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Random TR: AJC Auto show

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I went to my local Saturn dealership a few times earlier in the month and they gave me passes to go check out the annual car show, the biggest new car show in Atlanta. Anyways I decided to go today on my first pure off day in a while and I enjoyed the sights of some sweeet vehicles.

Edited by ParkTrips
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Excellent photos, dude. I'm also in the club of wanting a Sky Red Line. Too bad by Fall it'll be pretty pointless to have a convertible up here in PA. The midnight blue is a nice color, but I'll probably end up getting red or silver graphite. Hopefully the '08 model will correct some of the minor problems with the car.


If I wasn't gone for half the summer on coaster trips, I'd probably be one of the first ones on the list up here for a regular Sky until the Red Line drops (which still says "coming Summer '06" in ads in Car and Driver and Road & Track, so who knows!)


After I'm done jetsetting on coaster trips and fixing up my house I intend to have a nice little car collection. Heck, with the price of gas, it may just be easier to buy a whole new car everytime you need to fill the tank!

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Great pics, Joe! Let me take a sec and wipe the drool off my screen. I drove one of those Maserati's a couple years back in Tampa. Talk about a sweet ride!

That Saturn does look pretty durn nice......wait, did I actually just compliment a Saturn!? My how times have changed. Anyway, nice report.


Oh, one more thing, spell Ferrari right, you putz, or I'll get really angry.

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^ That's ok, you knew enough to pick one to last a long time


I'm thinking of holding off on the Sky 'till the 08 model as well, same reasons. I mean, my car is doing fine so it's not like I really NEED the thing, just want it A LOT.


eck, with the price of gas, it may just be easier to buy a whole new car everytime you need to fill the tank



Sorry to forget an r, and yes, it's weird to consider a Saturn a good-looking car. Heck, like "there's more than corn in Indiana", Saturn is "more than just service and reliablity" nowadays I guess...


I can't bring myself to like a single ounce of that Camaro's new body style...

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Ugly ass Toyota truck (hey guys, let Hummer stick to the ugly vehicles..)


Actually, Toyota never intended to produce this vehicle. It was debuted as a concept and they got an overwhelmingly positive response, so much, that it actually persuaded them to make it.


The thing sure is selling well. i see alot of them for such a new car.

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Yea they are ugly as crap on the outside, talking about the FJ Cruiser I assume, but they look good on the inside!


The Sky totally owns in Midnight Blue, Forest Green, or Black Onyx, which I think would look good with the red leather interior!

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