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Unanswered/Dumb Question-Dumb Answer game

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Put an X through all of the Friday the 13ths on your calendar!


Speaking of 13s, which button should someone press in an elevator if they want to go to the 13th floor of a building that doesn't have a 13th floor?

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In theory Charlotte was in fact correct. However, when you look at this statement out of its context it is easy to conclude that Charlotte is in fact wrong. Compare Charlotte's theory with that of communism. Both theory's work on paper but as soon as they are put into the real world, cracks will start to appear.


A statement like "girls don't like boys" has one major flaw. Charlotte does not specify what girls dislike what boys. There is no proof that all girls dislike all boys. This is only the start of the holes in Charlotte's theory. Recent studies have shown that girls, usually of the nun variety, in fact do not like "cars and money" so it would be improbable for them to dislike "boys" more.


In order for Charlotte's theory to ring true certain alterations must be made. I suggest the following:

"Some girls don't like some boys however, it can be said that although some girls do prefer cars and money to the opposite sex, you must keep in mind that some girls do not".





Did I spend too long on this?

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^that's a real dumb answer, "steer clear of chicks who especially dig gifts" that's my 8 word thesis on the topic.


I don't think Jack and Jill would be interested in going to the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, nor would I for that matter.


Is the fact that most ACE members are too fat to ride coasters one of life's greatest ironies, should they become American Gravy Enthusiaists?

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Gravy itself doesn't necessarily make a person fat. How much is consumed is another story, and others besides ACEers do eat. I am an ACEer and I do not. Therefore, I will not be getting fat.


Do you remove staples with your finger and/or thumbnails?

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^That question is a bit normal.


I remove them with my teeth, but if I have just brushed my teeth I remove them with my overgrown toenail.


What is a coaster that is a Jeff Johnson credit but appears in no other coaster list in the world called?

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