i think the polls would lean on one side. At least by then, people would be able to weigh in the pros and cons on every situation. Instead of letting political figures tell you one side of the story. (ie. Republican's "cut and run" and Democrats "timetable")


btw... Im hoping this thread wouldnt be closed. Why censor peoples opinion? Forums are the basis for debates and opinions. it'd be nice to get further opinions that are relevant and focused on the topic as opposed to someone's feelings against a statment. *all about positive vibes. =P

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Cmon Ted, don't tease us like that. Spill it, man. Let's hear your thoughts. And HAYASHI, you should be proud....this thread has lasted longer than my last attempt at a logical, and respectable thread on religion.


Personally, I think the US should let Richard Marcinko (Rogue Warrior) come out of retirement and get things done the right way. Not sure who he is?.....Google.



Scott "Politics, meh" B.

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Okay... so the point of your elaboration of half of this threads replies was?


I think you could have just left your opinion stated with your little article quote, instead of quoting somebody and then seemingly condescending to them, and your point would have been made just the same.


I'm sorry if I sounded condescending...didn't mean to do that. You're right, I simply should have said, "You stated that someone had to militarily overthrow the government of Iraq. Can you please explain why that was necessary?"


I also wish I'd pointed out that the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan was rationalized in some of the same terms as the Iraq War: Defeating an Islamofascist insurgency and maintaining a stable secular government. (Though the Soviets, unlike the Americans, were actually invited in by a legal - if unsavory - government.) The Afghan war and its aftermath was a major factor in the destabilization of the USSR, and a contributing factor to its dissolution. That war lasted over 9 years. I'm certainly hoping that 6 years from now we're not still having this debate.

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To answer your question, the "situation" is just that... murderous dictator in power, and like I said-Should have been taken out years ago, we should have never went to war over the phony WMDs, no need to lecture me on that, and no need to argue, because I AGREE WITH YOU! Should have taken care of it the first time. The question was... are we ready to go home. Absolutely not. Not - should we have gone in the first place?


Yes there are plenty of other dictator sthat need to be removed, but it's taken several decades to even work on Iraq! And like Jeowja said, there's no need to be condescending. I respect your opinion, please do the same with mine. I just can't wait for all of this to be over. I have several good marine buddies over in Iraq and several family members in the USAF at Rammstein AF Base in Germany that feel the same way. We need a break from all this war sh!t.


And bro, I don't feel you were that condescending, I understand it's a sensitive topic and the slightest pin prick can draw blood.

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