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Kings Island Question

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Hello everyone,

I'm planning a long-postponed coaster trip with another TPR user (JJLehto) this summer. We're trying to figure out logistical details, and I was hoping that some of you could help me out with a question we have about Kings Island. We plan on visiting the park on either Friday, July 22 or Saturday, July 23. We plan on picking up Fast Lane Pluses when we visit. I was wondering about the effectiveness of the FL+ on either of those two days. What kind of Fast Lane waits can we expect for rides on Friday versus Saturday? A Saturday visit would fit into our schedule easier. However, if FL lines would be long on Saturday and more reasonable on Friday, we'd opt to go Friday. (I remember how long FL lines were at Cedar Point, and I'd prefer to avoid that  kind of situation if possible) Thank you for the advice. I always appreciate the collective wisdom that the TPR community offers.


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Friday will have lower crowds than Saturday, depending on the weather.  Really you'll be fine on either day in July.  Haunt is a different story, but you didn't ask about that haha.

FL+ will be SUPER effective on either day.  On every coaster that it's offered on (which is all of them except for Bat and Woodstock Express), there is only one where it doesn't dump you right into the station (Flight of Fear).  No Cedar Point-esque "30 minute wait after the merge" nonsense here.  It's also valid on pretty much every non-kiddie flat ride in the park.  Its even valid on some slides in the water park!  You really can't go wrong with FL+ at Kings Island.

Waits themselves with FL+ should be one or two trains at most, except for Orion and Beast...plan on maybe 15 minutes at each of those, but possibly just a station wait.  Mystic Timbers' FL line might get backed up too, but only if the grouper sucks.  Oh, and Beast, once it gets dark will probably be closer to 30-45 minutes with FL for a non-front row ride.

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there is one park where i unquestionably would buy FL+ at in any visit.    and yes, Kings Island.

you'll want it, and as noted pretty much every ride that uses it drops off directly in the station - and even those that might have a back-up/short wait (Mystic Timbers/Racer) STILL dump you right in the station - and when FL backs up, they tend to pull more from FL than from standard line.

any visit there?  regardless of day, I'd grab FL+

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Well, thanks for the replies, everyone. It looks like FL+ works well on a Saturday (unlike Cedar Point). So, it looks like our upcoming trip is solidifying. Here is our current itinerary:

Wednesday, July 20 - Fly into Louisville, KY

Thursday, July 21 - Holiday World

Friday, July 22 - Kentucky Kingdom

Saturday, July 23 - Kings Island

Sunday, July 24 - Drive to Cedar Point

Monday & Tuesday, July 25 & 26 - Cedar Point

Wednesday, July 27 - Fly home out of Cleveland, OH

This leaves the two parks that don't offer skip-the-line passes  on Thursday and Friday (so, hopefully, that gets us relatively low crowds at KK and HW). I'll start another thread with questions about details for this trip in the coming months. However, in the meantime, if anyone experienced with this sort of trip see any glaring issues with this schedule, could you let me know? Thanks again for the advice, everyone. It's much appreciated.


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Leave the option of night rides at KI after your day at KK open. Good chance you may be done with KK mid afternoon if you show up at open. 

And I'd recommend Cedar Point the day you drive up. At least get in SV line right before they close it for a night ride. 


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