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High Definition Video


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Hi boys and girls!


I'm planning to buy a HDV Sony Camcorder in May or June (in June I'll be in Madrid, that's where I will record my first HDV parkmovies .


I'm not sure if I should buy the HD1 or the new HC3.

The HC3 is a bit cheaper and is much smaller, but it's a 'handycam'. And, in my opinion, it's ugly...


The HC1 is not that 'amateur' and has some cool features - also the HC1 will record with three million pixels, HC3 only with two. On the other side the HC3 is the first cam I know which can record with 200fps (only 3 seconds long, but hey - there could be done some really cool slo-mo shots of insects or sport-shots.

AND my (lucky) sister will get an 30" HDV LCT TV as a birthday present - another 'pro HDV' point for me


So - what do you think about HDV Camcorders? Any experience with HDV editing? I will work with Pinnacle Studio 10 (or Liquid 6) and Sony Vega 6.

If you're interested in some HDV Samples - Apple.com has to offer some cool ones. Especially some of the the BBC Movies are great!

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I know one of the guys here has the HC1 and he LOVES it!!!!


And I agree the HC3 is ugly.


So the question i have, though is, if you record something on this camera, will it ONLY play back on HDTVs?


One of the reasons i have not gone HD or 16x9 with our DVDs is that it seems that not enough people have the technology in their house and we want to make the DVDs available to the lowst common denominator, which still seems to be a 3:4 set standard set.


Please let us know what you find out!



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High definition (HD) is cool because it is a lot clearer. However, in my opinion, I would not get anything Sony and HD. The reason for this is that Sony want to control HD content which includes the number of devices it plays on.


If you try to play HD content on a device that does not have HDCP encryption then the image is downasampled to DVD quality. I do not know how this effects HD content shot with a HD capable video camera mainly because I do not own one. As to whether the content is downsampled, attempt to play normally or not at all is not something I know but my guess is that it would be downsampled.


HDCP encryption is only on newer HD devices and most new HDTVs come with this technology built in. Basically, it is to stop the copying of the video sample as it is tranferred from device to device (in this case, the video camera to HDTV or other display device). If HDCP is not present, this is when the movie sample is downsampled. According to various people the content may not play at all. I won't talk about HDCP much further because there is plenty of documentation on this but it is the main block stopping me from embracing HD technology, including HD capable video cameras.

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I know one of the guys here has the HC1 and he LOVES it!!!!


And I agree the HC3 is ugly.


So the question i have, though is, if you record something on this camera, will it ONLY play back on HDTVs?


One of the reasons i have not gone HD or 16x9 with our DVDs is that it seems that not enough people have the technology in their house and we want to make the DVDs available to the lowst common denominator, which still seems to be a 3:4 set standard set.


Please let us know what you find out!





My friend has the HD1 and Ive used it a few times, but it's wayyy to big to take around to a park. And to answer your question, it plays back on ANY TV but you wont have as high quality, it plays back HD if it's in an HD TV. It records on a MiniDV tape, but its HD copatable or something. So if you have an HD TV, you can see it in HD, if you dont, you can see it in whatever quality your TV is. Hope that helps!


Colin C

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From what I gather, HDV has some pros and cons. Obviously the pros are that it is going to shoot higher resolution video. The problem is that it has to record that data in an mpeg2 format to get it all to fit on a DV tape. Without getting too technical, that will make it more prone to motion artifacts. That's the main complaint most people have with HDV.


The bottom line is that it definitely does produce a better image if used right. But I would personally just buy a higher quality SD camera for the time being until HDV compression gets better and more people get HDTV sets.


Robb: HDV will play back on any TV. However, with regular (4:3) TV's it will be like watching a widescreen movie on a 4:3 set (letterboxed and squished).


Oh, and HDCP is lame. But not just limited to Sony. And for the time being, you are still able to output HD through the analog composite connection. When HD-DVD and Bluray players hit the market, then there might be a problem.

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If you record 16 x 9, it will play on 4.3.

The picture just won't fill the screen from top to bottom.

Same as when you see anything network broadcast in wide screen.


Thing is, your editing software may not allow you to mix 4.3 and 16 x 9 together when editing footage together.

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