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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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To be honest, if I was JK Rowling, I would have been a little skeptical of Universal after seeing what they did to a huge property such as The Simpsons! I still hope one day they finally rip out the simulator ride and give that property the really kick-ass attraction it deserves! (I can dream, right?)




And it needs to be this.



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^ From what I've heard, it was really more than Disney didn't want it. They seem to like to either buy properties outright or have full autonomy with a property that they license. I doubt that JK Rowling would have provided that.


This makes sense. Universal was in much more of place to let JK Rowling and Warner Bros take control of the project, and it paid off for them. I think that both phases of Potter for USO opened up the resort financially and creatively, and no matter the franchises or lands built by Disney or Universal, competition is good for the area. The amount of development between Transformers, Simpsons, Potter, New Fantasyland, and Avatar is insane and is only upping the quality of parks that we and the general public are experiencing.

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^ From what I've heard, it was really more than Disney didn't want it. They seem to like to either buy properties outright or have full autonomy with a property that they license. I doubt that JK Rowling would have provided that.


And I really cannot think of many rides that Disney has "re-themed" from one property to another over the years. Superstar Limo > Monsters Inc comes to mind. Dreamflight > Buzz Lightyear is another. (But then they at least went and developed a stand-alone version of that for the other parks.) Probably the most obvious is Alien Encounter > Stitch only because of how bad that one turned out.


To be honest, if I was JK Rowling, I would have been a little skeptical of Universal after seeing what they did to a huge property such as The Simpsons! I still hope one day they finally rip out the simulator ride and give that property the really kick-ass attraction it deserves! (I can dream, right?)





If Groening would of been willing to sell the IP licensing rights in the mid 90's (during the shows peak popularity) which obviously he wasn't we would of almost certainly ended up with Springfield instead of Toon Lagoon. Bart Saves the World was a pitch in which guests would of boarded a bus (simulator) and gone on a wild trip through Springfield along side Bartman. Btw not saying you didn't already know this but more for those who may not of.

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Universal landing Harry Potter was the best thing that ever happened for the fans of parks around the world. It's created new innovations, competitions, and has officially raised the bar of theme park experiences.

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Universal landing Harry Potter was the best thing that ever happened for the fans of parks around the world. It's created new innovations, competitions, and has officially raised the bar of theme park experiences.


Exactly. With Kong coming from Universal and Avatar coming from Disney there is so much more to come from the more recent surges of theme park expansion.

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Universal landing Harry Potter was the best thing that ever happened for the fans of parks around the world. It's created new innovations, competitions, and has officially raised the bar of theme park experiences.


Exactly. With Kong coming from Universal and Avatar coming from Disney there is so much more to come from the more recent surges of theme park expansion.


I think Hogsmede in Islands of Adventure really kick started Universal doing some truly detailed immersive environments. It did so well that they seem to have moved away from the "facades" idea and into whole themed areas.


First it was Hogsmede, then Simpsons and now Diagon alley.

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^I would have to disagree. As much as I would love to chow down on a KrustyBurger, and ride the coaster -o- death, I would rather see some of the already placed lands, more explicitly Jurassic Park, get some updates. In example, possibly get us a "tram" tour of the property, that, of course, goes hay-wire and goes into close quaters with the T-Rex(Or we could just hope for a coaster brought to us by Vekoma or B&M.). With the new JP film coming up I wouldn't be shocked if we get an attraction along with the new film.

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^ From what I've heard, it was really more than Disney didn't want it. They seem to like to either buy properties outright or have full autonomy with a property that they license. I doubt that JK Rowling would have provided that.


And I really cannot think of many rides that Disney has "re-themed" from one property to another over the years. Superstar Limo > Monsters Inc comes to mind. Dreamflight > Buzz Lightyear is another. (But then they at least went and developed a stand-alone version of that for the other parks.) Probably the most obvious is Alien Encounter > Stitch only because of how bad that one turned out.


To be honest, if I was JK Rowling, I would have been a little skeptical of Universal after seeing what they did to a huge property such as The Simpsons! I still hope one day they finally rip out the simulator ride and give that property the really kick-ass attraction it deserves! (I can dream, right?)





If Groening would of been willing to sell the IP licensing rights in the mid 90's (during the shows peak popularity) which obviously he wasn't we would of almost certainly ended up with Springfield instead of Toon Lagoon. Bart Saves the World was a pitch in which guests would of boarded a bus (simulator) and gone on a wild trip through Springfield along side Bartman. Btw not saying you didn't already know this but more for those who may not of.


That would have been AMAZING! Hope it call still happen at some point. I agree with Robb...put BTTF out of its misery and use the land for a much better Simpsons ride.

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The next IOA expansion should be Krustyland, complete with the rides and robots that try to kill the guests, and the ZOOMINATOR roller coaster that looks like it's ready to collapse at any moment.


The next expansion at IOA is already under construction between Dudley Do Rights Ripsaw Falls and Jurassic Park River Adventure. Banana Breath is coming back.... Well at least thats the rumor

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Hmmmmm . . . so the fastest way to get on is the single rider line-up? How long is that averaging? Hey, how long is the Canadian line-up . . . ha! Wait! I saw someone with a Gringotts fast pass for between 4 and 5pm, someone posted a picture of the return ticket. It's on page 1048.

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Hmmmmm . . . so the fastest way to get on is the single rider line-up? How long is that averaging? Hey, how long is the Canadian line-up . . . ha! Wait! I saw someone with a Gringotts fast pass for between 4 and 5pm, someone posted a picture of the return ticket. It's on page 1048.

Yeah, that return ticket was to get into the area, not the ride. Gringotts is still having some technical issues and I'd expect even the single rider line to take between 75 and 120 minutes.


I would strongly recommend being at the park 1 hour before opening and getting to that area as soon as you can. Diagon Alley does open early for resort guests, so the best chance you'll have is getting in right behind them, so you want to be in FRONT of the crowd going in the morning. if you are in the back of the crowd, then you'll end up being behind the resort guests AND behind the crowd trying to get in for the morning.

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I don't get this . . . so, there is a line just to get into the area and then another line for Gringotts? So, you can fast pass into Diagon Alley and then you still have to line-up again for Gringotts? Please, correct me if I'm not understanding this. That would be like lining up for Fantasyland and then joining another line for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, am I correct? I find waiting for any ride more than 2 hours crazy, 7.5 hours just would not happen . . . and these very technical rides are always going to have problems. We just got a new 4D interactive ride at Canada's Wonderland and they have had nothing but problems with the guns, with the screens, with the glasses . . . I think parks really have to rethink the reliability of these things, they will always have problems because they are just too technical.

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I eagerly await my next visit to Universal to see all the new stuff that opened since the last time I visited two years ago, primarily to try all of the more exotic foods at the Leaky Cauldron restaurant (Scotch Egg, for example) because I have this fear in the back of my mind that the GP aren't going to be interested in all of the neat exotic offerings and pressure the park, through a lack of sales, to replace them with cheeseburgers and chicken fingers, or something.

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^^I personally would rather have a cutting edge ride system that breaks down while they learn how it operates vs. a standard buzz bar dark ride. That's not to say some incredible things can't be done with a traditional dark ride, but the reality is anytime you push the technological limits of what's possible on a ride system things are bound to go wrong.

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I don't get this . . . so, there is a line just to get into the area and then another line for Gringotts? So, you can fast pass into Diagon Alley and then you still have to line-up again for Gringotts? Please, correct me if I'm not understanding this. That would be like lining up for Fantasyland and then joining another line for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, am I correct? I find waiting for any ride more than 2 hours crazy, 7.5 hours just would not happen . . . and these very technical rides are always going to have problems. We just got a new 4D interactive ride at Canada's Wonderland and they have had nothing but problems with the guns, with the screens, with the glasses . . . I think parks really have to rethink the reliability of these things, they will always have problems because they are just too technical.


Universal's "fast-pass" like system is called express and is really nothing like Disney's system other than it helps cut the wait time significantly. It cost's extra money more like Cedar Fair or Six Flags and can offer one to unlimited rides per attraction with no return windows. Universal only has these return ticket kiosks for Diagon Alley due to it's overwhelming popularity and capacity constraints. So if there is a day when it's packed and DA's capacity is reached guests can grab a return ticket and ride other attractions while waiting, and DA is more than just Gringotts so I personally wouldn't use the analogy you did or think as that as an extra wait per say to the Gringott's queue which for the next year is going to be ridiculous at times. That's just a given at this point with it being the new hotness and first of its kind (technical issues/breakdowns). Hope this helps.

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I think he's referring to the fact that much like a fast pass at Disney, they are giving out tickets with a time window to return in order to enter Diagon Alley.

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Thank you, necoastergp. but I have educated myself with the Universal express pass system in that you can just walk on rides without wait times. I have bought 1-day park-to-park unlimited express passes for my family . . . my questions are these, (1)How much are the express passes going to help me in saving waiting time, and (2)Are theses passes going to cut wait time at all for Diagon Alley, Gringotts, and Hogwarts Express? What do you think? Also, can you go both directions on Hogwarts Express with Unlimited Express Passes, or just one way? Sorry, more than a couple of questions, but if anyone could answer my questions, that would really help me plan my trip to these amazing parks next week. Thanks! I'll even post a Canadian review of the park and new Harry Potter area and let you all know what my family thinks of it! Our trip was planned months ago, it just happens to be a week after Diagon Alley opened, ha! Perhaps the rest of the park will be really empty. We're looking forward to going to Springfield and having a Flaming Moe. We are 5-pin bowlers here in Canada and we think there should be a bowling alley in Universal's Springfield area, what do you think?

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