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Aqua Shoe vs Aqua Sock

Water Park Rules

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I spent a day at the Temecula Mall looking at everything from Dick's Sporting Goods to Macy's to Pac Sun and nobody had heard of Aqua Socks or Water Socks.  I was handed water shoes at a couple of places.  I checked over 10 stores in total.

I searched online for Aqua Socks and Water Socks, and every link took me to socks that were also described as Aqua Shoes.

Per Cedar Fair and Six Flags websites, Aqua Shoes are not allowed on the attractions and I assume that they could damage surfaces.

Where do you find water park-approved Aqua Socks to keep from burning your feet on the concrete that you can also wear on the slides?  

I have given up on sporting goods stores, the mall, Amazon, and Google.  Any other ideas?  The internet has failed me.


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hmm. . I'm not really a water park person, but I've worn Aqua Socks on slides at Six Flags.

I'd assume anything without a "grip" or "stud" on it would be acceptable on a slide.

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I was hoping I could carry my slides/flip flops on the slides or buy something approved at the park gift shop.  I guess the water park is closed on Monday so I am saved.  I don't go to water parks much but hot concrete on bare feet is my least favorite part :-(  Soak City doesn't have a lot of shade and it is 87 Monday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know that you can't bring loose articles on the rides like coasters and they have cubbies.  I wasn't sure how that worked on water slides since I have only been on water slides at Waterworld in Colorado in the past 30 years and my feet were sore from the hot concrete and steel steps by the end of the day.  I wasn't sure if you could hold the shoes on the slide or if they had a cubby somewhere.  The two times I have been to Soak City, I have been in street clothes and just put my feet in the water carrying my shoes but no slides.  I saved myself this year but I am definately going next summer so I will check with Knotts next week when I visit again.

So you meant, just leave them at the entrance of the slide on the ground?  I guess so, but in So Cal, they might get stolen.  I am going to see if I can carry on slide of if the gift shop carries slide approved socks because everything online states socks/shoes.  Nothing just socks and water park approved so far but I got a year to go :-)

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I know at least the lazy river at HW had cubbies. It's been a while since I've been on slides, but I seem to recall just placing them at the entrance next to a ton of other shoes.

I'd just wear slides. Maybe just bring a pair of water shoes or something and check them in the locker if you see people using that alternative.

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8 hours ago, Haymaker said:

Did you not look very hard? I found many options with a simple google search.


OMGear Water Socks Neoprene Socks Beach Booties 3mm 5mm Anti-Slip Wetsuit Footwear Fin Swim Sand Proof Socks https://a.co/d/5yDRc7P

Thanks for finding that.  I searched the entire mall, Amazon, Google, and several sporting goods stores online and kept finding Water Shoes and Water Socks with Shoes further in the description, so these are the first pure Water Socks with no mention of Shoes I have seen.   I might try these but I don't know if these anti-slip soles will be rejected on waxed water slides but I can always stack them at the entrance or see if I can carry them on the ride.  If not, I can see if I can rent a two-person canoe and enjoy them while paddling with my dog. 



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I still wonder why when I put in water socks, or aqua socks, all of my search results are shoes or socks that still say shoes in the descriptions.  is there a way to exclude shoes from the search descriptions?


aqua socks


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3 hours ago, SoCalJasonland said:

I still wonder why when I put in water socks, or aqua socks, all of my search results are shoes or socks that still say shoes in the descriptions.  is there a way to exclude shoes from the search descriptions?


aqua socks


Shoes is a keyword. Sellers will put it in there to draw more views of their product and broaden the selection presented to the buyer, even if they arent shoes. Waterproof oversocks might be a decent option too. 

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17 hours ago, prozach626 said:

You're going to have to argue with a ride/slide op who doesn't know the difference between the two shoes.

Wow, rough summer, so I also found out I have heart disease at 54.  No surgery or medication is needed, but my doctor said no more alcohol, vaping, or fried food would be good for me; so I said I give up fried food.  She said I meant all of them.  I said THC too, and she said yes.  So I plan to go completely sober and non-medicated to Knott's tomorrow and see what socks are allowed on the water rides after I use my fastlane on Ghostrider.  At least I didn't mention my online ketamine clinic but I am guessing that is also bad since my blood pressure has jumped from 90 / 60 - 120 / 81 in the past year.  I don't think daily ketamine therapy is good for anyone this isn't a medical site.  You go to youtube for questionable eating and medical advice :-)

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Good luck with all that. Hopefully they let you wear what ever you ended up buying..

90/60 is really low. All three of those things are bad. Just depends on how much you value your life on how much you give up. All this is okay in small amounts. once a week or once ever other week, so for a meal or a afternoon. 



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On 8/23/2024 at 2:24 PM, SoCalJasonland said:

Wow, rough summer, so I also found out I have heart disease at 54.

I'm sorry to hear that. You've been poisoned by the American corporate driven diet.

Eating paleo is what started to change my life. I made it my own from there. It's my lifestyle, not a diet. I'm 39 and have numbers consistent with the average person in their 20's. Avoid the real unholy trinity and you're life will increase drastically: Sugar, wheat, and Dairy. All of the artificial sweeteners and chemicals have to go for your mental and physical health. Good fats. Cut grain down, and eat meat, fruit, and vegetables. Black coffee with almond or oat milk. Water. Unsweetened tea. 

Practical Paleo is a great book to read. It's half easy to read nutritional education and half easy recipes.

Or, just let them kill you slowly. 80% of people in the medical field have never had even a misguided class on basic nutrition. Find the root cause, don't just bombard it with profitable medicine.

As far as eating utter garbage food we're all intentionally driven to, there are always cheat days. Pizza and beer nearly kills me, but it's frequently part of a couple cheat meals each week. 

Exercise is great for the body and mind. Don't overdo it if you're not used to it. Even speed walking and light jogging intervals for 20 minutes a few days a week is a good way to ease into it and make it a normal part of your routine.


Sorry for going off topic. This isn't a rant as much as I hope even a complete stranger will red pill their nutrition. Especially when they're facing terrible illness.


RFK's podcast has a ton about the American diet and how the money driven big food teamed up with big pharma are killing us. Even if you don't like Tucker Carlson (everyone should listen to opinions they don't like) Calley and Casey Means were on a podcast recently that really sheds light on this topic.

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Kaiser has been telling me for 20 years that a 12 pack of beer or 750 ml per day of vodka, fast food and smoking/vaping was bad for me but I told them I wouldn't let the stress of claims adjusting kill me first.   We had two retired LAPD come over to Farmers Insurance and they both said Farmers was way worse because other cops and management have your back.  At Farmers, everyone is fighting for the one good "A" tier and a decent raise and not a "D" or "F" tier where you are on your way out before you ever qualified for a pension.  Even running my own adjusting company was stressful.  I had enough money to close my business and retire 10 years early, but now I guess I need to care a little more about my health.

I went to Knotts on Sunday and they sold Aqua Socks at the first gift shop in the water park.  I purchased them and then asked and found out that they only work on some slides and I needed to ask at each  slide or just look for the pile of shoes on the ground in front of the slide.  I didn't go on any of them because the lines were to the bottom of the slides and my family and I went to San Diego Zoo and Mission Beach/Belmont Park last weekend and I got to rid the Moser gyro loop around 20+ times and that made my entire trip.  Unfortunatley, the wooden coaster is still slow and tries to kill you.  The zoo is depressing as the awake animals just stood there and stared at you like "please get me out of here".  I will leave a separate small Knotts update.


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3 hours ago, michaellynn4 said:

I'm getting really confused as to the direction of this thread...

Appreciate the paleo book recommendation though.

I appreciate anyone that would follow an aqua vs water socks conversation this long but where did you want this conversation to devolve to?  I have been crossing White Claws (6-pack only) and THCs -gummies, so no logic on this side of the fence :-)  


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